Are You A Prince?

He was angry no! REEEEEEAAAAALLLLYYYY ANGRY! He wanted to kill him but could not or else he will lose a super OP system.

"Um...Okay? Well let's go inside." He pretended to be welcoming him. "Wow! So clean!" The fatty didn't think that his room is pretty clean for his parents to be called raising up a pig pen.

"System can I see his stats?" He whispered. He doesn't want this "COUSIN" to know this system of his.

"Well…No you need to buy the Status Chip you need to eat the chip." What! Eat the chip wait is it a chip that is food or not.

"Can I go to the bathroom first?" Cory asked his cousin so that he would not wonder where did he went.

"Oh sure this is your house after all." The fatty agreed. Cory went in the bathroom he opened the [Shop] and searched the Status Chip. When he found the chip he looked at the price it was 500 Shop Points but he has enough money or more than enough so he bought it.

The chip looked like doritos but it was made with like motherboard parts. Cory ate the chip and didn't taste anything.

He went out of the bathroom and opened the status of Jake.

Name: Amy Opals

Gender: Girl

Physical Age: 19 Years Old

Mental Age: 4 Years Old

Strength 9

Vitality 14

Creativity 2

Intelligence 1

Dexterity 7

Luck 1

Charisma 2

His stats sucked and he or should I say she is even a girl, now that's how her stats sucks. She was even brainwashed by her parents or she lied. he needs to buy her the Attribute Fruit so that at least he will have pretty good stats.

"Wait! I need to go back to the bathroom again!" Cory said and ran back to the bathroom. He opened the [Shop] and bought the Attribute Fruit for 100 Shop Points.

He went out the bathroom and acting to get a fruit from the bowl of fruit, he came to the fatty and said "Do you want to eat an apple?"

"Yes!" The fatty smiled and responded. She ate the fruit and power was surging in her body and it made her pretty intelligent her mental age was now 400 years old because of the reason she knew many things about the history of the whole world and she gained knowledge for everything known in the world.

Her appearance changed she turned more beautiful. Her appearance was now more noticeable she had snow white skin her hair was now more blonde she has blue eyes. She was even more beautiful compared to the daughter of the owner.

"Wait! Did my parents brainwashed me!" She was shocked she was brainwashed by her parents.

"I think so?" He was not sure but she only know the truth.

"I know what that fruit that I ate it was the Fruit Of Benefits! How did you get this fruit?" She was curious how did he got the fruit.

"Well it's a secret." He then made a funny face of mockery. She grinned but she was still angry. She made the puppy eyes. But Cory didn't care he shook his head and said "NOOOO!!"

Her face darkened and looked like someone being yandere "Notice me senpai!" She smiled but not that kind of smile the smile that was full of murdurous intent.

Cory had chills on his back. "Ok I will tell you how...It's a secret!" He didn't want to easily tell her how so he messed up with her.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!" She shouted she began to chase Cory. She was pretty fast but Cory was more fast.

Cory intentionally tripped her with his feet. She 'clumsily' fell but she was catched by Cory she only noticed now but Cory looked like a prince to her.

She suddenly asked "Are you a prince?" Cory was dumbfounded "Did she said I am a prince?" He thought.