Your Name Is Peta?

In the bathroom there was this boy who loved the bathroom so much oh well that's what the beautiful girl thought.

Now in the bathroom the most handsome boy in the world named Cory opened his System Lottery Tickets he gained 3x Celestial Pills, 2x Attribute Feast, 3x Attribute Meal, 1x Legendary Pet Roll and 1x Legendary Sword Roll.

He ate one of the Attribute Meals, all of the Attribute Fruits and the 3 Celestial Pills. It made his stats go up by 1,400 and made him enter the Void King Cultivator I which was a custom level for the owner of the Dragon Void Sword. He realized that his system was simply too OP he doesn't wanna lose it.

The stats of his looks like this now.

Name: Cory Nickers

Age: 19 Years Old

System: Cultivator System

Void King Cultivator I Exp (1,000,000/500,000,000)

Benefits: Your Attributes can have 1,500% boost and the skill effects will have a 1,000% boost.

Description: Instead of reaching the limits which is the Celestial Spirit Cultivator the Dragon Void Sword made a custom level of cultivation which can make you mergeable with it.

Strength 2,334 > 35,010 (1,500%)

Remarks: Can obliterate a star that is 100 times more powerful and bigger than the sun with a punch.

Vitality 2,308 > 34,620

Remarks: Immortal and is immune to almost all diseases and poisons.

Creativity 2,318 > 34,770

Remarks: Can imitate any image in a second.

Intelligence 2,255 > 33,825

Remarks: Smarter than God. (There are generations of Gods but who I am referring to is the current one.)

Dexterity 2,309 > 34,635

Remarks: 10,000 times faster than the speed of light.

Luck 2,276 > 34,140

Remarks: Speechless.

Charisma 2,319 > 34,785

Remarks: The most handsome guy in 100,000 realms or known as universe.

The only word that can describe the system is OP! He can be the most powerful guy in the world. He wanted to eat more but he was now pretty full. But the thing he noticed that his routine didn't help him anymore.

"System can the luck attribute affect the System Lottery?" He asked since every time when his stats grow the items grow more useful or rarer too.

"Yes every time your luck attribute grow the items get more better but there is also a down-side every time it grows the chance of not having an item is big." Cory almost shouted like a girl but stopped himself or else Amy will misunderstand.

Cory walked out of the bathroom. Amy felt that the bathroom lover was stronger than ever it felt like he was 1,000 times stronger and 1,000 more handsome too she even thought he was not him.

"Cory is that you?" She asked his appearance had a giant giant leap!

"Yes, my love." He teased Amy to entertain himself.

"Ahhhhh!!" She shouted and charged at Cory that was because she didn't want to be teased.

Cory blocked it with a single finger when the finger of Cory stopped the charge the head of Amy her head painfully hurt.

"Ouch!" She was really dizzy then she fell but did not faint.

"It was only a joke and don't hit me because sometimes you will be hurt." He said he really did not wanna hurt her.

"Uhh…Ok?" She rubbed her head and went to the couch to lie down.

"Just go to my bedroom and sleep it is already 8:30 let's sleep." She went to the bedroom and waited for Cory but didn't came so she went outside and saw him sleeping.

"Cory can you sleep beside so that I will not be scared I think someone will try and kill me again." She was really scared about what happened earlier.

"Okay wait you still wore those clothes I'm gonna get you some clothes to wear." Cory didn't noticed that she still wore those clothes.

He went to his closet to find some clothes to fit on her. "Here are these pajamas that I newly bought." He newly bought those pajamas when he did his workouts.

"Thank you can you go outside first." This really reasonable because she is a girl and Cory is a boy.

"Ok I don't mind your privacy." He went out of the bedroom then waited for her to change. When he heard a knock he went back the bedroom and saw her wearing his own pajamas.

"Shall we go to sleep?" He asked he really wanna go to sleep right now and relax he was really exhausted because of the fights in colosseum.

"Of course." She wanted to sleep too because of the fight earlier with that pervert. They lied down and went to sleep.

Then in bathroom lover's dream was him picking a booger and throwing it then a giant unicorn grew from it and the unicorn said "So you are *cough* bathroom *cough* lover *cough* Cory."

"Yeah what's up?" He replied back to the unicorn.

"My name is Peta I am your spirit guide." Cory laughed loudly.

"What! Hahaha! name is that! Hahahaha!" His name is ridiculous!

"Beware! If you offend me I will let your eggs crush!" He said like an angry god it even made Cory stop laughing and have shivers down his spine.

"Now remember that melting unicorns dream?"

"Yes that dream saved my life are you the one who did that?" It was really not surprising if he did it.

"I am ordered to inform you everytime you will be in danger by making something in your vision popping out a melting unicorn." He informed Cory so that he will be prepared.

"Uh...Okay." He simply replied.

"Ok! Goodbye bathroom lover."

"DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!!" He almost punched Peta but his eggs was crushed.