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Ember Kingdom

Chapter 708: Ember Kingdom

18th August, Year 6418, Second Arcane Era.

City's Outskirts, Royal Hope City, Ember Kingdom

Two figures suddenly appeared more than two kilometers from the gigantic city, surrounded by a tall fort wall.

One was a blue-haired young man, while the other was a brown-haired middle-aged man.

"Hmm, you should refrain from using wisdom power, lad. Unlike other kingdoms, this place holds many legendary powerhouses and even one Demi-God." Runeth spoke as he gazed at the towering city.

Meanwhile, Charles nodded, stepped on the grassy land, and asked while entering the paved road.

"Can you tell me more about the Nightwind Family? How many members are there? Who is my grandfather? Also, who is the Patriarch?"

"I thought you might've already gathered more information about them through the wisdom link." Runeth paused a moment and soon added with a chuckle.