
Hotaka woke up with a cold sweat. He sighed deeply from the nightmare he just had. He had let Estuko get bitten by a Zombie & Chi has witnessed it.

"Fuck..." Hotaka cursed getting it of his sleeping bag. "I won't be able to sleep if I don't see Chi & Etsuko..." He slipped on a tight black shirt & began walking towards the principals office.

Chi was sleeping soundly. A walkie-talkie was right next to her incase anything were to happen. Hotaka sighed in relief.

"Etsuko might be on duty..." He began to walk down the hallway. "She does get bitchy when she's interrupted." He said to himself remembering the last time he had decided to check up on her. She yelled so loud she attracted a Zombie.

Once he reached outside he heard Etsuko's screams that were filled with fear.

"KYAAAAAAAAH!!!! HELP!!! NO! STOP!!" She cried out when she felt a Zombie rub his dick against her ass. Another one grabbed onto her big breast, opening his mouth. "AHH~!!! PLEASE~!!!!! HOTAKAAAAAA!!"

Hotaka saw Etsuko's shovel on the floor & he immediately grabbed it aiming it at the Zombies surrounding her. Within minutes their heads were separated from their bodies.

"Etsuko! Oh my god!!" Hotaka hugged the blonde who was now naked. She had tears streaming down her face. She didn't say a word to Hotaka, she was too traumatized. If he hadn't of come she would've been... "Etsuko! I'm....I'm so sorry! I should've been here with you!!" He leaned towards her soft lips but then stopped. Now wasn't the time to kiss her.

"C-cold...." She managed to choke out. "" She tried to explain. He nodded lifting her naked body up.