Secret Trade

"You're okay now, Etsuko..." Ms. Yuki hugged the frightened girl. "You don't have any bites anywhere. You'll be okay..." She whispered soothingly.

"My- my arm..." Etsuko spoke, her voice was filled with fear. "Why is it wrapped-"

"It's a cut. Not a Zombie bite." Ms. Yuki explained letting go of the girl. "Here let me get you something to eat. You can change out of that nightdress later." She then walked out of the infirmary.

Etsuko got up off the cot she was laying on. She was wearing a long silky white nightgown. Her long blonde hair was out reaching down to her waist. She looked at her bandaged arm. 'Did Hotaka save me?' Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door.

"Eek!" She yelped surprised. "A-ah... who's there?" Etsuko called out a bit afraid to open the door. The blonde was afraid of a Zombie popping out.

"It's Mr. Ida, Etsuko." The man answered causing Etsuko to calm down. She slowly opened the door.

"Mr. Ida about your deal-" The man didn't even let Etsuko finish. He grabbed her & placed a cloth over her mouth so her shouts were muffled.

"MMMH!!! MMMAHHH!!!" Etsuko tried to scream. She kicked everything in her sight trying to escape. Then she fell out of consciousness. "...ho....ta...ka...." She barely called out once the cloth was removed from her mouth.

"You look like a princess my darling Etsuko." Mr. Ida whispered in her ear. "Too bad you won't be my princess..." He sighed as he carried her unconscious body bridal style. "I've had my eyes on you & your body for a long time..."

"Mr. Ida!?" Ms. Yuki yelled dropping the plate of food she had in her hand. "Let go of Estuko!" Mr. Ida then pulled out a gun.

"I wasn't planning on using this but since you're so nosey..."

"AHHHHHH!!!" Ms. Yuki yelled turning around to run away but it was too late. Mr. Ida shot the poor women in the back of her head.