
"Haah~" Etsuko slowly opened her eyes feeling a bit lightheaded. She remembered being in the infirmary but it seemed like she was in a vehicle.

"She's awake Yurabi." A petite girl whispered. Her hair was short & white that curls in near the bottom. Her bangs were bunched together in the middle, & she had icy-blue eyes. She was wearing a navy blue sailor's dress with white accent lines and a white tie. Along with white socks and black shoes.

"I would have never known Saigami." A tall girl responded sarcastically. She had orange, back-length wavy hair and her eyes are dark green. She was wearing a white sweater with a black turtleneck underneath.

Etsuko tried to move her hands & legs but she realized they were chained up. Suddenly the car hit something causing the three girls to hit the front chairs.

"She's Yurabi Uraragi & I'm Saigami Hararobei." Saigami introduced hoping that it would lighten up the mood.

"Etsuko Hinata." The blonde quipped not interested in talking. The car stopped suddenly.

"Shit!" The driver yelled angrily. The girls all became quiet wanting to know who captured them.

"GRAAAAAAAAH!!" A Zombie groaned loudly hitting the back of the car. Etsuko's eyes widened & her heart started racing. She started hitting the car's window.

"Let me out! Let me out! Let me out!!!" She screeched not wanting to get touched by a Zombie.

"Calm down!! Etsuko!!" Yurabi screamed confused on the blonde's behavior. "You're going to attract more of them!"

"GRAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" More Zombie moans erupted. The driver than began screaming & gunshots could be heard.

"Die!! Fucking die!!" He yelled from outside the car.

Saigami noticed multiple keys that were left in the engine of the car. She shoved Yurabi with her shoulder nodding towards them. Yurabi got up & tried to maneuver around the seats.

Etsuko kept freaking out about the Zombies. She began crying not wanting to experience almost getting raped by them.

"Found it!" Yurabi exclaimed unlocking the chains around her hands. She unlocked her feet then Saigami's. "Etsuko-" The y'all girl was interrupted by a crash causing the car to flip sideways.

"KYAAAAAAAAA!!!" The girls screamed as glass broke. Zombies were trying to get into the car.

"AHHHHH!! AAAAAHHH!!!" Etsuko screamed as a Zombie grabbed her shirt. Her hands were tied so she couldn't fight back. "Saigami!! Yurabi!!" The girls were passed out of the passenger seats of the car.

The Zombies grabbed Etsuko & pulled her into the group. They tore off her nightgown. One Zombie bit her neck & the other dug his nail into her ass.

"No.... I-I'm going to...." Etsuko started to slip out of consciousness. "Ah....." A tear dropped down her face to her neck as she felt a Zombie insert itself into her. "Goodbye... Chi....Hotaka...."

"OH MY GOD!!!" Saigami yelled from inside the car "Etsuko-" Yurabi covered the girls mouth knowing it was too late to save the blonde.