Shadows Finale

"How dare you call me a mongrel!" Scathach is enraged by Sang-Je's demeaning words, she knew what 'Zasshu' meant, it brought her flashbacks of a powerful egotistical man who was power-hungry and full of greed, one who wanted to rule over everyone, to rule over the world.

'It is all coming together. He must be the reincarnation of Gilgamesh! I must defeat him now!' Scathach gritted her teeth and slashes and stabs forward her red spear in every skillful lancer attack possible. She knew that she had to defeat Sang-Je at all costs, he was worse than any ravenous beast in the Land of Shadows.

Scathach spun and slashed away at Sang-Je's hunter dagger, they were moving so fast that only after-images of their bodies were seen[They were moving fast enough to teleport!] Scathach and Sang-Je kept on slashing at each other with precise and lethal slashes, both were out for blood. Sang-Je didn't care about the gender of his opponents, the only thing that mattered to him was getting more powerful and leveling up in this world full of powerful hunters, warriors, mages, and legends.

"Look how fast they are fighting! My master is really powerful unlike those weakling masters from before! He is blocking all of the lancer's attacks with just a dagger!" Modred said aloud with a toothy smug smile and a face full of awe. 'Maybe with this master the quest to become a king will be mine! I can finally get the holy grail!' She had an eager look on her young cute face. Mordred wanted to prove her 'father', King Arthur wrong, to show him who is a true king, Mordred would finally get the respect she deserved from her father.

Scathach and Sang-Je kept at slashing each other like a killer lover's quarrel.

'He is too fast! And even faster with that shadow-monster behind him! I can't break through his defenses with that thing behind him!,' Scathach looks over at Ghost, the 50-meter shadow with its bloodlust glowing red eyes, and its wicked smile really was something out of an enteral nightmare. A nightmare from hell.

Every time Scathach slashed and stabbed Sang-Je with Gae Bolg Ghost would easily block all of her attacks with its shadow flames and its giant shadow arms. Even in her Alter form Ghost proved a challenge to get past, Ghost was acting like unbreakable shadow armor for Sang-Je who just stood still with a confident smirk as he twirled his hunter dagger at his fingertip.

'I can easily use my Mystic Eyes of Death Perception and end her life in a snap, but where is the fun in that,' Sang-Je blocks more of Scathach's attacks with his hunter dagger.

'I have to use all of my power to defeat him!!! I will not lose!!!' Scathach angrily thought to herself as she unleashes Gae Bolg in her Alter Form her Noble Phantasm spear turns from a reddish color to a blackish-demonic red, shadows surrounded her entire spear and busty body. She was now acting in rage and hatred for Sang-Je, her reddish eyes now had a demonic glow to it.

"Now it is time to end this. Let's see if you are truly worthy to even be a master!!! Gae Bolg!!!" Scathach unleashes all of the power of her Noble Phantasm against Sang-Je. All of her life was killing and surviving in the Land of Shadows, she had nobody by her side to protect her, she had always fought her self and by herself in an endless abyss of darkness filled with monsters that dwelled in the darkest depths of hell. She only had one thing in her mind right now. Kill.

Her Noble Phantasm Gae Bolg shoots straight towards Sang-Je, He summons the holy sword Excalibur to block her fearsome dark powerful attack. But Alter Scathach was another level of power compared to her original form. Her shadow-crimson spear actually pierces through Excalibur, shattering the holy sword and breaking it! Her dark Noble Phantasm was so powerful that it even pierced through Ghost and straight towards Sang-Je. His golden eyes widened, 'How is this possible? Her Noble Phantasm must be higher than an S-Rank monster?! It went right through Ghost!? Her Noble Phantasm is even higher than an A++ rank Noble Phantasm! Dammit! This is not good!'

Scathach's real mission was to kill Gilgamesh, she had sensed his reincarnation in this realm. But who exactly summoned her? Was it Sang-Je... Or his awakened Fate System? Or was it someone else... Someone who was out to kill him?

Scathach's Noble Phantasm spear is about to impale his chest.

Sang-Je feels like he is about to die, as he sees the spear Noble Phantasm zoom straight towards him like a laser. 'Summoning [GOB] and [UBW] would take too much time. Shit!' Sang-Je had to think quickly. Suddenly his instincts kicked in. A dark power awakened from within him, it was like this power knew that he was about to die, was it his Fate System? Or something else? Like his true bloodline? Which was unknown.

"Tch! Your power is nothing to me! I will show you true power!!! You mongrel!" Sang-Je in a flash he unleashes a new form... One that was beyond devoid of being human or even a demi-god. So dark and menacing that his own shadow[Ghost] disappeared and the shadows itself around him started to surge into his entire godly body, shadows covered Sang-Je's entire body and his veins around his neck and arms started to glow a reddish demonic color, even his golden blonde hair transformed into white-platinum hair. In his past life as a pro gamer, he hated losing, as a player he always wanted to win. The same for his demi-god side, a king shall never lose any battle. Winning was all in Sang-Je's mind.

'T-this power! It is more powerful than the 'Monarchs'!!! More powerful than anything in the land of shadows' Scathach crimson eyes widened in shock.

In mere seconds Scathachs own Noble Phantasm spear hits her in the chest! but it wasn't just one spear it was about ten Gae Bolg-spears! Sang-Je had copied Scathachs Noble Phantasm! And shot it back at her!

"GAAAAAH! WHAT IS THIS INSANE POWER!!!" Scathach screams out as she coughs out blood and her leather body-suit is torn to pieces, the sides of her buxom breasts[Side boobs] was exposed as she fell on her knees on the rocky floor of the dungeon.

Behind Sange-Je hundreds of portals that were a blackish shadow color instead of a heroic gold like his Gates of Babylon! In his new form, he was fast enough to summon 10 swords that were exact replicas of Scathach's Alter Noble Phantasm! In short, his new Dark Form was broken and overpowered as fuck.

Sang-Je puts one hand out and regenerates Excalibur with his new shadow powers. He slowly walks over to Scathach dragging the tip of his shadow-knight sword against the rocky ground. It looked like a sword a Death Knight would have.

Sang-Je looks down at Scathach's injured busty body,"Now I will take what is rightfully mine," Sang-Je said a dark demonic grin. He had won the brutal battle.

"Time to take my treasure,"