Command Seals-Mass Release

"You thought you could really take down a king. One that will soon rule everything," Sang-Je slowly walks over to the defeated in tattered Alter Scathach and points his Dark Excalibur at her neck. Shadows were seen emitting throughout the once holy blade, now it was a chaotic and corrupted blade, a chaotic sword. Suddenly his shadow powers and new form disappear and his hair turns back into a golden blonde color.

"Wait, Master, you don't have to kill her! Even though I don't like her," Mordred looks over at Scathach who was coughing out blood.

Sang-Je almost went to cut off Scathach's head but stopped himself.

Before when he attacked Scathach with his new form it was like he was a completety different person. 'What the fuck just happned?' Sang-Je looks at his hands, and sees that his viens weren't glowing anymore and that his shadows wasn't seen anymore. 'What did I just transform into? Was that my Alter Form?' It's like my mind and body acted on complete rage and killer instinct, like I went in a bereserker mode,' Sang-Je clenched his fist, 'I have to control my powers. I can't let my system control me like those weak-minded Jap and Chinese protags,' He looks over at Scathach.

Scathach slams down her spear on the ground in a noble way and kneels down to Sang-Je "You are truly worthy to be my master. But I will not stop challenging. I will dfeat you one day," Scathah bows down and admits her defeat for now, no matter how much it pained her. She respected Sang-Je's power and his skills as a Saber/Archer.

Sang-Je walks over to Scathach and reaches over to her halfed-naked body, her latex black combat outfit was torn to pieces by Sang-Je's powerful dark counter, as he was able to copy her Noble Phantasm in mere seconds.

'What is he going to do to me!? Is he going to use my body!?Grrrrrh! I won't let him!' Scathach bites her lips and gritted her teeth, she didn't want to admit defeated, epscially to a man.

"I will be taking this," Sang-Je takes Gae Bolg [Scathach's Noble Phantasm] and now fully replicates it with his Knight of the Owner power. Scathach thought that Sang-Je was going to 'something't her body, instead, he just wanted to create an exact replica of her Noble Phantasm spear. Sang-Je knew in order to %100 copy a fate servant Noble Phantasm he must touch the actual weapon and use[Knight of Owner] power and he also used advanced [Magecraft] to copy all of her Phantasm. Slowly mana particles and magic-circuits spun around his palms slowly forming a crimson Spear, he had now %100 replicated Scathach's Noble Phantasm. Sang-Je could have used [Gate of Babylon] to just steal Scathach's weapon, but he actually wanted Scathach to join his side and keep her weapon. He wasn't just a murder who wanted to kill everyone, he viewed everyone's lives the same not as objects, if he sees someone worthy to join him then he wouldn't kill them. Sang-Je kind of thought of everyone as chess pieces, every being can be of worth to him.

"I swear on my life I will defeat you! I will train every day to end you!" Scathach growls as she sees her Noble Phantasm being copied right before her very eyes. She had never seen such a powerful young man in her all of her immortal life, all the other men she met barely had powered compared to Sang-Je. If only she knew that Sang-Je was getting stronger by the second as he just leveled up after fighting her! Every single second he was leveling up!

"You can try. Scathach I want you by my side, join me Scathach, together we can form a powerful legion," Sang-Je extends out his hand, his plan was simple in this world, become the most powerful hunter. He looks at his new stats that he gained.

[You have defeated Scathach- God Slayer- You have a new title now! [Supreme Slayer]

+ 3 levels! [You are now Level: 9]

+ 10 Strength

+ 10 Agility

+15 Mana

+ 8 Defense

+ 10 Stamina


'So it is true. I gain levels when battling Fate Servants, does that mean there is more Fate Servants scattered across the solo leveling world? Will there be... Another Holy Grail War?' Sang-Je looks down at Scathach, he couldn't help but be entranced by her other-wordly beauty, she looked like a purple-haired goddess. Her alluring fierce crimson eyes were shaking after she heard Sang-Je's request. 'She really looks gorgeous up close,' Sang-Je thought to himself.

Suddenly the unexpected happens, Scathach blushes as she slowly grabs Sang-Je's hand. It was the first time anyone had shown her compassion and 'worth' in her endless life of darkness and loneliness. Staying endless years in the Land of Shadows made her go 'mad' she didn't even know how old she was now, it was a very sad life, but now seeing Sang-Je in front of her was like seeing a ray of light.

"I-I will like to join, but I will journey time from time alone. I don't want to be bond by anyone yet," For the first time in her life she had blushed as she held Sang-Je's powerful warm hand. There is a first time for anything.


[Your Command Seal has evolved!] [Select which Seal you want!]

[Master Seal]: A higher level seal that will grant control over a higher Ranked- Servants, however, it will not give you complete control over your Servant[%80] control. This command seal is a more advanced seal then the common command seals seen in the fate series and requires you to be a mage class of high rank. This seal will gather knowledge and lore of your Servant faster, thus revealing their past memories and heroic/sinful acts.

[Shadow Seal]: Complete dominance over a higher-rank servant in short a time[%100 control], they will follow any and all orders. [WARNING]: Using this seal will have a higher chance of making your servant going berserk, by selecting this seal you must have a powerful bond with your servant[This seal will mostly will work on corrupt servants].

Sang-Je looks over at Scathach and Mordred, he had a tough choice right now. Does he become a ruthless cruel Master[Shadow Seal] with complete control who desired power faster or a Master with honor and pride[Master Seal].

Sang-Je walks over to Mordred, "Let's get the fuck out of this dungeon. Scathach comes with me, we have many important things to do," He takes knocked out Jin-Woo from Mordred.

"But first I have to take him to a hospital. I hope you are alright brother," He holds him up on his shoulder.

Sang-Je looked at Mordred, she looked kind of pissed off, "What? Do you want to fight me as well?"

"No! Not right now that is," Mordred gulped after seeing his dark power. She had feared no one in her life, but right now Sang-Je's dark aura kind of made her sweat.

A portal gate opens behind Sang-Je after defeating the statue of god he had cleared the dungeon by killing the dungeon boss.

"Good now follow me, " Sang-Je finally walks out of the double dungeon. His journey to become the most powerful hunter starts. He wondered if he should choose [Master Seal] or [Shadow Seal].

'Before I go, Gate of Babylon' Sang-Je takes all of the treasure, weapons, and magical cores[From the dead monster statues] in the double dungeon. Every single thing in the dungeon was absorbed inside the golden glyph portals of his [GOB].


In the distance some sneezes loudly in her apartment, 'What in the world is this powerful scent?...' This world was about to feel the reckoning and awakening of a God King.