The Journey Begins Pt.3

"More girls? Really oppa? How popular are you?" Jin-Ah asked with crossed arms and a sisterly face as she huffed. She didn't know that Sang-Je was so popular with the girls, she always viewed Sang-Je as someone who fought for only himself.

"Who cares about that. Right now let's just wait for the doctor," Sang-Je lays back and checks his Fate System stats.



Sang-Je looks over Jin-Ah, Scathach, Mordred, Rias, and Rin as well as the new girl with black hair and violet eyes.

'So it looks they can't see my Fate System, only I can see it, interesting, so does that mean I am the only system user or 'player' in this world?' Sang-Je clicks on the new quest with his index finger.

[QUEST- Workout of the Gods]

[1 Million push ups]

[500,000 One-hand push ups]

[5 Million ab crunches of all different types]

[1 Million sqauts]

[1 Million reps of shoulder press]

[1 Million reps of deadlift]

[Run 100 Miles]

[Time Frame- One day[24 hours]

[Rewards]: Stat boost, Apex Body Form, level up, highly increase stamina, a rare item is gained,

[FAILURE TO DO QUEST]: Punishment will be given!

'Holy shit that is one huge workout. But I can do it. I can do anything with this new body,' Sang-Je looks at his muscles and well-toned body, he really was in shape, the perfect athlete form, he could easily join the NBA, NFL, MLB, Olympics, and any other high training sport event and come out 1st place. But Sang-Je did want to have the body of a god, if he already didn't plus he gained many stats with the new quest]

'Tch my system trying to boss me around, fuck that, I won't let my System control me. I control my System,' Sang-Je scrolls down and sees another quest.


[Obtain a Boosted Gear. Kill the owner of Boosted Gear]

Target resides in Kuoh Academy.

This heavily piqued his interest.

"Hey so what's your name? The Class Pres was talking about how you saved her life like she was a dismal in distress. Fufufu. Or should I say a princess in distress," The raven-haired and violet haired girl slyly said as she placed one hand over her mouth and giggled at such a thought. This raven-hair busty beauty was wearing the same Japanese schoolgirl uniform as Rias.

"Hey! That is not true!" Rias blushed and angrily stomped her feet. She was slightly embarrassed that her friend Akeno.

"Ara Ara look how flustered you are getting! It is quite cute!" Akeno teases Rias.

"S-shut up," Rias cutely mumbles as she gives Aneko a deadly glare with her alluring aqua eyes.

"The name is Sang-Je. What is your name?" He looks over at Akeno and her 'features'.

She looked like an extremely beautiful young woman with a voluptuous figure, very long black hair and seductive violet eyes, she looked like a maiden. Her hair is tied in a long ponytail, reaching all the way down to her thick milky legs with two strands sticking out from the top and sloping backward, with an orange ribbon keeping it in place, she was wearing long black schoolgirl socks and brown shoes just like Rias.

"So why did you all come here?" Sang-Je stands up and looks at Rias, Rin, and Akeno, he was thinking of which quest to select.

The [daily quest] or the [rare quest].

He also wanted to check up on his brother so he walked towards Jin-Woo's hospital room.

"I came here to say thank you for saving my life back in that dangerous dungeon! And to see if you were alright! I thought I wasn't ever going to see you again!" Rias shouts with a worried face, she really did care for Sang-Je, after all, he did put his life at risk for her and of the squad members. Sang-Je was looking around for Ju-He the healer but he couldn't find her, 'She must be sacred from what happened at the double dungeon.

"I wanted to say T-thank you as well! You really put your life at risk! Baka! How you think that makes me feel! You could have at least asked for help! Hmph! You think I am that weak!" Rin pokes Sang-Je in the chest.

"Yes, you are weak and annoying as hell," Sang-Je said with an unfazed face.

"WHY YOU!" Rin snapped and went to smack Sang-Je.

"Hey! Hands off my master!" Scathach went right in Rin's face, she stares her down with her fierce crimson eyes.

"Master?" Rin's stunning light blue eyes furrowed in confusion, 'Did she just say Master...? Is Sang-Je really a master!? Don't tell me the next Holy Grail War has begun already!?'

Sang-Je quickly covered Scathach's mouth to stop her from saying more about being his Servant.

"Yeah, don't touch him or you will lose your finger," Modred snarled at Rin. She respected Sang-Je after seeing him in combat, but she didn't fully trust him yet, she just wanted to see how far this partnership would go, she actually wanted to know more about Sang_je.

"Can I talk you alone in private?" Rin and Rias both secretively whispered into Sang-Je's ear.

Suddenly the doctor opens the door of Jin-Woo's room, "Sang-Je, Um, ah" It was hard for the doctor to speak. His face was full of sorrow and remorse.

"You ready to break the news huh. Is it good or bad?" Sang-Je went straight to the point with a glare of his fierce golden eyes that stared him down like a wild lion.

The doctor gulped, "Its..."