The Journey Begins Pt.4

"Its both good and bad news... Come in and I will discuss the matter, are they all with you?" The doctor points over at Scathach, Mordred, Rias, Rin, Akeno, and Jin-Ah who were all wearing modern clothes. 'How many girlfriends does this guy have? What a lucky guy,' The doctor thought to himself as he rubs his chin and ponders.

Sang-Je had a feeling he knew what he was thinking, "They are not my girlfriends and that one over there is my sister. Let us in already and stop asking questions," Sang-Je walked in the room and saw Jin-Woo sleeping in his a medical bed. There were bandages all around him and stitches, somehow his leg was ripped apart but not torn off completely, it was like he healed himself... Or something else...

"He seems to be in stable condition but he hasn't woken up yet. He is unconscious beyond repair and the thing is we don't know for how long.

Sang-Je sense that Jin-Woo's mana was all gone. 'Can it mean that Jin-Woo is in Eternal Sleep? That means he is just like his mother right now, he is bedridden... Dammit!' Sang-Je gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, it was certain now... Jin-Woo awakened with no System, he was just still an E-Rank Hunter meaning the injuries all around were life-threatening. 'But how did Jin-Woo heal his leg?' He rubs his chin in deep thought.

'Why do I care about Jin-Woo? He is not even my real brother... But I can't lose another friend...' Sang-Je could just end Jin-Woo's suffering right now and kill him in seconds, but he refused to kill him, there was so many questions he wanted to ask Jin-Woo.

"Jin-Woo!" Jin-Ah starts crying and hugs his body, "Please wake up!" She pleaded and cries more. Her sisterly instincts were kicking in. Scathach and Mordred watched Jin-Ah remorse over her brother's condition, they were silent, they knew this was a sorrowful moment for Sang-Je.

"That is enough Jin-Ah, let him rest," Sang-Je walks over to Jin-Woo and places his hands on his shoulder and wishes him the best of luck.

"All we can do for now is wait and see if he wakes up," Sang-Je said as he turns over the doctor. "Call me when he wakes up," Sang-Je gives the doctor his cellphone number. However this wasn't his main cellphone, he was smart enough to have two phones, one for private and public use.

"Alright, Sang-Je I will keep you updated every day on Jin-Woo's condition, I will let you know if he wakes up. For now, all of you should get some rest it really is late," The doctor said as he types down Sang-Je's cellphone number on his cellphone.

"I am not going anywhere!" Jin-Ah shouted as she hugs Jin-Woo's bloody body.

"I will stay as well for the night," Sang-Je said to comfort his little sister, "My 'bodyguards' will also stay here as well," He looks over at Scathach and Mordred he wanted to keep both of his servants hidden, but there was no point, Sang-Je knew there was no point in hiding his power, however, he did want to keep a low profile from the Hunter Association for now. If they found out he was S-Rank hunter or even higher(He didn't know his current Hunter Rank) that surely make everyone Korea keep eyes on him and give him frame and popularity. All eyes would be on him. He knew every Hunter Agent was after to recruit a double awakening hunter.

" I am sorry for what happened. If only we could have done more, but I know of a way to help him," Rias tenderly places her hand on Sang-Je's shoulder.

Rin looks over at Sang-Je with a face full of suspicion she taps one finger on her glossy pink lips, 'Can Sang-Je be who I really think he is... There is no way he is the one...' She angrily gritted her teeth.

"So what do you girls want to talk about? Make it quick," Sang-Je looks over at Rias and Rin as he starts to think which quest he should take next. 'Should I take the daily quest or the rare quest?' He weighs his options.

Rias and Rin both nodded their heads. "We will do rock, paper, scissor, shoes to see who you get to talk to first!" Rin challenges Rias.

"Very well, prepare to lose," Rias devilishly smirked. '

Sang-Je looks over Jin-Woo, "I wonder when he will wake up? What if he never wakes up...?'


Vote: Kill Jin-Woo or No? I just want to see what people say.