The Journey Begins Pt.5

Rias and Rin do a quick game of rock, paper, scissor, shoes.

"rock, paper, scissor, shoes!" They both scream out looking at each other directly in the eye as they hand signs quickly like they were doing Jutsu in Naruto.

Both of them tie.

They do it again. The same result. Tie. It had seemed that both of them were outsmarting and fighting each other. Their rivalry was slowly blooming as they both wanted to have the attention of Sang-Je, it was the first time they had seen anyone as powerful as Sang-Je in this world and they both wanted to ask him so many questions and also wanted they both wanted to know more about Sang-Je. It was a woman instinct, one can say they both were attracted to Sang-Je after he had saved them and show-offed his insanely powerful powers. Yet Rias and Rin still didn't fully trust him just yet. But he did save their lives, they figured they would repay him so how.

Rias and Rin continued on battling each other in such a simple game as this. They really wanted to beat each other up in this game.

"This is taking too long here, hurry up and versus me, Sang-Je quickly beats them both in rock,paper,scissor, shoes. He had picked all the best options with his pro gamer mind and crushed both girls in this simple game.

"What!? How is that possible!?" They both shout with shocked faces. They looked cute when angry after they lost.

"I guess I am good at games. Now no more wasting time," Sang-Je said with a shrug, the game was too easy for him. He always wanted to win not matter what. Right now he was thinking about which quest to take, both seemed hard to do, the quest to acquire a God Form would take a whole day complete, just to run 100 miles takes 12 hours even for the most experienced runners, and doing 1 million reps of ab crunches, bicep curls, squats, and deadlifts would really take another 12 hours. 'This work out is like some One Punch man shit,' He scratches the back of his head, 'Though it is an epic workout I do need to reach my apex body form, by cultivating my body I am also cultivating my System,' He looks at his muscles.

As for the rare quest, it was to obtain a sacred gear[Boosted Gear] by killing a certain someone, Sang-Je would kill anyone for power, it was that simple, he knew this new world was one where the strong survive and the weak die. Sang-Je knew slightly about the Highschool DxD world, he had seen the anime before when he was bored. 'It is a world full of mythos, gods, devils, and mythical creatures and mythical beings like Youkai,[Kistune]. The world also has a dumbass retarded protag, I forgot his name, he is so beneath me I don't even care about that loser, I think it starts with I,both quests give a lot of rewards, the rare quest, however, gives me more perks, I wonder who I have to kill to get the boosted gear?' He thinks about the power scale in this world and the boosted gear.It did say the boosted gear user is at Kouh Academy, I will talk with Rias about it,', He looks at his Fate System, he could sense that Rias wasn't human that she was a different race with her dark vexing red aura floating around her busty body. Sang-Je could tell it was a demonic aura.

"Alright ill go talk with you first Rias," Sang-Je said as he waves her over, he had no preference he just thought Rias was less of a Tsun tsun compared to Rin who was overboard tsundere and he thought Rias was easier to talk to. Rin would just try to scold him and be annoying as fuck, but he wouldn't let anyone talk down to him, especially Rin, he was a King after all and he did let any low ranks talk down to him. He would have to soon put Rin in her place next time he talks to her alone. add more nice Rin was bossier and Rias was just more self-aware and acted like a princess. They were both independent beauties.

"Hmph! Whatever is it not like I care!I will wait outside! And talk to you later Sang-Je!" Rin stomps away and huffs as she points at Sang-Je and goes to walk away. She really was pissed off that Rias had won for now and was first up to talk to Sang-Je. It seemed like she had some important questions to ask Sang-Je.

Scathach looks over to Rin, she didn't trust Rin or Rias talking to Sang-Je. She could sense that they were both plotting something.

"I will talk with you later Rin, just wait like a good girl," Sang-Je teased Rin with a sly smirk.

"WHY YOU BAKA! FOOL! I DON'T EVEN WANT TO TALK TO YOU! HMPH!" Rin screams at Sang-Je and gritted her teeth with a cute blushed and pissed off face as goes to slap Sang-Je.

"Remember what I said! Don't you dare touch him!"Scathach quickly grabs Rin's arm, she really wanted to kill Rin right now, she didn't want any other girl to touch or talk down to her new powerful master.

"You are the only one looking like an idiot right now, begone, I have someone to talk to, gorilla," Sang-Je said with a serious face, he didn't want to deal with Rin's bullshit, his Gilgamesh side was on full-force now, that or his Archer side.

"HMMMPH! I will remember this!," Rin growled, they were fighting like a married couple already.

"Now run along already spoil girl, I get to talk to him first," Rias sticks out her tongue and holds Sang-Je's buff arms and brings his body close to her massive soft breasts. They were around F-cups!

Sang-Je looks at Rias, "Where do you want to talk?" He asked her as his arm is being smooshed by Rias's perfect boobs.

"Let's talk alone in the cafeteria area. I am feeling hungry," Rias said as licks her plump pink lips and cutely smiles.

"Is she coming with you?" Sang-Je said as he looks at Akeno who was typing to someone on her cellphone.

"Will I am her vice president after all, of course, I will be eavesdropping fufu," Akeno says with a bright warming smile as she does a courtesy. Elegant and gorgeous she was. A raven-haired beauty.

Sang-Je looks at Mordred and Scathach, "You two guard my brother,"

"But I won't leave you with these two! You don't even know they are!?I don't trust her! Her aura is vexing!" Scathach says with a growl as she points at Rias and stares her down, she was being defensive of Sang-Je, she could sense Rias's demonic aura, she looked like a seductress not to trust. Scathach was now Sang-Je's servant, well not fully yet, but she wanted to do her best job to protect Sang-Je since he spared her life, he could have killed her anytime but didn't. Plus she still wanted to battle him again after losing to him she wanted to redeem herself as a lancer, she wanted nothing to happen to Sang-Je, she wanted to battle Sang-Je all for herself. Also, she didn't want any other woman with Sang-Je, she did everything she could to not kill Rias, she was holding back, but if Rias did anything to betray her master she would kill her. Scathach diffidently was acting like a yandere right now.

"Fine Scathach come with me, Mordred protect my brother, I also have someone else protecting him right now," Sang-Je looks over to Jin-Woo under his bed was his shadow soldier [Ghost] it's blood-red demonic eyes glowed from underneath Jin-Woo's bed and it just smiled like a bloodthirsty shadow demon, 'If anyone comes close to attacking Jin-Woo Ghost will slaughter them, just an extra meal for him,' Sang-Je smirked, he himself was powerful enough to slay a god and devil, but Ghost alone could slaughter their whole race if it wanted too. He wondered if Ghost can speak, in some cases shadows can speak, he will test that out one day, he check his system again. Ghost was indeed a shadow soldier that feed on human souls. Sang-Je goes to check Ghost Rank on his Fate System. [Unknown] 'I wonder what Shadow Rank is Ghost, if he was an S-Rank monster before what rank does that make it now?'

"What!? You don't trust me yet!? I am a better fighter than her!" Mordred points over at Scathach and growls showing her fangs, she looked really pissed off and cute at the same time, like a tiger cub.

"Tch! Your skills are nothing compared to mine! You brash brainless brute! You can't even properly wield a sword! You swing around wildly! You gorilla! You are not fit to be a king!" Scathach snarls as stares down Mordred.

They stare both down each other, they wanted Sang-Je to pay more attention to them as they respected his power as a master, however, neither truly trusted him just yet. Sang-Je had to gain their trust. The most important attribute to becoming a master is to gain the trust of your servant. Trust forms stronger bonds to your servant, without trust then they won't follow your commands. Sang-Je knew to be a powerful master he must earn the trust of his servants and to know more about their mythos and past. Also, a master must not be weak, Sang-Je knew had to become more powerful and cultivate if he was going to survive in this world that was fused with god, demons, powerful hunters, and overpowered mythos.

"I guess the rivalry already is beginning." Sang-Je thought to himself. He was thinking which servant he preferred more, so far Scathach was a very valuable asset to him, Mordred, on the other hand, was brash and uncontrollable. He has yet to see who was more powerful, Scathach or Mordred.

He thinks about summoning another servant tomorrow since he had another summoning slot, he wondered which servant he will get. 'Well these two are already chaotic as it', He thinks so far he has a saber and lancer/berserker servants, he is thinking which next type he will get maybe an assasin or archer.

Rias and Sang-Je sit down in the steel chairs of the cafeteria, Sang-Je gets a cup of strong coffee. He planned to stay awake all night. It was 10:30 PM right now.

Rias starts eating Mandu(Korean Dumplings) she politely uses chopsticks and eats, she cleans mouth with a napkin, " Mhmm! These are so good!" She was so well-mannered and so classy and elegant as she smiles and talks to Sang-Je about herself, her age, her life in Kouh Academy, and being Class President. Rias was a gorgeous independent woman and very smart with high outstanding grades. "Here try some!" Rias tries to feeds Sang-Je in the mouth.

"Stop. I am not hungry," Sang-Je said as he pushes away the dumpling. 'I am only hungry for power,' He thought with a pissed off face.

"Please try it," Rias shows him her cute blue puppy eyes.

"Fine," Sang-Je sighs.

Rias happily feeds him, "Open wide!"

Sang-Je quickly takes a bite.


"Ara! Ara! How adorable! You guys are like a couple!" Akeno snaps a photo of Rias feeding Sang-Je.

"Here you go master! Try some of this!" Scathach gets jealous and feeds Sang-Je as well by giving him sweet and sour chicken.

"Alright enough of this! So what do you want to talk about?" Sang-Je went straight to point, he didn't fully trust Rias he knew there was a motive behind all this.

"I want to ask if you want to join my peerage, we need a powerful hunter like you " Rias licks her plump pink glossy lips and crosses her thick milky thighs with a tight-lipped smile, she looks extremely gorgeous right now.

'Tch. A woman's greatest weapon is her beauty," Sang-Je knew she was up to something. He didn't think with his dick like most retarded harem protags. 'Your beauty won't work on me treacherous maiden,' He drinks more coffee and cooly leans back on his chair.

Joining Kouh Academy would get him closer to the boosted gear, but he wondered who had to kill exactly. This was the perfect time to get some answers from Rias and to see if he would join her peerage to get closer to the boosted gear user and kill them, but he was Gilgamesh, and he joins no one*, especially weaklings. He makes his own rules.

"I will think about it, but what is it in for me," Sang-Je asked as he leans closer to the busty redhaired bombshell.

"I am glad you asked," Rias smirked and tilts her head with a warming grin and she takes out a chessboard from her purse.

Scathach didn't trust her and gritted her teeth and clenched her fist. She was about to kill Rias.

"Hurry up and spit out, I don't want to waste any more time," Sang-Je thinks which quest to take and listened what Rias had to say, but only for now, he didn't want to waste time, he looks at the chessboard Rias carefully pulled out from her purse, he had a feeling where this was going.