The Journey Begins Pt.6[Mass Release]

"I am sure you already know what this is," Rias shows him a king piece and holds it up with her delicate fingers close to Sang-Je.

"No shit. That is a chesspiece what about it," Sang-Je said a with pissed off face, his golden eyes flashed, "I knew this was a waste of time," He then thinks again, 'Wait isn't that an evil piece?" he thought to himself, he knew what it meant. A quick way to being Rias's slave, 'Fuck that shit. I won't be a slave like that dumbass protagonist in DxD. Devils think they can rule over me, tch, I will slaughter their whole race before that ever happens,' He clenched his fist. The King of Heroes follows no one but himself, a Solo King.

"Hear me out, I can save your brother, but there has to be a sacrifice," Rias said with a serious face. She really wanted to help out Sang-Je in return for saving her life, however, to save Jin-Woo there must be a way to reborn him as of course... A devil. It wasn't hard for Sang-Je to figure out that Rias was a devil with his powerful demi-god sense.

Sang-Je's eyes furrowed in anger, "Don't fucking mess with me," Any chance of his saving Jin-Woo was needed as he was his brother after all. However, with Jin-Woo dead he would be the one with all the power to himself, he could feel the demonic dark power of the Monarch surging throughout his entire body. It was a tempting idea, but a fucked up one. To kill Jin-Woo would end the Solo Leveling World.

"I can tell you are lying, you don't want to help, you just want more pawns to use," Scathach looks over Rias, " You vexing demoness," She was about to summon her Noble Phantasm Gae Bolg and threaten Rias with a spear to the throat.

"Wait , let me hear out what she has to say," Sang-Je kicks up his legs on top of the table and stares down Rias with his fearsome golden eyes full of killer intent.

Rias jade skin glistened with the moonlight behind her shoulders. She really looked like a gorgeous scarlet-haired goddess, she was perfect in every way possible both her body and personality were so captivating. But Sang-Je wasn't falling for any of her temptations, even though Scathach was more of his type, he liked girls who could fight.

Sang-Je waits for what Rias has to say.

"I need someone who can my best pawn, a need the most powerful person to represent my peerage, even though I do have a new pawn coming soon, but he is weaker, if you visit my dorm-house know as the occult research club tomorrow I will tell you all about me and the truth and I wlill be able to help your brother recover faster. I saw your power as a hunter and I was impressed, I would like for you to join me, we can make the most powerful Hunter Guild together," Rias devilishly smirk as she crosses her slender legs.

"We can pay heavily if that is what you are looking for, or we can pay with something else," Akeno giggles and licks her lips as she gives a teasing glare to Sang-Je with her violet eyes. She really was the playful and teasing type.

"First off. I am a king, no damn pawn, " Sang-Je said as looks at Rias as he snatches the king piece and spins it around his fingertips. "Plus I won't follow you. I will make my own Hunter Guild," He slams down the king piece and crushes it on his palm.

Rias's gulps, she is afraid of Sang-Je's dark aura, 'His is aura is more powerful than most high ranked devils!? How truly powerful is Sang-Je?'

*Ring! Ring!*

Rias's cellphone rings, "Hmm who is this? I am talking to someone important" Rias says angrily, she didn't want anyone to interrupt her recruitment of Sang-Je.

"Who the hell is on the phone?" Sang-Je asked as he cooly sips coffee.

"Hey! Pres! Who are you talking to Pres!? Who is that guy!?" Issei angrily and jealousy shouts, he was pissed that some other guy was alone with Rias.

"Ara Ara someone is getting jealous, our new pawn is getting all fumed-up," Aneko devilishly giggles and leans closer to Sang-Je, "Besides we already have our new king right here," Her massive plump boobs jiggle as she hugs Sang-Je and her boobs smoosh up against his buff arms.

Rias angrily replies to Issei, "None of your business. I will talk to you later,"

"BUT BUCHOU!!!" Issei cries out.

"Bye," Rias hangs up on Issei, 'He is so annoying, foolish human.'

"Where were we? Oh yeah. Fine then, I need a powerful king like you to join me, if you do I will anything you ask of, money, pleasures, power, and of course saving your brother," Rias cutely smiles and holds out her hand for Sang-Je to shake.

Sang-Je had to make a decision now. If he joined Rias's peerage that would bring him closer to the human who had a boosted gear.

"Who was on the phone?" Sang-Je sharply asked.

"Oh that was just one of my new members his name is Issei," Rias quickly replied, she wanted to be on Sang-Je's 'good side'.

'So that is who I have to hunt,' Sang-Je darkly smirked as he thinks if he should join Rias's peerage.

Suddenly someone opens the door, "Oh honey I have been looking for you all day!" Rias's mother barges in.

In the distance in the underworld...

'So that is the one my sister interested in. Tch, a mere human will never be with my sister,' A handsome man with long scarlet-hair and green-bluish eyes looks down at Rias and Sang-Je, his eyes had fierce demonic-silver glare to it. If only this devil knew who Sang-Je really was...

Things just got more interesting.