Segment 2: Plan

"There is no reason to complete it, go back to training hall and continue to hold your shield up, I shall be there soon. I just need to clean out some trash first." Replied Judith's father.

Judith fled to return to the training hall to continue his shield training. Lord Ruby-fiend turned and looked at the three mages "Now that my son has left, I can be rude."

Fire energy began to radiate out from lord Ruby-fiend, filling the whole parlor with an extreme heat. "You children need to leave now, our family is not interested in becoming mages, thanks for your offers but we are not interested."

"Thank you for your time Lord Ruby-fiend but mind you I have to report this testing to my supervisor." Said Randell as he fled out the door not turning around.

"Crafty old bastard" Looking at Randell fleeing. "Lord Ruby-fiend, Good day, I too have to report this to my supervisor, so long." Said Lamat he too fled from the parlor room, leaving behind Slashing Wind to defend for himself.

"Looks like I am left alone, are you sure Lord Ruby-fiend you do not wish for your son to become a mage, the power they wield can rule over countries with ease. I hope you realize with the potential your son has shown is going to cause trouble for your family if you choose not to allow him to become a mage. I will walk myself out your lordship, and remember everything that happened here is going to be found out, good luck. " said Slashing Wind as he walked out of the parlor and fled to the outside world.

"Damn those conceited mages thinking they are unstoppable, although that Slashing Wind wasn't so bad, but to threaten me to make my son join their ranks. Ha-ha don't they know the history of my family, we refuse mages and become the strongest defenders." After having witness all three mages leave his property, Lord Ruby-fiend thought to himself that he should prepare in the event of what Slashing Wind said is true. "Nolan, ring the family bell, we need to have a family meeting, I shall head to my office."

"Yes master." A shadow flew to the tower on the family grounds to strike the bell.

Dong…Dong…. Dong… Dong…

"The family bell? Is father setting up a meeting about my results from the mages? I wonder what father will tell them and what is going to be there course of action; father didn't seem so happy with those mages. Here I am, still having to continue my shield reps." Thought Judith.

The young Judith continued to lift up his oversized shield counting…15…45…100 "Finally, I have completed my reps, it only took two hours to finish, I think I am improving." Thought Judith.

Judith was beaming with excitement due to finishing his reps with his shield, he then placed all his gear back in place and cleaned up "I wonder what father decided on in that meeting, they should be close to being done by now." Thought Judith.

Judith went to find his father in his office to figure out what the family has chosen to do after having his results found out. Judith has now appeared in front of a regal door of red, sweat began to pour down his face, he knocked.

"Who is it, bug off I am in a family meeting." Roared from inside.

"Father it's me Judith." Said Judith towards the door.

"Oh, well since you're here come on in then." Replied from inside the room.

Judith pushed open the regal door to enter his father's office. When he first looked inside he saw all the elder generations were beside his father who was currently sitting down at his desk. "Father, I have completed my shield reps." Said Judith.

"Good, good, go do another 200 of them by then I should have completed business here and I will speak with you then." Said Lord Ruby-fiend.

"Brother, must he really have to go do more reps, although I agree he needs to build up his strength, it just that this whole matter is tied to your son Judith." Said A man in ruby armor.

"Ravi, I understand, maybe Judith is old enough to hear what we are about to decide for his future. " Said Lord Ruby-fiend.

"Good good, Judith come sit by your uncle Ravi and listen to what we are going to tell you." Said Ravi.

"Coming Uncle, hello everyone sorry for disturbing the meeting and for maybe causing a calamity for our family." Said Judith.

"Who said you were a calamity Judith?"

"No one aunt Salvia, I just thought because how father reacted to those mages and how they wanted to snatch me up like I was some kind of prize. Can you guys tell me what's going on, do I have to become a mage and leave the family, or are they going to attack us and steal me away?" Asked Judith.

"Oh Weldon, were you rude to the mage testers, are they going to tell their upper management about Judith's talent. You know what that means right, those three mage tester schools will want to send the head master out here for him. I am sure the larger towers will hear about how powerful Judith can become. At which point, the large towers with start making power plays to move in on Judith. We cannot afford to fight against all the larger tower powers, fighting off those three small towers is fine but the larger powers we cannot. Maybe could result in a standstill with one tower, but what if they join hands, you know Judith is powerful, if no one takes him they will kill him." Said aunt Salvia.

"Aunt Salvia is this true, I have to go to one of the mage towers and train or otherwise we will have to fight them, and they would kill me because I wasn't a part of their powers and they are afraid what I would become in the future. Then would that mean if I am able to avoid being killed and our family withstand the attacks of the mages, I can then grow powerful enough to get revenge." Said Judith.

"Looks like the young lord understands the plan we want to set in place for him."

"Uncle Noorn, plan what plans do you have set for me?" Asked Judith.

"Here Judith let your father explain it you okay, we will refuse the mages, for we are a family of knights just like our ancestor who was also wanted by a high-level mage to become his disciple he refused the mage. Instead the mage feeling grateful for his life being saved helped create the family's sacred knight art of the Flaming Empresses Imperial Will, which allows us to fight off those pesky mages and other warriors for granting us such extreme defenses to the point of allowing great grand-father the ability to block all attacks. I will admit we are weaker since his passing away but from your mage test results mean that Judith you will be the most supreme defensive knight this world has ever seen, and once you reach such high defenses. At least if you have such defenses you will be able to defend yourself and not die like those weak mages. If you want to learn magic and stuff I suppose you could, once you have mastered our families Art. Mages can do powerful attacks but if those attacks are null and void we can drain them of their magic and then crush them with our strength. I can understand how you feel you're a calamity son. Yet in reality, we are all old here, you have the most potential out of everyone who has been born into this family. We are going to send you away to the family's lodge in the Flame Pepper Marshes to hide away. Nolan will leave with you and assist with your training. Hopefully we will be able to withstand the barrage of the mage towers. Maybe they will let it slide but I doubt it they already feel threaten from us low potentials for we can fight them to a standstill without magic. Now with such a genius in our family, you can bring us to even greater heights than our ancestor who was only at the purple-pink level of talent. Son you must survive, Nolan will be there for you, but don't always count on him always being there. You must train in the family art diligently, and your life depends on it. I won't say what will happen to us, if we don't live, you must train and get revenge and bring our family further than anyone before. I don't care if you're interested in magic if you are, I understand it's powerful, but it takes time, while you are young you need to forge your body with our family art to survive. Once you can defend yourself go head and learn magic if you want and then burn your enemies. Nolan should have already been getting some supplies ready for your trip to the family lodge. Come here Judith" said Weldon, he then grabbed his son and held him in arms tightly holding him "I love you son, it will be okay, train hard and make your mother and I proud, no make every one of the Ruby-fiend family proud of what you will become."

"Thank you, father, I love you also, I will make everyone proud." Judith then turned to leave the office and seek out Nolan to see the status of gathering their gear to be preparing to leave.

"Don't forget to see off your mother boy!" Judith heard his father and nearly fainted from surprise "yes I should go see mother, Nolan can wait." Thought Judith.