Segment 3: Mother’s Love

Judith then turned from the direction that he was traveling and started to head to the family's indoor garden. Panting Judith finally arrived at the family's garden, there before him stood a colossal structure reaching beyond 1500ft from west to east and above the structure was a glass dome encased in fire elements creating a utopia. "Mother are you here, mother, where are you?" Yelled Judith.

"Judith I am near the Iron Violet Oak."

Judith heard his mother and ran to the center of their garden to find the Iron Violet Oak, the tallest tree in the whole garden, his mother's' favorite tree. "Mother I have found you." Said Judith.

"Yes, dear you have come hug your mother and let me hold you my child." Said his mother.

"What are doing out here mother?" Asked Judith.

"I am gathering all the leaves from this Iron Violet Oak to make you a set of armor my son, I cannot send you away without some kind of protection." Replied Judith's Mother.

"Mother you are going to create an armor from the leaves of the Iron Violet Oak?" Asked Judith.

"Yes, this tree has been here for at least 500 years; the leaves of the oak are a form of flexible iron plating which can add layers and layers upon and can create any shaped armor, it is also light as well. The whole reason this garden building was created was to hide this tree for our families use to create light, flexible and strong armor which your ancestor used to build the foundations of this family, all the base armor made in this family were made from this trees leaves, we just hide that fact with other armor types, which could be pulled off the base armor allowing full use of the armor, or you can view it as us removing our training weights. Think how much more powerful our family members are when they remove the extra heavy weight, their speed, reaction strength all increases and their energy consumption lowers. It is just that your ancestor also never wanted to reveal the fact, we had such strong light armor. I am not sure if our family will survive, but you must live no matter what. I should be done soon with gathering all the leaves and then I will form the armor, you cannot leave until it is completed. Sadly, if our family gets over ran we will have to destroy this tree, we can't have our enemies have this powerful source of materials. Judith there are a couple of sapling surrounding the oak, gather them around and get some pots and let's transplant them somewhere safe. I don't think the lodge is doing well over the last couple hundred years we have let it decline. Your ancestor wanted us to let the world forget about this supposed location tied to our family to keep it as a hidden base. His wife kept paintings from when she lived there, it was so beautiful, I regret I cannot come with you son. I love you, and I shall never stop thinking about you, now live and train well so if anything happens to your father and me you can and will avenge us." Said Judith's mother.

"Mother do not speak like that, of course you are going to live and see me, I will set up the lodge with Nolan and I will get everything ready for when you all come to the lodge and we all reunite." Said Judith.

Judith's mother looked at her son with joy and sadness and smiled at him as he began to dig up the saplings of the Violet Iron Oak to transplant them to the lodge's home. After spending few peaceful hours with his mother transplanting the saplings "Judith, okay I think this is all the saplings from the Violent Iron Oak, how many do we have altogether?" Asked Judith's mother.

"Looks like we were able to transplant a total of seven Violet Iron Oaks, with this many tree's being planted at the lodge we will be able to recover and become ever stronger in the future. If we do get over ran here, we may pull the Heart of the Oak out and transport it to you to feed to the young saplings for you to accelerate their growth. Go on now I am sure I have kept you away from Nolan for long enough. I am sure he is completed with gathering all the required gear you may need. Don't forget I will be making your new armor all-night so do not leave without me seeing you off do you understand." Said Judith's mother.

"Yes mother, I love you and I cannot wait to see my new armor I am sure it is going to be amazing." Said Judith. Judith then proceeded to gather all the young Violet Iron Oaks to bring them to Nolan with all their additional gear for their trip to the family lodge. Judith scurried along the garden until he finally exited out of the garden and headed to the family stables. "Nolan, N…oO…Laann… where are you Nolan, I received some trees from mother in the garden." Yelled Judith.

"Judith, I am over here near the carriage, loading up some of our gear." Replied Nolan.

Judith heard Nolan and went around the stable and saw before him one of the families Silver Fishes. The Silver Fish were a unique carriage which the Ruby-fiend family owned, mostly due the fact of the special beast that they reared. The Woltter is a water-land predator about the size of a horse, but the mix of a wolf and otter. The skin of the wolttler is jet black with streaks of white creating a natural camouflage for both land and water. Also, the fur is waterproof and their feet are two feet long with five retractable sharp claws. Their eyes are black, with a heightened sense of sight, smell and hearing they are the perfect tracking, hunting and attack beasts which the Ruby-fiend family has employed. With the Wolttler's pulling the Silver Fishes they can travel on both land and water. The Silver Fishes were sleek boats with wheels made from the branches of the Violet Iron Oak and covered with the scales of the Silver Arrow fish.

The Ruby-fiend families choose the Silver Arrow fish for one they are massive fish with a weight of 1 ton along with a lot of surface area to keep the skin and scales of the fish to add to the Silver Fishes creating a camouflage hiding the family as they travel. "Nolan, are we taking the Silver Fishes, will we be taking the river out of here?" Asked Judith.

"Judith, you're a smart kid, yes once we load this Silver Fish we can take a rest say our goodbyes and then head out on the river." Said Nolan, the two of them proceed to gather all of their gear and load it up on the transportation "Judith, go gather some food and feed the wolttlers, we want to make sure they are well feed before we start out journey, we are leaving the country and entering into the Wildlands to gain access to the Flaming Peppers Marshes where we shall track across there until we reach your families hunting lodge. As long as we do not have any hiccups within our trip we should arrive at the family lodge with the next three months." Said Nolan.

"Wow three months of travel just to get to the family lodge?" Said Judith.

"Yes, if not within 3 months of travel imagine being hunted down by those mages because you don't join their circle. They own pretty much everything in this country, now the Wildlands is a different story. Most of that whole territory is uninhabited and the level of monsters in that location are high along with their population being very high. Honestly, I am not too sure if we will even make it alive to the lodge. Plus, the family hasn't been there for at least a hundred years or longer, so who knows what is there. This trip is no easy journey and our lives are just as much at risk as your families. There is no guarantee on who is going to live or not." Said Nolan. The weight of the burden to bring the young master to the family lodge can be seen on Nolan's face as if trying to reassure his own safety before this seemly impossible task begins. "Judith go grab something to eat and go to bed, we are almost done loading all the gear, I can finish the last couple of items, why not go to your room and pack anything you may want from there okay for we are not coming back for a long while." Said Nolan.