Segment 4: Father’s Love

Judith nodded and left to head to his room and see if there was anything in which he could pack and bring to the family's lodge. Upon reaching his room Judith entered his reasonable size room filled with only his bed and desk. "What should I bring, what would be of use out at the lodge, hmm I should grab a few outfits, mother said she was making me a new armor, so I can leave my old one. Where is my sword…" Looking around the room? "Oh, there it is… grab this stupid shield I know father will tell me to do my shield reps… almost seems that is all he says." Thought Judith. Imitating his father "Judith you need to keep the shield level... Judith keep holding it up, if your shield isn't up you are not doing it right… again, if your arms are not falling off you are not putting in any effort. I don't know why they call it a shield it is more like a giant metal block of weight, although the spell that is attached allows it to increase the weight which is great for training." Thought Judith.

Judith continued to mock his father and trainers, while reminiscing old memories from his different training sessions over the years. "Judith… what are you doing." Came a voice outside the room.

"Nothing… just holding my shield up… do you not see me holding it up." Quickly replied Judith.

"Judith… Please you can stop trying to fool me, I have been here since you start to mock me about holding your shield up, so boy you can drop the act." Said Weldon. Judith's face turned red from embarrassment

"Yes father." Replied Judith.

"I came up here to talk to you about some private matters which only you can hear about. First your mother is making you a new armor from the leaves of the Violet Iron Oak. I have come up here to give you a couple of other items first is a map to the family's lodge and the surrounding area and points of interest are marked on the map as well, mind you this map is over 200 hundred years old, things change keep that in mind just use this as a reference so get a new updated map or create one. Next is the passphrase to enter the family's lodge's grounds which can only be activated by one of the direct blood lines, which is you. So, Nolan won't be able to initially deactivate the security measures that are emplace on the family grounds. Although there is a security barrier emplaced that doesn't mean someone or something hasn't breached our security no one has visited in over a hundred years. We used to go more often to gather the Pepper Elephant Spirits for our family's art, but our more recent ancestors gathered herds of them and transported them nearby. So we don't have to travel long distances and to hide our family lodge for emergency use. Also, I have a ring to pass on to you which will grant access to our ancestor's true inheritance which you have to use blood and then find the altar where he has stored in the family's lodge. No one has been able to accept the legacy because no one has had the potential to become a high-level fire mage. Our family's ancestor said only one who has potential of at least purple or higher can accept his true legacy, therefore we will sacrifice our lives for you to live to ensure you receive the family's legacy. You must not tell anyone about this, I trust Nolan no matter what just some of our other members not so much when truly faced with death they may choose to hand you over. Other than the map and the ring to the family's legacy I also want to gift you two other items which I hope you can make great use of. First let me gift you this shield, as you know our family practices flame type skills, this shield was created from the knot of two 100-year Violet Iron Oaks interlocking and growing around and then was cut. The two trees are tied going in an outward way to easier deflect attacks, being made from the oak allows for quite flexibility and absorption of impacts as it is very light, compared to your training shield. This shield also has a high resistance towards fire, as well it has been refined with both white and black slime from both the angel slug and terror slugs respectively to help block magic attacks. It will only lower their damage maybe by 10 percent which is more than a life saver, plus it grants immunity to fear and charm. This was your grandfather's shield; since I have my own I thought it best if we gift this to you. I also know from the angel slug being refined into the shield grandfather felt he was able to activate a special ability to give a small continuous healing, but he wasn't sure if that it depletes the slime from the angel slug, so it may only have a limited amount of heals, maybe 3 left and needs to be recoated again but as you know angel slugs are hard to find. So only use in it in a life or death situation where you know you can't escape. Now for the final item I am sure you can guess what it is…." Said Weldon.

"A new sword father, do you have a new sword for me?" Asked Judith

"Yes, you are correct, look here" Lord Ruby-fiend pulled out a 3-foot white sword with purple hue interlaced throughout the sword. "This sword was recently forged for your upcoming birthday, we took three branches from the top of the 500-year-old Violet Iron Oak and heated and twisted the three branches together to create the core of the sword blade and then emplaced the twisted branches between two halves of another branch, then dipped it into iron to hide what it was made from and finally hammered down the blade size to one-inch thickness and sharpened it. As you notice above the handle is a small fire stone, to assist with your fire arts, there is no guard handle or cross guard either, that is why we carry shields. Now I am sure you are trying to figure out why it is so white huh."

"Yes, father why is the blade white, is it to hide the Violet Iron Oak?" Said Judith.

"Yes, that is one reason, as you should know; Violent Iron Oak is close to a grade 5 material so the equipment we make from it is far superior to anyone near us, of course those pesky mages have large amounts of wealth and access to rare materials. They can have stronger items, but I doubt the vast majority of them do not have equipment past grade 2 which is already pretty high. I will admit I used my own flame to help forge this blade to compress it to strengthen it, we also added the dying soul of a harpy into the blade, we had to get the assistance of a close family mage to help with this step, it cost a lot but with it we were able to dye the blade white, and the mage said it should have the ability to create a sonic fear attack, he used a banshee wail from the soul of the harpy which already have a sonic scream attack. Nothing better for a warrior to be able to lower your enemies moral or use a sonic attack which they cannot defend against, but I think it has a high manna consumption. We haven't given a name to this sword, my hopes and will are within this blade and I hope with it you will be able to dominate and revive our family to an even higher than our ancestor. I want to know what you will name this blade." Asked Weldon.

"Father this gift is too much for me surely you should use this amazing blade, not me I am not qualified for this item." Said Judith.

"I hope you can grow into this blade, hence why it is my future hopes, so please give it a good name and remember what this blade means to our family." Replied Judith's father while overlooking his son with eyes of love.

"Yes father, I shall grant this blade the name of… White Howler." Judith held White Howler in his hands for the first time "father it is so cold when I hold this blade."

"Yes, part of incorporating the harpy's soul chilled the blade, so when you channel your fire arts it will add a hint of cold spiritual damage to your targets and not heat up your hands to cause damage to yourself. I shall leave for a while and see you in the morning, practice with your new shield and sword and get used to them, hopefully you will not need to use them anytime soon, and here is also the spell activation for the banshee wail attack for White Howler. I love you son, I shall see you in the morning with your mother and say good bye to you okay." Weldon left his son alone to engross himself with his new shield and sword along with the ring tied to the families' legacy.