Segment 6: Crazy Antics part 2

Judith kept calm and listened to the world to see if he could feel the manna of the world, as he patiently waited time kept flowing, just like water. Judith's soul broke through the barrier and embraced manna. He could feel the large sources of different manna surrounding the whole area within three feet of himself. This was unheard of for first timers, they usually had to hold a magic stone and try to feel the pure concentrated source of manna before they could feel it in the outside world, much less feel it within 3 feet of themselves. Judith felt like he had created a domain in which everything within three feet of himself he could feel or even influence including both above and below him. With the image of the White Howler created vortexes of suction drawing his own manna from him, he would emulate the same vortexes but do it to the outside manna flow. "Where does manna store?" thought Judith. He recalled feeling manna being drawn from all over his body. Should he draw the outside manna to everywhere in his body or just store it for now. Judith tried his best to remember any information he had heard about mages and how they train from all his family and staff around the house. He remembered that mages store their manna in their souls, reinforcing them and making them stronger and then they can draw and cast more powerful spells. "Where are our souls located, I know I heard them talk about either the mind or heart, most mages choose the mind so as to keep their wits about and I think the heart was dangerous." Judith tried to recall.

Being young and ignorant Judith thought "why can't I do both, I will focus on my soul for both mind and heart and then transfer all that manna throughout all my bones to reinforce my body; ha that is the difference between a mage and a warrior like myself." Judith was exhilarated as he formed his plan quite pleased with himself. Now having a wild plan that he came up with, Judith tempted to see if he could draw manna into both his heart and mind. To better assist the young dying flame from becoming extinct. Judith thought to separate the flame in two giving one half to his heart and the other to his mind. Judith's idea was wild, if other advance mages were to learn what Judith was about to attempt they would stop him to prevent anything going wrong and either destroying his heart becoming a living dead or frying his mind become brain dead. Due to youth and ignorance Judith was excited he came up with the idea to nurture two souls and then reinforce his bones to strengthen himself.

With two small souls of himself in both heart and mind each tiny self, held a small flickering flame striving to live. Judith made his two tiny selves become small vortexes sucking up the outside manna; "the best element to feed this flame should be wind and fire elements". Judith thought. Judith calmed himself down and tried to focus his attention on both the playful wind and warm fire elements to bring both energies into his two souls. The two tiny souls and flames once tasted the elements began to rapidly engorge on the wind and fire elements as if they hadn't eaten forever, the outside manna flows were starting to show signs on the outside world of moving towards Judith as he slept. Unknown to Judith about the outside world, he kept focusing on gathering as much manna as his two souls could absorb. Over the course of time, the tiny figures not only merged with the flames, but they have already grown more than three times the size they were. Judith thought if he doesn't use this opportunity to absorb as much manna as possible he may not get the chance to do so in the future. He always heard that when given a golden opportunity use it as long as possible without hesitation. Without even realizing it the morning light from the sunrise was shining on the young Judith as he slept, feeling the warmth of the sun he opened his eyes, feeling a sense of power filling him.

With this new profound power, Judith wanted to know how much power he had gained after splitting his soul into his heart and mind and merging with the flames and letting them grow. To his estimates he thinks "my souls have grown at least five times stronger than what it was and if he were to count the fact I have two souls then wouldn't it be times ten?" Judith concluded. Judith couldn't help keeping himself from laughing, "I know father and family wish for me to become a powerful knight, but shouldn't I become the most powerful that I can?" Judith surmised. Judith couldn't just wipe away the experience he had just undergone throughout the night. He didn't know what he should believe or maybe he should follow his own path. Judith was grabbing for White Howler when his father barged in right through the door "Judith you're awake…. Wait… why is it that I sense you're a level one mage…. That energy no doubt about it, after using White Howler you drained all of your manna, who would have thought from that massive manna drain would result in you figuring out how to control manna and make a breakthrough to the 1st level of a mage, no wonder the mages fought for you. You are a genius which they could use to gather more resources for themselves." Said Weldon.

"Yes, father I had a strange dream only to realize that it wasn't a dream, but I was controlling the outside manna and placed it into my soul areas." Replied Judith.

"Wait soul areas? What do you mean; you should only have one, right?" Questioned Weldon.

"Yes, I remember hearing about mages either have their souls in their mind or heart but mostly focus on the mind, so I did both heart and mind." Said Judith. Smiling at his father he felt proud with what he had accomplished. Judith's father's eyes were filled with surprise.

"You... you… created two soul areas, you mean you succeed in reinforcing both your heart and mind and placed separate soul section in both areas, amazing you truly are going to become a legend bringing our family the greatest achievements to ever be recorded, this I am sure. I can die without regrets, as long as you live and grow stronger no one will be able to stop you, maybe you could join the other countries and battle at a higher world stage." Said Weldon. Judith's father was excited he couldn't stop grinning; he was proud and was at peace as if all the stress that was being pressed down upon him for refusing those mages disappeared. "Judith you need to listen to me, you need to keep practicing hard, even if you choose to become a mage later in life it is okay. If I recall correctly there are battle mages, you could investigate doing that after you have trained in our family art that is all I ask. Also, be careful how to speak to people, you never know what powers they could be storing within themselves, and mages are on a whole a prideful bunch, so be wary and humble." Weldon told Judith seriously.

"Yes, father I understand, I will work hard and keep a low profile." Said Judith.

"Now go see your mother, she worked all-night to finish up that armor for you. She had to accelerate the timeline to ensure you had it completed before you leave instead as for your birthday." Weldon told Judith.

Judith understood his father's words and got dress and went to look for his mother to see the new armor she had completed for him. After getting dressed and running down the stairs Judith went to the parlor to find his mother. There sitting in the parlor was Judith's mother, she could be seen just making the finishing touches to the new armor. "Good morning mother." Said Judith.