Segment 7: Goodbyes part 1

"Judith, good morning, come here and let mother hug and kiss you. I hope you slept well, you seem different, as if a strong aura is coming out of you…." Judith's mother overlooked Judith from top to bottom expanding her soul over Judith. "Wait you became a level one mage?" Surprise could be found on Judith's mothers face. "It should take at least six months or a year or longer of meditate to draw in manna to break through though the first level. It is one of the hardest steps for mortals to overcome. How were you able to break though so easily?" Eagerly asked Judith's mother. Judith's mother's face was full of curiosity and desire to wanting to know how her son was able to break though so fast.

"Mother after father gave me White Howler and left the room. I thought to try out the ability of my sword to gain a basic understanding of what it was and what it does. I didn't realize how much manna it sucked out of me to just get the ability to start. In the end it sucked up every section of manna throughout my entire body and since my body was bone dry, I entered a deep sleep and had a dream. " Said Judith.

Judith begins to retell his dream and experiences with his mother about the tiny flame, the splitting of his soul and how the flame soul ate until it exploded into a new level of power. Judith's father told him that was the first sign of breaking through a barrier. "Amazing." Said Judith mother. She punches her son in the arm. "Mom, what was that for?" Asked Judith.

"Are you really asking that, do you not realize how dangerous it is to try to create two soul areas where you gather manna? I mean this is a blessing; you will be able to practice the family's Flaming Empresses Imperial Will along with a mage art. Although your father says he doesn't want you to study magic that's not entirely true now with you having two soul areas. Do not forget your mother is also a level 4 wind mage, and from your dream it looks like you are going to be a flame mage. Once you learn the family knight art and strengthen yourself, you should look into a small mage school and further enhance your strength. I would have never suggested this but because you have two soul areas now you can fulfill mother's selfish dream of you becoming a powerful mage, but don't tell your father." Said Judith's mother.

"What your dream of becoming a powerful mage… ha ha ha you think I don't know about that dream of yours my love. Of course, I know of it and I am sad you were unable to reach a higher level and you bore our son and now we are surely going to face a calamity for denying our son to those mages groups. I know I am selfish. I am sorry I hold a prejudice against mages for killing my great grandfather and I wished to forbid you from practicing but honestly use whatever power you can to kill all your foes. Whether it is sword or magic or both, you should excel in all those areas. But to do so you need to live and that is why we are sending to away." Said Weldon.

"Your son understands father and mom." Judith looking at his mother and father's eyes. "I shall make both of your dreams come true I shall work hard and become more powerful than anyone else." Said Judith. Determination could be seen and heard from Judith as he made his vow to both father and mother.

"Here son, look at the armor that I made for you primary out of the leaves of the 500-year-old Violet Iron Oak." From besides Judith's mother she pulled up a set of white armor. This white armor looked like Judith's White Howler, before him was pale white leather for chest, pants and boots; a complete armor set for Judith. "We made the armor like the sword; here take this chest piece, under this reinforced plain looking leather is the five layers of interlocking leaves which are sewn with thread of gold infused dark metal which acts as a conduit of electricity which is controlled by this violet gem in the center of the armor. This is a family technique that they came up with the use of the leaves because they are flexible and to keep strong defensive capabilities. We send electricity throughout the whole armor which reinforces the armor and still allows the wearer to have flexibility and full range of movement of all joints. In the center of the chest piece is a grade one lightning gem which controls the electricity flowing throughout the entire armor keeping it together, if ever in a deadly situation we infused the armor with the soul of a level one lightning lizard. You can overload the lightning gem with the attack from the lightning lizard using their lightning blast attack which will be close to a level two lightning attack, but the gem will be used, and the armor will fall apart because of no gem. Only use this attack in an emergency and as a surprise attack and only if you know you will live and no more enemies are coming, otherwise you will be without armor. Next up is the pants, again if you notice the pants are like the chest piece, again there are 5 layers of leaves interlocked, and here we made a belt to hold the lightning gem, now the pants have a different ability we used a soul of the level two Iron Flame Bull, it should grant you double strength and a 20 percent increase of fire damage." Said Judith's mother.

"This was my idea son" Interjected Weldon. "You will need to learn how to use this ability at the most opportune time. Think about it, you are fighting with someone and you are toe to toe, neither party can gain nor lose your evenly matched as you fight. They realize your even with them and then as you strike you explode with this ability and then boom double strength which equals massive damage when caught off guard, this also works to help defend also. Now that you're a level one mage you should be able to use this move a couple of times, learn it like the back of your hand so you can use it without thought, timing will be the best thing to learn how to use it." Said Weldon.

Looking at the armor Judith was amazed, thinking about what his father had just said "What a great ability I will for sure practice as you said father. I will be able to erupt with extra strength that my opponents will not know I will have, but I should be mindful others may have the same hidden survival means." Said Judith. Then turning his attention from the pants and chest armor, Judith looked at the boots with anticipation wanting to learn what special abilities these seemly white boots have to offer.

"Oh, you want to know what these boots can do don't you Judith. Well as you may realize we used same process to make these boots like the pants, chest and sword; the soul we emplaced into the boots were from a Lingering Panther who your father recently killed when it was attacking our lands. From the mage who infused this soul said you should be able to have the ability to grant extra speed and lower the sound you make something like a silence spell on yourself, so you can do a charge attack or even be able to perform a sneak attack." Said Judith's mother.

"Yeah, I guess that panther I killed had the ability to silence its whole self, so it never makes a sound when it stalked its prey or when it moved, but that's how I found it. I mean come on, a moving soundless bubble, it's super strange; once you get stronger you will be able to sense things like that also. I mean wherever that six-foot panther moved would be deathly quiet. Then when it would move, because I am a much higher level than the panther I found I quickly. It was easier for me to find it compared to my men I sent out to stop it. For only being a level two monster, it was able to evade my level four guards. So, I am thinking you may be able to hide yourself from up to level four personal also, but I don't know, you need to test the equipment out. As you grow stronger and gather more manna, you will be able to fully use all your equipment, so keep testing and know your limits." Weldon said. Weldon looked over his son, with worry and pride; he didn't know if he was going to see him again but wanted to give him the best that he could.

"Father Mother, thank you so much for this equipment it must have cost so much to our family. I am grateful for the equipment and I won't disappoint either of yours nor my own dreams. I will make both of your dreams come true." Said Judith.

Judith had a vision of him standing above everything in his homeland being able to dominate anyone and anything that would stand against him. As if his dream was being conveyed to his parents for they too were able to sense and envision the same vision of their son dominating the world.

"Milord" Disrupting the families personal moment.

The sudden word awoke the family from their day dream of ruling the world. "Nolan, what is it?" Said Weldon.

"The gear is loaded on the Silver Fishes and the decoy carriages are also set, all we are awaiting is yours and young lords command to leave." Replied Nolan.

Being brought back to reality sadden the lord for he wished he would be able to stand next to his son and see his dominance of the world, or he hopes he just survives and lives a peaceful life. "Okay Judith, should we get you ready and let you head out on your journey." Said Weldon.

Judith striped down to only his undergarments and pulled up the white leathered pants then the boots. Throwing on a black undershirt Judith then was assisted by his parents to put on his armor, there standing before his parents was a young boy with brown hair wearing a full leather outfit in white with purple lightning gems in the center of the chest armor and one in the belt buckle. "Here take White Howler and your shield; here is your bag with the items you wanted to bring with you also." Said Judith's mother.