Segment 8: Goodbyes part 2

"We also threw in the technique on how we make and use your armor so as you grow bigger and stronger you can make adjustments to your armor. So, it can grow along with you, so you may use it for years to come, or even upgrade it." Said Judith's mother.

Both parents followed Judith outside the parlor to go near the stable and meet up with Nolan. Once arriving near the stables Judith was surprised to find there were multiple carriages set up and ready to go and he only thought they were taking one Silver Fish. "Nolan, I thought we were only taking the one Silver Fish why is there more carriages?" Asked Judith.

"Really son you couldn't figure that out, your mother and I will also be boarding a carriage of our own going in different directions. We don't know if those mages have told their bosses yet you should know our laws if an able mage is found they have to go to a school or they are killed. That is why we must move with haste, we love you and hope to see you in the future, remember to be smart and don't act foolishly, one wrong mistake you could be found out and killed. The Wildlands don't require mages to register or at least I don't recall they have to, so you need to make haste to reach those lands and hide out from these mages. Don't forget what I told you in your room last night and what I gave you. You must receive our families legacy you are at an acceptable level to be able to receive our ancestors legacy; you will become a new legend." Said Weldon.

"Your father is correct; we will all be going in separate ways you will take the river out of our lands that will be the fastest method and most likely the path that they would not look for. Meanwhile your father and I and two other groups will head on land in different directions to cover up your tracks. Do not think that will fool all those mages they have an amazing tracker who specializes in finding people be warned. The Wildlands are as they say they are wild and savage at times the laws of the jungle apply there. The strongest has the final say and right now you are weak. Get strong and then you can leave out into the world. Nolan is a great trainer he has been a part of the family for a long time he will assist you in living at the family lodge." Said Judith's mother.

Judith nodded in agreement and understood their meaning and sentiment. With not wanting to separate from his parents the family said their goodbyes and loaded themselves in their respected transportation's. As Judith loaded himself onto the Silver Fish he looked at the fleeting carriages of both his parents going in different directions, wondering when he is going to see them next. "Young master, it is going to be okay, we should be able to see them once again, don't forget your father is almost a level six warrior who can stand toe to toe with some level seven mages beating them and your mother is level four wind mage who excels in escaping. Of course, as long as there are not multiple high-level mages our family should be able to withstand this little calamity." Said Nolan.

Judith nodded in understanding what Nolan had said. "Here get in the Silver Fish, we are going to be traveling inside down river for a few days so get comfortable. I loaded your gear into the room on the left side, set yourself up and take a nap. I also heard you broke through to a first level mage, so congrats take this time to understand your body I am sure there are changes made." Said Nolan.

After listening to Nolan, Judith took his bag, sword and shield and walked into the room prepared for him on the left.

Upon entering the well-lit cabin, Judith looked around and found out that his family had prepared a medium sized Silver Fish. This Silver Fish had two cabins on the main floor with the common area, and then down stairs was the mess hall, latrine and the storage. Above the main floor was access to the deck where an outpost and the harness were attached for the Woltters which pulled the Silver Fish. The Silver Fish also had the ability to go underwater for periods of time to keep stealth water movements. Over all the Silver Fish was a combination of a medium luxury boat sub which could be drawn over land. Judith could hear Nolan in the background telling the Woltters to head to the river and begin traveling. Judith looked around and found out he had a desk, a bed, a walk-in closet, an armor mannequin and a small port window to see the lands as he traveled. Judith undid his chest armor and took off his boots and stretched out while walking to the window to say his final good bye to his homeland.

While thinking "Goodbye mom dad and everyone, I will come back stronger and if those mages do anything to you all I will make them pay this I swear." Vowed Judith. Having said his vow Judith took one last look at his childhood home and said goodbye without turning back and laid down on his bed. While falling asleep Judith thought he could make out Nolan saying the word "sorry" as he walked near his room, with no strength Judith fell into a deep sleep. Nolan standing near Judith's room thought "Sorry buddy, we have a long haul we need to move, and I can't have you acting any way until we get close to the Wildlands, sleep well my young lord."

Time moved forward, young Judith was unaware he was put under sleep for a long period of time; within his dream state he saw his two flame souls. Considering what his father told him Judith thought to get know his two flame souls. Judith regretted not having read the Flaming Empresses Imperial Will so he could start training one of his soul areas. After pondering it Judith thought it would be best to train in his family's art in his heart flame soul, and he would leave the mind soul flame for when he learned a mage art then he would practice both. Judith just spoke and played with his two young flame souls and got to know them better and started to build a bond with both. Judith was able to tell he had power now, but he had no method to gather and store more energy yet, he needed to wake up and learn Flaming Empresses Imperial Will so he could begin his training. After what seemed to be playing with his two flame souls a very long time, Judith slowly opened his eyes and woke, and wanted to learn his family's art but thought it best if he checks on the current status with Nolan and figure out how far they have traveled.

Grarh..garr..rrrr.uuuaya… Rumbling could be heard from Judith's stomach. "Ah I should also hurry up and find Nolan for I am hungry." Judith put on his boots and left his room "Nolan… Nolan where are you?" Yelled Judith. Judith could hear a reply from down below.

"I am down here making food come get some." Repiled Nolan.