feeling tooooo embarrassed

after going to doms it was my as usual day and I slept.

Next day I woke up late and rushed towards my classroom and the classes were already started as I entered in classroom the homeroom teacher was taking attendance of the class everyone was there except me and when the teacher saw me he and said " are you making an world record of coming late to school I think you have made it starting from the first day you joined this school you haven't been on time " I said " teacher it was lots of homework to do 😫😫 so I got late " he said " stop fooling me I know you haven't done your homework ever so calculating your punishment points you got 20 points the highest in this classroom " I said " teacher it's highest in this classroom only not in school " he🤐🤐 said " shut up and sit on your bench " when I went towards my bench and my bench was a mess means my bench was all dirty someone don't scratches on it there were something written on that and there were so many letter stick on it and some was on my chair also i was like woooww let me take a picture of it I took my phone out and clicked a picture and I said " who had done this kind drawing on my bench " he said " you punk just find a place to sit and let me teach " he started writting something on the board and I looked all around and there was no place except one I went towards the front and keep the books aside which is on that table and sat on that and everyone started laughing on me hearing that sound teacher turned backwards and said " you how dare you to sit on the teachers table don't you have manners " I said " but there is no other place left " and everyone started laughing like anything 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂😂 teacher said In anger " get down now get down go and stand out side the class go now and yes you will get punishment points for this go now " I got down from the table and went out side of the classroom and stand in the corridor and I realized I forget my bag on the teachers table only I opened the door and teacher looked at me and said " what now I told you go out of the class then why are you here " I pointed over my bag he said " what " I said " teacher I forget to take my bag " he said " are you irritating me huh ever time any teacher comes to me and just give a complain of your what should I do huh tell me you know what Kim Yoel also have less complaints than yours I will make sure that I'll tell it to your parents and yes you all students we are conducting a discipline seminar for your parents we will tell them and we are showing your discipline chart to them so please be attentive on 7 July Okh " I said " teacher what if they can't be able to come " he replied " I'm desperately want to meet your parents and want to tell them about your behavior and yes from the day you joint this school I haven't ever meet to your parents you came with who was he " I said " my dad's assistant " he continued " ohh correct correct and you had done the online admission correct " I said " teacher can I get my bag now " he said " yah take it and go out " I took my bag and went out and I heard the bell sound and the teacher went out of the class and I went in and went towards my bench and took out all the letters which were sticked on the table and I changed my chair and sat on it I started reading the letters I opened one and boo hi , hi an , min Suk , min hyuk they all gathered around me and I start reading it " hey you bitch mind your language and stop being around our oppa ( Kim Yoel ) we all looked towards Kim Yoel and he said " what just read it " I continued " or it will be dangerous for you" the second one " hello Jessica I just love personality and your sense of humor salanghae " after reading this I laughed very hard because it was very fun to read it 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 and kim Yoel took that letter and said " who had written this kind of cheap letter " I said " does it concerned you " he said " what " I replied " ntg " and the letters are like this only some were scary some were funny and it was a very much fun to read all of them I clicked the photos of that letters and the PE teacher enter in the class and said " today we are to out for the practicals and yes don't forget to wear your sports dress we all went and got changed in tracksuit and t-shirt we went out and he took us to the badminton court and started saying about badminton it was bla bla bla bla and then he asked " who wants to play it " I rased my hand 🙋🙋and said " I want to " he said " Okh come and who wants to go against her " and Im Seo Yoen rised her hand and said " I m willing to " and she came and I have to say this she is a mind blowing player 👏👏 then after that class we have our self study time and we went to classroom and I saw that there was a chocolate box on my table I was like " who is this much kind that he/she will send a chocolate box " when I took that box under the box there was a letter from anonymous person Kim yoel, min hyuk, boo hi saw that and came to me and said " who is it" I said " someone anonymous person " I opened it and there was written in Korean and I can't understand what is written and I ask boo hi " what is it " she read it and said " it's a love confession from someone " after listening this Kim Yoel took the chocolate box and said " don't you dare to eat this " I said " why just give it to me it's for me " he said " no you are not going to eat this " he rased his arm up and started moving backwards and I tilled on my toes to reach it and moving forward I went at close distance to him he hold my arm to stop me and he at that moment he falls on bench on his back and I was all over him and everyone started huoting ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh and taking pictures of us and we had a very close distance between our faces and my heart started beating extremely fast ahhhhh it was very embarrassing for me I immediately get back straight on my foot and took chocolates from his hand and boo hi and min hyuk helped me stop them shooting and I sat on my bench with full of embarrassment and when I stilly looked towards Kim Yoel he was embarrassed too then I took my back and just leave the classroom.... ..