the fucking new admission

I went out of the classroom and our homeroom teacher meet me on the way and he said " where are you going " I was like wtf is he doing here I said " ahhh a-ah a-a ------" he cuts me and said " ahhh kids like you " and he holds my shirt collar and dragged me to the classroom and he said " hey everyone listen today is the month starting day so today is your punishment day " I was like " whatttttttttt 😌😌😌😌 " he continued " so day as per your punishment points you will get punishment here I'm putting this chart so everyone just see your points and see your punishment Okh oh yes Jessica I think I should give an Oscar award for punishments please give big round of applause to her and the 2 highest points is of Kim yoel he also deserve a very big round of applause please " everyone clapped like anything I was like " hussh he started it again" he said " I'm putting this punishment chart over here so take a look Okh have a nice day " when I looked to the chart I have to water plants , clean the swimming pool and clean the school garden. and when I looked it carefully then I got to know that this things we have to do in pairs and the pair was me and Kim Yoel I was like " why he can't I get someone else instead of him huuhhh 😫😫😫😫😫 I put my bag on the bench and said to Kim Yoel " hey let's go we are partners for this" he said " I don't want to do all this bullshit just go " I said " I'm not going to do your work Okh " he said in high voice " I said that to you that I'm not doing so just leave " I also said in my high pitch " hey you I'm talking peacefully to you then don't talk in a high voice and mind your tone " he said " can you just leave from here just fuck off " I said " who wants to be with you also huh " and I left the class to do the punishment I was like ha ha ha 😅😅 what a day " I went to do watering plants as I had done this much mischief then I should pay also I started watering the plants and actually it was so much fuuunnn I never realized it. Then I feel some cold waves are passing through and the sun is getting dim but it's not an evening time it's almost afternoon and when I looked up then 1 drop of water came down and it's raining 😍😍😍 I love rainy season and it's the 1 rain waaaaooooowwww it's beautiful I spread my arms on side and I was super happy and I forget my all fights with others And I just enjoyed the rain and when I heard the bell for lunch I rushed towards the changing room to change my uniform and I wore sports uniform and I untied my hair and tried to dry it. I rushed towards the cafeteria because I have plenty of time and I went in cafeteria and I was all alone over there I ate in hurry and went in my classroom as the class was already started and the lecture was of maths I opened door and went in I saw there was principal is talking about something to the class and there was a new girl and when principal saw me he said " ohh welcome my dear to the class , but you are late can I know the reason , oh let's forget that I'll talk it to your parents and yes my dear all students as we all know that this is the end of the 1 semester and we are going to start a new semester in August so it's time that you give your all 100% for your exam " I was like " what exams but why 😭😭 " he continued " yes exam so prepared for it and all the best " and he left the classroom I went to sit on my bench and the new girl rushed towards my seat and said something I asked " what are you saying " and I pulled my chair back she said " excuse me principal allotted me this seat so go and sit somewhere else " I said " but it's allotted to me before you and if you want to seat here then find a new place for me " then Cha Eun Gyeol ( my fellow classmate ) said to me " hey you can on teachers table also " I said in high pitch " hey you " she said to Kim Yoel " are still not taking my side " she continued " ohh now I get the whole point you both are dating right that why she is not going somewhere else and you are not saying something " I and Kim Yoel said together " hey you---- " I looked towards him and he looked towards me then after a pause we both said together " what are ---- "at this point everyone started laughing on us and making fun that they both are meant to be together 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 then I took my bag and said " enjoy your seat miss 😘😘 " I went out and took a spare bench from the store room and I called Hi an and asked for his help and he helped me to put the bench over into the classroom I fixed it on near the back door and my nee bench partner was.....