who the hell is that

I sat with min hyuk. he asked " who is she " I said " how could I know " then I asked boo hi she was sitting ahead me I asked " hey who is she " she replied " she is the goddess of the school her name is Joon ha Rin , she and Kim Yoel are childhood friends " I and hyuk said " ohh " and I started using my mobile and I post the picture of the letters which were send to me I opened Instagram and post it and I wrote a caption " waaoohh what people here think of me " and post it min hyuk looked on my mobile and he asked " do you also have insta account " I said " yah do you also have " he said " let me send you a follow request let me know your username " I said " _ rudyjess_ " he started following me and I followed him back and he scrolled my account posts and and liked it and said " you have very much followers like a celebrity " I said " you have way much followers then mine " then boo hi turned and asked " what are you both doing " I said " using Instagram " she said " what's that " I replied " it's like wechat SNS " she said " does it is fun to use this " i and hyuk looked towards each other and said " very much 😊" she said " can you make one for me " I said " why not " I took her hand phone made an account for Her and she started following me and hyuk and then it's time for us to go back at doms and start learning for exams and everyone go to study room to do study as I have never went there so I didn't know that the study in our Dom only on ground floor. boo hi asked me to come and have a group study in study room as we have the topper of the class min Suk so he can help us to at least to get passing marks in exams. me , boo hi, hi an , min Suk , Yoon jae and min hyuk . we went there and the study room was like pin drop silent and we went in and took one table and started studying and after some seconds of opening my science book I looked towards boo hi and she looked towards me with the reaction of knowing nothing 😲😲 and I looked towards min hyuk and he also looked towards and we all were looking towards each other faces only except min Suk he was studying without blinking and we were like woooww man you got something bro and we said min Suk " hey please teach us and help in getting passing marks only " he said " hmm I can but you have to pay full attention " we agreed on it and he said " Okh then take a pen and notebook and start writing what I said " just right after that someone called me " Jessica " I turned back and said " what " and he was Kim Yoel he said " I have something to talk to you " I was like now what I said " ya say " he said " can you come with me " I took a pause and looked towards boo hi and I said " hmm " he started walking and I was walking behind him and he took me at the back side of the school building it was the time of sunset the sky was of orange and red color and stopped there he turned back I didn't gave him any chance to speak and said " what are you doing means what going in your mind and why did you took here " he replied " just take breath , I think I should apologize to for yelling at you and " I said " you better be and what " he continued " and because of ha Rin " I said " see I didn't felt bad for changing the seat because of ha Rin and for apology I think you should do it " he said " I'm sorry " I said " Okh then I m going back " I turned and headed forwards and he hold my right hand and within just one click he turned me and pulled me towards him I got control over me and I stopped myself but it was a close distance and it makes my heart beat faster in that moment only my hand phone rang ring ring .... ring ring..... I stepped back and said " just one minute " I took out my phone and looked who is calling me and it's a call from Tarasha ( my bff my childhood friend ) I answer the call and she said " hey what are doing " I said " hey nothing much " listening to her voice I felt that she is about to cry and I started walking back to the study room and I asked her " what Happen is there is something that's making you sad does someone have done something to you " she replied " oh I'll talk to later I recently strick that i have some important work to do Okh I'll call you back bye bye " I said " bye bye " I went back to study room. and boo hi and all my friends are waiting for me boo hi asked " what happen " I said " nothing let's continue " then Yoon jae said " huuhhh I'm hungry let's go and eat " and we everyone said " yah yah let's go and eat " we went to cafeteria and took plates and jointed the line and I saw that in dinner there is rice kimchi beef and a soup I asked to the chef " is the soup is veg or non veg " he said " what " then min hyuk said " it's non veg " I was like today also I have to eat rice and kimchi only huuhhh 😫😫😫 I ate it and we all split up in doms and I went to my room and open a packet of chips and ate it and truly saying that at that moment eating chips is like a I have drank water after 100 years heaven after eating chips I used my phone and watched drama and when I starting feeling sleepy then I turned off the lights and slept. The next day I woke up late and run towards the school building actually I'm always late for school I entered in the classroom and sat on my new bench with my new bench partner on my diagonal side there was a bunch of my classmates were doing something and boo hi and min hyuk and me were talking then boo hi and min hyuk mobile vibrate they both looked at there mobile and they both looked towards me I said " what Happen " they said " look at this picture " and turned there phone screen towards me I looked to the picture and the picture was of mine and Kim Yoel and the picture was of the last evening when he pulled me towards him. and they have wrote the captions that " are they both are dating ". " she is a witch " " ohh if they are dating then what about ha Rin " " she is a bitch " " he is a pervert basterd " actually I feel bad for myself this is the 1 time I have ever had being felt like that it is like you haven't done anything and still everyone is blaming you for me my pride my ego is more than anything and when everyone saw that post then everyone looked at me and it's like feeling guilty even I haven't done anything I took my bag and left the classroom and I opened my phone to look who the hell had posted it I was on the way and I clashed with Kim Yoel and my phone fall down and he said " mian ( sorry ) " he took my phone from the floor and looked in the phone and I snatch my phone from his hand and started walking in anger and he stared walking behind me and took 2 big steps and hold my wrist and said " hey stop " I said in anger " Kim Yoel just leave my hand " he said " no I'm not going to " I turned and said " you know what people are making fuss of and yes there is nothing against you its all about me my character my ego and my self respect just because of you yah it's all because of you ( he very slowly leave my hand ) what's my fault why are people questioning my character it's just because of you got it " I said this and left him behind and went out of the school campus without telling anyone about it I went on a coffee shop and ordered one cold coffee I was looked the picture and started thinking who can do this kind of cheap thing with me and why and the coffee came and i started cooling down my self and I started realizing that I shouldn't have said those things to Kim Yoel he also don't know anything and in this situation we both are victims I shouldn't yell on him . I took my phone out and I msged Kim Yoel " I'm so sorry what ever I said to you it's just because I was in anger at that time and I m really really sorry " I texted him and the reply came " it's okay " then 2 text came " are you okay where are you now " I texted " yah I'm okay " " I'm at coffee shop near our school " he texted " wait for me there " after 10 minutes he came and sat on the chair and I said " I'm sorry " he said " 🤗🤗 it's okay " he said " were you seriously angry at that time " I said " 😒😒 what do you think , they were saying that we are dating and that shitty comments on that was making me angry if I get that person who had posted this I'll make him pay for this do you know who had done this or is there is any kind of solution for this " he took 2-3 seconds and made eye contact with me and said " let's date ".....