
Under the light of the full moon, the sky is dotted by a cacophony of twinkling stars, often disappearing behind large silhouettes of all shapes and sizes. A crisp cool breeze blows rustling the leaves of the vast forest below, as a shadow leaps from atop the trees silently grabbing on to branches and throwing itself forward with it's momentum onto a fork in a tree.

Perched on the tree, it stares with Amber eyes towards a large clearing where a primitive looking village lay lit up from the moon. The buildings looked as if they were made from mud and sticks as the occasional orange glow appears through some of the windows. Other than the wind and trees dancing in the night there was nothing but the sound of silence, as The Shadow studied the surroundings it noticed some of the previous lights and started to go out.

One by one the lights disappeared as the residents prepared for bed, when a curious sound began. A baby was crying, it's cry pierced the night and gained the shadow interest, it scanned for where the sound came from and spotted one of the few buildings with lights still on. Immediately without hesitation leapt from it's vantage point onto a nearby roof landing with no sound what so ever, it's eyes targeting the building where the cries are coming from makes it's way across the roofs silent as ever.

The cries louder now on approach, finally makes it's way onto the roof of the source, slowly it creeps along hugging the roof tightly making it's way to the window on the side of the building where voices can be heard. "Omnitres be damned that fucking hurt!" the sound of a woman's voice as her breathing is heavy yet controlled, "Oh shush I don't need two people crying right now" another woman older sounding this time.

The Shadow peeked inside from the top of the window extending one of it's eyes to look while the rest of it's head lay out of view, inside were three people one woman with a fair tan lay on a bed visibly sweating, an old lady who looked way older than she sounded the side of her face that could be seen showed nothing but wrinkles, in the older woman's arm she held a baby whom still hasn't quietened and in the other held a lovely carved cane with various engravings, and finally a tall man whom has to lower his head slightly in order to not hit his head on the ceiling.

"Matuya I just popped out a literal human how am I supposed to be quiet?" the young woman questioned while looking very annoyed "Oi, that is exactly why you should just lie down and relax! I swear you never were one ta shaddap" the older lady bit back without even looking at her instead facing the newborn as she slowly rocks him "Besides, it's late and you'll just agitate the little fella" the older woman said quietly as she used her spare arm to put her finger against her lips and once again shushes her. The younger woman pouts and folds her arms before shifting her gaze to the taller man "I partly blame you for this pain I'm in as well" she says as she puffs out her cheeks. the tall man let's out a quiet laugh before sitting down on the bed and places his arm on the woman's leg "Oh come on Sharae, you also wanted him! I think we can agree that we did come to a mutual agreement" the tall man said with a loving smile "Yeah well future Sharae regrets past Sharae and Piotre's decision" the woman who appears to be Sharae replies and the man assumed to be Piotre decides to pinch Sharae's cheek and says "keep lying to yourself you big crybaby" Sharae slaps his hand says "Stahp ples" causing them to both laugh together "alright cutie" says Piotre.

Sharae then looks towards the older woman extends both her arms "Gimme" the older woman rolls her eyes as she and Piotre both say "Please" looking annoyed with Sharae they both exchange a glance and have a laugh between themselves "Heeeeey no fair! you're meant to be on my side!" Sharae says looking betrayed with both arms resting on her hips as she sits in bed.

Finally she relents extending her arms again "Give me the baba please Matuya" Sharae asks politely the old lady apparently called Matuya smiles and slowly passes the child "Matuya I don't know why but in my head I imagined you just throwing the little fella at her" Piotre adds to the moment in which Sharae looks towards Piotre with a surprised and worried face before looking back at Matuya who was just about to hand over the child turns to Piotre visibly annoyed "Piotre" she sighs "How many times do I have to tell you I am not your Matuya, only my children call me that everyone else has to call me Matuya Gerda" she then finishes handing the kid to Sharae "Bu-" Piotre was about to speak when Matuya Gerda cuts him off "it's a boy just so ya know, and make sure you support his head when you hold him!" Sharae struggles to find a comfortable way to hold the boy before finally resting his head on the branch of her arm and holding the rest of him with her other arm.

"But Matu...ya Gerda you get mad if I call you Gerda or Matuya on their own so how come it's fine with them together?" Piotre shyly asks "Because it's what everyone else calls me and I like it that way." a quick and simple response given by Matuya Gerda. Piotre looking defeated accepts his loss "You're the boss" Piotre remarks, then looks towards Sharae who is simply staring at her child as she slowly rocks him. Piotre notices the corners of her mouth are curved upwards, it was his way of knowing she was happy which in turn made him feel better "What's on your mind Shar?" Piotre says placing his arm on her leg again.

"I was thinking how I just want to bite his cheeks off, I mean look at his cubby wittle fayce" after saying that Sharae actually goes for a little bite on his cheeks, she squeals a little "Ahh it's so soft! I did everything I could not to bite harder!" Sharae was smiling as she made silly faces to the boy who was slowly falling asleep began to cry again. Matuya Gerda buries her face into her palm as she gets a shiver from a very cool breeze and turns towards the window and looks out to the full moon enjoying the sight before grabbing a large slab next to the window and covering it up.

The Shadow retreated towards the roof as the old woman neared, and looked down as she stuck her head out towards the moon. The shadow raises one of it's 'arms' and a glint reflects off the end, then she was gone along side the light from the window. The Shadow crawled along the side of the building and looked into the window only to be met by a wall with a few cracks of light around the edges, annoyed that it's 'entertainment' had been closed off. However because there were cracks it decided to extend its eye through the slivers slowly The Shadow's Amber eyes melted into the cracks and once again began watching when the sound of footsteps approached. The Shadow panicked pulling back from the slab quickly and returning to the roof and in it's haste made a little noise as it left it's eye in the slab. However it was curious about the footsteps and proceeded to the front of the house, where a man crossed the street and began to approach the building it was on.