
The man approaches the front door even under full moonlight his features are hidden, as he raises his arm and knocks on the door three times then twice more except lower. "Piotre! Hallooow? It's me Veclav! please open up it's cold!" Veclav rubs his hands together vigorously as he waits.

Not long after Piotre opens up and greets the newcomer with a hug "Hey bro, how's it been?" Piotre and Veclav finish their quick bro hug "Been alright Piot, yourself?"

"Yeah not bad, just met my son for the first time." as Piotre finishes his sentence Veclav smiles "I heard him earlier, quite the racket! anyway congratulations on the boy!" Piotre chuckles and gestures for Veclav to come inside "Come on in, can't leave you outside rather not be a poor host." Veclav responds by shaking his head "Nah, sorry not really here to stay. Just wandering if the old bag is here?" Piotre glances down the hall to his left and says "Yeah she is, why what's up?" Veclav peeks inside and replies "So you know how my missus was also pregnant?" Piotre's face changes to that of shock.

"Bullshit, no way." Veclav smiles again "Yep both our kids the same day, her water just broke and I got her into bed and came over here to see if Gerda was still around." Piotre's face turns to confusion "Why the hell didn't you say so earlier? I'll go get her now, back in a tick." Piotre disappears off the the left rather quickly.

After a few seconds pass another cold breeze passes by "Ahhh screw it I'm going inside." Veclav was about to take a step inside when Piotre and Matuya Gerda come around the corner "Honestly I was just thinking earlier to myself, thank Omnitres I don't have to do another one but nope! Bastard tells me another woman needs help with child birth."

Matuya Gerda looking displeased as she looks at Veclav "Yeah sorry Gerdy, the little one decided now would be a good time to join us" Matuya Gerda jabs the end of her cane into Veclav's gut, causing him to fall to his knees "Matuya Gerda! I swear none of the other new residents struggled with my name as much as you boys." Matuya Gerda casts a glance to Piotre as well causing him to bow his head further praying he wouldn't earn the cane.

Veclav regains his composure and stands tall as if nothing happened taking deep breaths before looking Matuya Gerda in the eyes "Matuya Gerda may I please request you help Belles in delivering our child" Matuya Gerda smiles "That's more like it! but seriously this is the eighth kid today give me a break!" As Gerda finished speaking Piotre seems to have a realisation "Clav, isn't this also your eighth kid?" Veclav reels a bit and counts on his fingers "Harry, Barry, Larry, Garry, Marry, Karry and Parry. No that's seven" Piotre rolls his eyes "Yeah but you haven't named the new one yet you idiot, hell knowing you you're probably going to name it Carry or something." When Piotre said the name a flash occurs in Veclav's mind "Carry! Yes that is perfect Carry as in carry bag!" a big dumb smile appears on Veclav's face

Gerda Confusedly looks at Veclav then to Piotre "Karry is already taken? And Piotre did you just name his child before your own?" Piotre only just now thought of that "Alright Matuya Gerda, Veclav I think that it's late and we should hurry along. Especially since we keep forgetting about Belles who is probably in a lot of pain right now."

Piotre gestures for Matuya Gerda to exit "Fine I get it, you raise a good point goodnight Piotre." She says as exits the building "Goodnight Matuya Gerda, Veclav" Piotre says while bowing slightly "Alright take care Piot." After saying their goodbyes Piotre closes the door hearing a glimpse of Veclav's conversation with Matuya Gerda "Carry and Karry are totally different names!" Piotre laughs as he wanders off back to Sharae.

The Shadow watches the two people walk across the street as something Veclav says causes Gerda to slap him where she jabbed earlier, causing him to hold his gut in pain. He trudges towards the building opposite Piotre and Sharae's and opens the door before a hoard of young children begin shouting in excitement and jump tackle Veclav including his new sore spot.

Gerda smiles as she sees this and decides to take one last look at the full moon that seems to have wandered off above Piotre's home. Whilst turning around she swears she saw something move out of her eye attracting her attention. She looks at Piotre's roof examining it for anything weird, nothing really jumped out to her so she ignores it and stares at the full moon lost in thought before disappearing into the house.

The Shadow sticks it's head up to see if the coast is clear before crawling back to the window which took it's eye. Upon reaching the window it notices there is light again meaning the slab was removed. carefully it checks where it eye should have been and finds the only remains are it's brownish red blood stains when it hears "Hey Shar look at this"

The Shadow uses its good eye to peak into the room, Piotre was holding it's eye with some sort of tissue. Sharae looks at what he is holding "Eww, the fuck is that? looks like a dead bug." The eye Piotre was holding looked like a brown flattened scaly leech with a large amber like growth. Piotre walks over to the corner where the light was coming from and kneels next to a basin, inside lay a small amber stone that slowly burned it's flame dancing with the flow of air.

"Looks like this thing stuck it's ass in the feuize pool or something... But it's not feuize, other wise it would be liquid?" Piotre pokes the eye with his finger and is met with quiet squelch, he then smells his finger 'hmm no smell?' Piotre was lost in thought as Sharae just watched him with a raised eyebrow "You having fun you weirdo?" Piotre turns and smiles "Sorry it looked weird and my curiosity took over."

The Shadow stared at it's eye and listening when it heard a commotion a block of houses away it sounded like yelling. The Shadow went back onto the roof quickly and looked for the source and saw a light running through the streets. "Get back here you little prick!" rang out throughout the little village, slowly another light joined in, followed by another and gained more with each house it passed by. The lights weaved between buildings slowly getting closer as a cacophony of voices followed incoherently melding together.

Finally the lights were in view it was a mob of people holding sticks with burning amber stones attached they were all chasing a man who looked young but was covered in ugly tumours from head to toe that looked ready to burst. "YOU FUCKING SCAB, GET BACK HERE" was shouted by the man leading the mob.

As they drew near The Shadow crept out of view when it heard the door of the building it was on open. At the door was Sharae holding the child and Piotre who stuck his head out "Looks like one of the scabbed came by" Sharae immediately held the boy towards Piotre "Hold him I'll go check out what's going on" Piotre grabs hold and clumsily finds a comfortable way to hold him, as Sharae grabbed something that was next to the door.

While Sharae and Piotre were talking Veclav opened his door and watched as the mob ran past "Kids stay inside with Gerda and Matuya" and immediately grabbed a stick with a green cloth covering a spherical object on top and reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small wooden rod with a hemisphere on top and weird grooves on the side. He quickly rubbed his thumb on the grooves opening the hemisphere and revealed another amber stone small enough to fit inside which let out a calm flame as he ripped the cloth off the sticks top more amber was revealed except it was slowly sinking with gravity. Veclav brought the lighter up to the liquid and it quickly caught ablaze and solidified.

Veclav looked out the door and saw Sharae reaching for something out of sight as the stragglers of the mob ran past. Finally Sharae revealed a long sturdy stick covered in etchings with a sharp metallic end attached to its tip, a spear.

Veclav and Sharae look towards each other and nod before sprinting after the mob. After linking up they ran together as other people in their doorways made the same preparations, Sharae and Veclav managed to reach one of the stragglers from before Sharae tapped her on the shoulder she turns towards Sharae still running "Hey Jessy, what's the situation?" Jessy slightly sweating "Umm, something about a scab breaking into Alfred's home and he caught scabby in his daughters room"

Sharae nods "Alright, Vec you pass the information on to anyone else that joins. I'll make my way to the front" Veclav nods in return and slows his pace a little and starts telling the others that caught up. Sharae pats Jessy on the back and sprints forward quickly catching up with the crowd causing her to slow slightly.

She weaves through dodging anything and everything, making her way to the front where she finds the man leading the charge "Hey Alfred what's the situation?" Alfred not taking his eyes off the scab in front "Daughter found him in my kitchen raiding my pantry." Sharae knew the information at the back was always the least credible as word of mouth tends to get skewed like a game of Chinese Whispers.

"Righto, want me to make him bleed or what?"

Sharae asks keeping her eye on the prey infront of her as he slowly gets further away "Honestly just want my fucking breakfast for tomorrow back" Sharae chuckles "Alright I won't make a mess" She quickly picks up the pace and gets closer to her target 'fast little bugger ain't you?' Sharae thought to her self as she gets close enough she could touch him .

Sharae ran next to him as he looked to the forest hoping to make his escape failing to notice her as a tumor blocked her from his sight "Sorry buddy, but theft isn't appreciated here" he looks to his side and sees her grinning at him. Sharae uses the shaft of her spear and trips him up. He falls knees first to hit the ground before his face slams into the dirt leaving black goop before tumbling forward some more.