Chapter 8

I make it home and open the door. I take off my shoes walk to the living room. My parents say they need to tell me something and to come and sit down. I sit down. "I heard from Hyun-Minami's mom that someone saw you and a boy together. That person also saw the boy kiss you on the cheek. Did you forget that you are marrying someone else in half a year? You should at least pretend that you love your fiancé. From now on, you are forbidden to see that boy that kissed you and you are also going to move schools where you will learn your place in this world," my mom said harshly. I began to cry and ran to the door, put on my shoes and opened the door running out of the house. Manek see me and he follows me. I run into the woods and I keep on running until I couldn't run anymore. I see a river and I sit down and cry beside the river mixing my tears with the river water. I hear footsteps and I quickly get up and grab a stick. "Who is it?" I yell. No answer. I see a shadow and it comes closer to me. I close my eyes, with the bat in my hand ready to swing, but I hear a voice that was familiar. I drop the stick and I keep my eyes closed. My knees drop to the floor. I cry and hear someone coming closer to me and give my a hug. I still kept my eyes closed. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"My parents say I have to leave the school and I'm not able to see you. I had fun today, but we are not going to be able to see each other again. We need to forget what we had and we need to forget each other," I replied. I open my eyes to see him for maybe the last time. He gives me one last kiss on the cheek and walks out of the woods. I watch him as he leaves for the last time. I get up with tears still in my eyes and walk home. (10 min later) I make it home and walked in the house, leaving my shoes at the door. I went straight up the stairs and walked to my room and closed the door. I put my pajama on and laid on my bed, crying myself to sleep.