Chapter 9

(next day) I wake up looking like a mess. I get up out of bed and walk down the stairs. I see my parents on the couch talking so I walk over to where my parents are. "Good morning sweetie," they say. "You are going to be starting a new school today so go pack your stuff and here is your new uniform," mom say. "Why do I have to pack all my stuff mom." I say. "You will find out when you get to school," she replies as she gives me the uniform. I go back upstairs and head to my room, close the door, put on the uniform, and grab my suitcase from the closet. I open it and grab all my clothes, shoes, bathroom utilities and all my books. I close my suitcase and drag it downstairs to where my parents were waiting for me. I put on the shoes for my new uniform and throw my suitcase into the trunk of my car and we drive to the school ( 4 hours later). We finally make it to school and they drop me off at the front of the school. I grab my suitcase and I walk in the school to see a student waiting for my arrival with two other students, both of them girls. "Hello my name is Min-Sun. I am the student body president and this is Moon. She is the president of Archery. Sorry our head master couldn't come. He had a meeting so we will show you all around the school and take you to class. "Thank you," I say. We get started with the tour. "We will start to head to the office so we can get your schedule and find your dorm room," Min-sun says. "WHAT WE HAVE DORMS DO GIRLS STAY WITH OTHER GIRLS?" I said in shock. "Yes usually," said Moon. 5 min later we make it. "Hello ma'am, I am new here and I need my schedule and dorm room key," I say. "Here is your key and schedule, have a good day," the office lady says. I walk out of the office and I give the girl my schedule. I will show you where your class are and show you where the dorms are," says Min-Sun. (25 min later) We finally make it to the dorms. "Here is where you will be staying. Your room is straight ahead and to your left," Moon explains. "Thank you," I reply. I walk to my dorm and and unlock the door. I walked in with amazement on how big it is. It was definitely meant for 2 people. There was a big kitchen and a big living room. The furniture was so fancy. I see two rooms so I walk into one of the rooms and I see a figure under the blanket. Then I see it move and I totally freak out. I look for a broom and find one in a closet. I walk back in the room and I poke the figure while scared out of my mind. IT MOVED AGAIN. I had my the broom ready to hit the figure and I hit it and it didn't move for a few seconds but then moves again. I see it get up but there was still a blanket over the figures head so I grab the broom and put it up like I was going to hit it. I kinda tap the broom onto the figure and the blanket comes off of him to reveal a shirtless boy. He opens his eyes but wasn't fully awake. He then rubs his eyes and he see me. Then I scream and run to the other bedroom with my suitcase. I shut the door with my heart pounding. In the room there was a huge king-sized bed in the middle of the room with a fluffy cushion at the foot of the bed. There was also a wardrobe with mirrors on the doors and a small crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I was amazed by how pretty the room was. I open my suitcase and take out my clothes to put in the closet. The boy then barges in my room still with no shirt on. "WHY THE HECK ARE YOU IN MY DORM AND PUTTING UR THINGS IN HERE?" he questions. "What do you mean, this is my dorm. Why did are parents make us have the same dorm," I question. "I have no idea," he says. "It is about lunch time. Do you have any food in your refrigerator?" I ask. "Sorry there is no food. I need to go to the grocery store," he say. "I can go if you want," I offer. "Ok, buy anything you want from the store and anything you think we need cause I bet what we have at the school store is going to be too expensive for a poor peasant like you," he says. He walk to his room giving me no idea where he was going. Then one minute later he comes out of his room with his wallet and he walks back up to me. He opens his wallet and hands me 500,000₩ (won).(I couldn't believe that he gave me so much) "Thank you for the money," I say. I walk to the door and put on my shoes and began to walk to the store.