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Chapter 4: Why me?

Chapter Text


When he woke up with numb limbs and a messy nest on top of his head, Jimin was long gone.

'I guess his classes started earlier than mine.'

Missing the warmth of the bed he quickly pulled on his big, black sweater then went to brush his teeth. He looked at the mess that used to be his hair once then decided to put on a black cap instead of brushing it. He was just too tired to take care of it and who cares?

'Probably I won't bump into my future husband anytime soon.' he hissed at his own thoughts then dressed up and went find his first classes.

He wasn't really excited about this whole first day thing, he new that nothing interesting will happen.

He was locking his dorm when he heard a loud snap coming from Namjoon's.

"Joon?" another strange voice and a nervous head appeared.

"Yoongi? Ah, morning to you! What a beautiful one isn't it?" his voice was higher then usually and it made the other raise a brow. "A lovely morning we have...." they kept staring like some blunt owls at each other. "Well I would love to go on with this conversation but I'm afraid I have to go... umm..." Namjoon looked over his shoulder then back and smiled like he has gone insane." My.. umm... my thing is getting... Yeah... so.... see you later!" he shot the door leaving a slightly confused Yoongi behind. His lucky to have a friend that doesn't give a sh*t about what he's hiding because please, Yoongi wasn't dumb.


"WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING?" came the hoarse scream from the boy who was sitting on the floor after falling off from the bed. "I told you not to lay a finger on me or... or I'm gonna sue you for phedophilism." the boy really wasn't thinking about what he was saying. Please excuse him, he just woke up.

"What the heck are you talking about? Are you hearing yourself? By the way you're older then me! How could you sue me for that?" shouted back Namjoon.

Was this man insane or what?


"You told me yesterday genius!" the other rolled up his eyes with eyebrows furrowed as he recalled yesterday's conversation. Thank god that Namjoon spoke up because he wouldn't know what to say after embarrassing himself like with something so stupid. "And why would I want to touch you? Are you that full of yourself? Geez. Calm down. First, I wasn't awake and second, you are just as faulty as I."

A few moments earlier:

Namjoon was having a horrible night due to what happend.

However he still managed to fell into a deep sleep but the morning wasn't so pleasant. He woke up feeling some kind of warmth and it felt so nice he didn't really thought about why was it. He turned on his back and started his usual morning yawning. A delicious sweet scent hit his nose and he turned his body to where it came from. He brushed his nose into the soft skin of...

Wait! What?

He didn't get to adjust to the situation because the boy who he just smelled like some pillow was already wide awake. Namjoon was still half asleep and he didn't even had the time to pull away which he would've done gladly after realizing what he was doing. The blonde quickly got out of the hold - since Namjoon's hand was wrapped around him - and tried to get up from the bed but because his legs were tangled with the blanket he ended up falling to the ground.

Namjoon's eyes were still trying to get used to the light so he just blinked drowsly but managed to get up and that was when he heard a knock on his door.

That woke him up as if someone just poured a bucket of cold water on his head. Because he of course didn't want anyone to know that he was sleeping with a boy. He motioned to the still cursing one to stay silent then rushed to the door to open it.

You know the rest.

All these previous actions lead them to where they were now.

Standing in the room face to face shooting hateful gazes at each other.

"How can I be faulty? I wasn't the one who put his filthy arms around someone!"

"What? Who's arms are you calling filthy?" whined Namjoon.

"The one's that were around me just few seconds ago." those crab like cheeks appeared again and Namjoon find it hard not to smile because of how cute the boy's red cheeks looked.

"Hah, a lot of people would die to be in these arms okay?"

"Lucky I'm not one of them." bite back the blonde then stood up from the floor and walked to the entrance with furious steps but a hand harshly slammed on the door before he could open it.

"You'll wish." whispered Namjoon as he smirked evilly then let the shocked boy escape from the room. He stood there for a moment staring into nothing then literally slapped himself.

'What was this? Huh? Namjoon?' What the f*ck?'


He was covered with sweat and filled with excitment after finishing his first dance lesson.

"Woah! That was... Impressive. Awesome. Stunning?" the cheerful voice came from behind when he stepped into the locker room.

"Huh?" he turned around with innocent doe eyes.

"Don't make me repeat myself. It was hard enough to say it once. Nice to meet you. I'm Hoseok, but my friends call me Hobi." Jimin hesitatingly took the hand that was offered.

"Then it's Hoseok I guess? Nice meeting you, I'm Jimin and my friends gave me lame nicknames."

"Hah, hope one day I'll be able to laugh at them." chuckled the boy.

It took Jimin off guards how opened the stranger was. Taehyung was right. People are really nice at university.

They both started undressing themselves to take a shower and however Jimin wasn't really talkative the other spoke way too much so it wasn't a problem.

"And how's your first day at uni? Do you like it? How's your roommate?" asked Hoseok.

"I like it. And... I had a little trouble with my room at the beginning but I guess it's gonna be fine. I didn't met my roommate yet so it's still a mistery."

Jimin took his clothes from his room in the morning but the mysterious boy was long gone so he still didn't got to greet him. He didn't even mind it.

"Don't tell me! It wasn't an easy ride for me either. But my roommate is really nice. I already like him a lot."

"That's cool. Hope the same for myself." he chuckled.

After taking a shower and putting on his clothes he said goodbye to his 'new friend?' and headed to his next classes. It was getting chilly outside so he decided to wear his oversized hoodie but half way over his head he got stuck and he stood like some idiot trying to get a solution in the middle of the hall. He was about to rip his hair off in anger but just before it could happen two long fingers freed his locks letting the hoodie slid to it's rightful place on his body.

"You're so clumsy, sometimes I wonder how can you even survive for a day alone." he looked up to see a well known pale face. He indeed was really clumsy, but he always had Yoongi to save him so who cares?

"Hyung!" he raised his voice, playing to be offended.

"I'm just thinking. Don't blame me for it."

"Well, thank you for saving me from my evil hoodie."

"Kidding? I though it's gonna swallow you alive." Yoongi kept mocking the younger only to see that playful smirk he really liked on him.

"How ungrateful from her. She would still rot in a cold basement if I didn't take her so selflessly, and that's how she thanks me."

"She? What a bitch."

"Shhh... Don't make it worse, she can hear you." they kept on with their little chat for a bit more then they said goodbye, and went to their own directions.

Jimin kinda got lost on his way and was already late from his class so he speeded up but it was a wrong idea because just as he turn at the corner, he bumped into someone, spilling the other's hot coffee on both of them. This time Yoongi wasn't around to save him.

"YAH! Geez... Aish! Really?" the other hissed, looking at the mess on his sweater.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't... I'm sorry, I was in a hurry and..."

"Can't you be less typical?" asked the boy with a face that made Jimin want to hide under that ungrateful hoodie of his. "Spilling coffee on me at the very first day? Seriously, look where you go shortie!"

"I... said sorry. I didn't mean it."

This boy was a bit too feral for his own good.

"That won't help me! Save it for your next victim."

Jimin had this feeling that the raven haired was younger that him and it made him more fretful.

That's why he hated people.

"Yah! What else you want me to do?" hearing the change in his tone, the stranger looked up to face him, showing just a little bit of surprise on his face but put on a joker face as he spoke again.

"From you? Nothing? You might make it worse seeing how clumsy you are. Just move so I can continue my way, and forget about you're face as fast as I can." Jimin remained still.

Taehyung wasn't right after all, people are just as bratty here as anywhere else.

"Tss, hope this place is big enough so I won't see yours again." and with this he started walking away from the little evil squirrel he just met.

"Same goes for me shortie."

Jimin was about to turn around and put the boy into his place because uhum.. making fun of his height wasn't something he overlooked, but the boy was long gone.

'Is he some kind of Harry Potter or what? How rude. Hope we don't cross ways again.'

Now he was surly late from his class. Great.


"How can they not no anything about this?" he was shouting again which he did a bit too much in the past few hours. He kept asking around for help all day but everyone said him to wait. How could he? All he wanted was enjoying his first day, yet he had to share a room with an annoying stranger and none really seemed to care about it. It was already seven and bedtime was dangerously close. He didn't want to repeat last night, especially the morning which still made him confused. Why was that guy saying that to him? He was so full of himself, he thought he can scare him away. Well not. What ever was his purpose he will not let him win that's for sure.

"You will get nothing, but a head ache for me if you keep shouting like this." the boy was laying on a couch lazily spreading his limbs.

"So you don't mind sharing a room for who knows how long?"

"There's nothing I want less."

"Then at least act like you do. No one will care about us if you keep acting like you don't give a sh*t."

"I do. But I was repeating the same monologue all day, and even though it's seems like you're some kind of terminator, I am sleepy. Like hell." with his last words the boy stood up and headed to the dorms. Jin agonized for a second but then followed him. He was really tired too. But he wanted to sleep in his own bed without being afraid of someone rubbing his nose against his neck again.

He really had this thing. Physical contact never been his friend.

"I won't sleep on the floor, either the couch so suit yourself."

Jin was standing in the doorway watching as the younger went to take a shower. He had no choice but to survive the situation. He promised himself he would find a solution tomorrow no matter what.

Few moments later the other came out from the bathroom with wet hair, in his patterned pajamas. He blessed the other for this. Seeing a half naked boy would just make him feel more uncomfortable. He quickly took a shower too then...

Here it is.

The decision he didn't want to make. Sleeping on the bed with the possibility of his worst nightmares coming true or taking the couch and letting the other win the game. Aish, he was too stubborn for for this. He quickly laid down on the bed just like yesterday, showing his back to the other and pulled his blanket over his head.

Or he though.

"Don't think about stealing my blanket." the boy beside him took a hold of the material and pulled it away

Jin pulled it back then this little fight went on until they both got a bit from the blanket. This meant they ended up laying closer to each other but they were so tired they didn't even care anymore.

"Stay on your side or..."

"Umm..." it was a hoarse grumble from the already half asleep boy.

Jin rolled his eyes then closed them hoping for a nice dream.


His first day was just as horrible as his little interaction with that short boy in the hallways. He got late from his first class, his head was aching but he forgot his wallet at his dorm so he couldn't buy any medicines, he lost his favorite paintbrush, because of all this he messed up his whole painting, and overall he had coffee all over his favorite sweater.

Wonderful isn't it? Someone really hated him up there.

He was more than exhausted when he finally could go to take a shower. He almost fell asleep under the warm water, but was able to stay awake until he reached his door. Just then he remembered he had a roommate that mysteriously didn't show up yesterday but will surly do it now. He wasn't in a mood for new people now. Not like ever but never mind. He opened the door and entered.

A silver haired boy was dressing in the other side of the room. All he could do was stare as the muscles moved so perfectly on the strangers' shoulders and back, while he pulled off his T-shirt then took another. After pulling it on he turned around knocking Jungkook out of his trance.

