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Chapter 5: A long year's ahead..


Chapter Text


Jimin was dumbfounded.

Seriously? From all the boys in this campus it had to be that crackling squirrel?

He never saw as much annoyance as on that boy's face. He just wanted to disappear but first he would've liked to scold Taehyung for putting him into this whole situation. Everything could've been so good but nope, it seems he doesn't deserves that.

"Tell me you're just looking for your toad so you can go back to Hogwarts right away."

To be honest, in a usual situation Jimin would even appreciate the taunt. But not now.

"Unfortunately, no!" he gave a disgusted look and watched as the other walked to his bed.

"I see you didn't bother asking me which bed I would like to take." the boy poked his inner cheek with his tongue.

"Not for a second." Jimin answered casually. He had to sleep near to the windows for health reasons. He suffered from croup* when he was a child, and even though it was long gone it caused him a recurring asthma.

Usually he didn't had problem with it but he always felt like drowning when he had to sleep without fresh air.

"Why would you." murmured the stranger as he jumped onto his bed.

"You didn't bother to come when everyone was packing so why the big fuss?"

"Me? You were the one that stayed out yesterday. Where were you anyways? Wait. I don't care! At least I had one peaceful night." the boy turned to face the wall and pulled his blanket over his head.

"Me too!" Jimin threw the words back then angrily dropped down on his bed. He wasn't easy to upset but this boy's tone was testing him for real.

'Do I really have to share this room with this brat?'

His dreams about his peaceful university years were slowly becoming nightmares.




When he opened his eyes he was greeted by the sight of a plump pair of lips that were way too close to his. He was stunned, not by the situation but the perfect shapes that were in front of him. He was so mesmerized by the soft, pink skin that he totally forgot he was literally staring at a boy's lips.

What the f*ck Joon, get yourself together.' he realized he kept telling this himself a lot in the past two days.

It's not his fault. Why does this boy had to be so damn pretty, huh? Even the blind could see it. Is it even possible for a boy to have lips like this? Maybe he's really some kind of terminator that's here to seduce innocent citizens. At least that what Namjoon hoped, because there's no way he would find a boy attractive. He didn't had problem with gay people, not at all, he even supported them with his company. His best friend is gay, one is bisexual and from what he knew, Yoongi was playing on the other side too, but he was Kim Namjoon for Pete's shake, he was straighter then a steel ruler. He just loved girls, girls, girls.

He took a deep breath, still staring at the perfection in front of him then shook his thoughts out of his head and got out of the bed.

"Ugh, I better find a solution before I turn gay." he joked. "Not like I could handle someone as hysterical as him." he smirked then a quiet laugh escaped from his mouth.

He took a quick shower, dressed up, and went to the door but before leaving he took another glance at the sleeping boy.

He went right to the headmaster to ask about the room mistake. The man told him he will look after it and asked him to come back after classes so they can talk. Not much, but life's harsh.

He went from class to class until lunch time came and then he went to the canteen and searched for a singl table but just as he was about to take a seat he noticed Yoongi, sitting with a boy few tables away. He recognized the boy from yesterday but that was a rushed meeting so he didn't had time to observe him.

"I wonder how did you get yourself someone as handsome as him? I underestimated your charms." he was clearly joking but Yoongi still gave him that deadly stare of his.

"Hi Joon, this is Jimin and you already met him yesterday." the elder introduced his friend again then motioned to the newcomer to sit down.

"I know. Jimin..." Namjoon looked at him like he was trying to read out something from his face, "Ah, the one you speak about all the time?" Yoongi gave him an other dead stare but still stayed calm.

"Um... he never talks about you tho, no matter how much I ask him." stated Jimin with a glowing smile.

'Geez, what's with pretty people in this uni. My friend does have a taste after all.'

"How rude! I'm so nice to speak about." he pouted.

"He's my only friend and you keep asking all the time so who would I talk about." tried to save himself the pale one.

"Tae wouldn't be happy to hear this." smirked Jimin.

"No one would believe me anything I say about him."

"True!" laughed out the silver heaired.

"The brown one from yesterday? I like that guy." tried join in Namjoon while he stuffed some fish into his mouth.

"Whoa, nice lunch we have. I always forgot my friend is the royal guest here." now it was Yoongi's time to mock the younger.

"Shut up!" Namjoon put a handful of fish on the other's plate. "I know you only keep me for the food"

He knew his friend loved seafood more then meat, but of course that was only for premium members so he didn't mind sharing. Not like the other menu was that bad. Please, we're talking about one of the most expensive universities of Seoul.

"Apologies, Your highness!" Yoongi swallowed the food like some famished hyena.

Namjooon turned to the awfully quiet boy. "So Jimin... how uni goes for you?"

"It's nice, I guess. I had some trouble with my room but..." he sighed. "I think it's gonna be fine. Eventually."

"What's with rooms this year?"

"Trouble in your residence?" questioned Yoongi. "Perhaps you don't have enough hot water in your bathtub?" it seemed like he won't ever gonna stop it but Namjoon didn't really care. He knew that Yoongi wasn't really a person to cry over money, he just liked mocking him. As long as it was him it was okay.

"Nah, I just had some trouble last night."

"Is it about that girl you were hiding in the morning? You know you can't bring them into the dorms, right?"

"It wasn't a girl." he answered calmly and the other two immediately snapped up their heads with wide eyes, making him realize he almost revealed himself. "What? I mean... No one. Was. In. My. Room. Yesterday. Roger?"

They may believed they may not, but they dropped the topic.

After lunch they went to do their own duties which meant, Namjoon went to see the headmaster again.


Yoongi felt like dying, he was that tired and the only thing he could think about was his comfy bed.

He packed up his stuff from the studio and headed back to the dorms. He decided to take the road across the park so he can finally see it. At this time it was peaceful but it was full of students and loud voices in daytime and none of these were his favorites.

As he reached the huge front doors and turned to the left he was greeted by a boy that jumped few meters in fright.

"OMO!" said the stranger, placing his hand on his heart. " Aigoo. You scared me."

"You must be really easy to scare then." Yoongi only gave him a lazy glance then continued walking.

"With those ghost-like features? Don't walk around at this time, you're scaring the kids." cried after him the boy with playful voice.

"I didn't know were kids in here?" bite back Yoongi then left the smiling boy behind.

Just as he stepped onto his mat he saw someone, trying to open Namjoon's door.

"Um... Sorry but that's my friend's room?"

The boy turned his head, with the eyes of a frightened dear. "Ah... Really?" that typical high voice could only mean lies.

"Yeah... Really!" Yoongi looked at him like he was totally dumb. What was he doing here? He remembered Namjoon saying he didn't make friends yet.

"Um, he just asked me to bring something to him, that's all." the boy smiled nervously

"You sure? What's his name?"

It's not like Yoongi had some secret ambitions of playing the Sherlock but he knew that everything in that room was hella expensive, from Namjoon's boxers to his Rolexes.


That was the point when Jin freaked out.

'What? His... name?'

He was sharing a room with this boy for two days now, but he never asked his name. He didn't even care but sh*t. What is he gonna say now. This creepy man here that looked like some kind of house ghost, will think he's a robber.

Acting like a pro, he randomly picked out his phone from his pocket and hold it up to his ear.

"Hello? Um... Yeah! I'll be there in a sec." he spoke then left the scary boy behind.

It wasn't convincing at all. Please! But at least he could escape. He felt so stupid. Why does he even hiding? Its not like he did anything bad. He should've just tell that boy that he's sharing a room with his friend because of this and that, but he felt like lying instead. It would've been weird if he says; Yes I'm living with this unknown guy and we sleep together in a kind sized bed like an old married couple.

Sounds perfect.

He waited until the boy disappeared then quickly crept into the room. He dropped his tired body onto the bed and took a deep breath.

'Why does everything have to be so hard when it's about me?'

While the other was away, he went to take a long shower. He just stood there letting the hot water fall onto his head and down on his naked body. He should've get out earlier but it was so hard to do it.

It literally hurt him when the cold air hit his wet skin. He went to take some warm clothes then climbed into the bed, laid his back against the headboard and pulled the blanket over himself. He put on his glasses before he started reading a book he brought in case of sleepless nights.

'Wait? It's weird! It looks like some bored housewife, waiting for her husband's return after a long day of work.'

He sat up, thinking about putting away his stuff but then decided to lay back.

'What am I saying, I would wait him with some delicious meals if it was the case.' he smiled proudly because of his own generosity then opened the book again.

In that moment, the door opened and a really tired boy stepped in.

Jin immediately dropped his book, took of his glasses like they were never even there and crossed his arms.

"Yah, I almost thought you were just waiting for me to fall asleep so you could wake me up with your elephant steps." he said.

"Nice to see you again too and... nice glasses."

Jin frowned as he felt his cheeks heaten.

The boy wobbly went to the shower but it only took him five minutes to finish.

Jin was waiting inpatiently, hitting the sheets with his fingers. He hated this.

"I went to the headmaster today." said the now clean boy, stepping out of the bathroom with messy locks. He smelled like freshly roasted coffee. "He said something went wrong with the transaction and their system set the room as a free one so it got sold twice but he doesn't know why. He said we have to wait until the weekend so he can look up to it."

"The weekend? And what does that mean? What's wrong with the transaction?" Jin felt fear creeping into his heart. Did he messed up something? Did he send the money to the wrong place? No, he got a massage about it, there's a proof saying he did everything good.

"I don't know, but I think it was their system's fault." the boy answered as he laid down next to him.

Jin felt a bit relieved after hearing this. It's probably not his fault so there's no reason to be freaked out.

"So we have to stay here till Friday?" he asked.

"I'm afraid we have no choice... Unless you prefer to sleep in the halls?" the younger asked with sparkles of hope in his eyes.

"Don't even dream about it." grunted Jin. "I'm not moving from this bed." he wildly changed into his sleeping position, earning a loud wreck from the bed then pulled the blanket almost over his head.

"Don't worry, I don't need you in my dreams too." the other turned off the lights and turned to his usual position. Jin glanced back to him over his shoulder, frowned then turned back towards the windows. He kept staring at the dark starry sky until he fell asleep.


Thankfully he didn't meet with his roommate the entire day.

The other left early in the morning and he didn't see him around the campus.

His second day was quite boring. He went with Hoseok for lunch but the boy was so obsessed with that new roommate of his that speaking with him was more annoying then pleasant.

'Should I be happy for that traitor when he ruined my first year like this? Hell no!'

He stayed in a bit longer because he wanted to finish his painting so it was already dark outside when he headed back to the dorms.

He was almost there when he saw that short guy coming from another direction. He didn't know what got into him but he started to walk faster. The other noticed that and did the same. He wasn't running until they almost reached the door but then they bumped into each other harshly, fighting over who would enter the room first.

"Wait!" Jungkook said and stopped pushing the other. "It's so childish."

The boy looked up to him with raised brows and... in that very moment Jungkook slipped into the room then poked his tongue at the silver haired. "I won, shortie!"

"Really?" sighed the boy in disbelief.

Jungkook didn't even bother to look at him he just went to his bed and searched for his pajamas and towel. "I never thought I would be rooming with a five years old kid."

"I never thought I would rooming with a girl." Jungkook bite back as he threw his towel over his shoulder went to the door.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, sorry, did I triggered something.."

"Asshole!" snapped the shorter.

"Yay, be careful, no man would want a girl with a dirty mouth." he kept playing and maybe he was enjoying it a bit way too much. "Well... Only for special occasions." he added with a smirk then shut the door before the other could talk back.

He whistled happily all the way to the showers, in the shower, while dressing up, and on his way back.


He wanted to punch the boy so much but he wasn't a violent person so he just threw his pillow over the door when the other shut it. He opened the window to let some fresh air in then tried to calm himself down BUT HOW COULD HE? He was so furious. His only crime was to spill coffee on that evil kid's hoodie and it was an accident.

He quickly changed into his pajamas that was only a short with a loose tank top and waited for the boy to return so he could scold him. When the said one opened the door Jimin didn't hesitate to speak, "Look, I don't know..."

"OH MY GOD!" screamed out the boy while he pointed his finger pn something behind Jimin.

"What?" he panicked as he turned around.

"Nothing. I just wanted you to shut up." deadpanned squirrel-boy then went to his bed.

"What? Wha... Aish..." gabbled Jimin. "Anyway I just wanted to... Did you just plugged your ears in?"

The boy acted like he was already sleeping so Jimin just threw a pillow at him.

"Yah, What's your problem?" snapped the boy then threw the pillow back.

"I was speaking to you! At least listen to what I ha..."

"Why? Can't you just leave me alone? Look! I'm not here to make friends and I don't care about what you want. Just stay on your side and we'll be fine." Jimin was taken aback so he couldn't respond right away. "And try using a deeper tone for God's shake. It hurts my ears."added the boy.

'This brat...' Jimin snarled.

Jimin wanted to fight back but nothing worthy came to his mind so he just mentally cursed himself and his rommate.

He was an easy target for douchebags like him. He never liked conflicts and even when he got into one, he tried to solve it as fast as possible but he could see that this boy won't give it up easily.

He opened the other window then went to his bed.

"Are you planning to freeze me? Close the freaking windows." scolded squirrel-boy.

"I can't. I need fresh air." Jimin said as he settled on his nest-like bed.

"And I need my fingers to be able to move in the morning. Shut the windows!"

Jimin didn't answer. It was still September, the boy was obviously doing this just to annoy him.

The other already thought he was weak and girly, he could imagine him laughing hard after realizing he also chokes on thin air from time to time so he kept that secret to himself.

What a loser.

"Fine! But don't blame me after this." the boy warned him before he turned to face the wall and fell in silence.

Jimin had this feeling that he should close the windows but he was so furious and so damn stubborn he didn't do it. He felt how his breaths got heavier and even though he knew he was far from another attack he still hated the feeling and he needed those freaking windows open.

And that's how it began.

With the windows.

It started with little tricks and pranks and then it got more and more...