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Chapter 6: This is WAR!

Chapter Text


Jimin smiled as the cool breeze caressed his bare skin. He loved the feeling but his lovely morning was ruined as soon as he remembered that wonderful conversation he had yesterday. That not so little ball of wickedness is gonna make sure to ruin his days from now on. He had to do something about that kid, but he knew it's not going to be easy. He stretched out limbs like a cat then sat up. He placed his bare feet on the floor then ruffled his hair.

His roommate was no where to be seen so he felt a bit relieved. He stood up stretching his arms one last time then he wanted to go to the bathroom but... his legs didn't move.

It was too early for him to react right away so he just stood there yawning like nothing happened. Only when he tried to move his legs again with no success he looked down to his feet. He tried to raise one again and again but nothing.

"What the..." he bent down but to see what the heck was going on but he saw nothing unusual. He ran his index finger over the carpet and the realization hit him.

It hit him so hard he even forgot to scream.

'What the fuck?"

Jimin was numb. Did that kid really just glued his feet to the ground?

He tried to separate his skin from the ground but it wasn't working.

Jimin gritted his teeth. "IS HE SERIOUS?"

He reached to his nightstand and opened the drawer. He pulled out his claps knife and slowly started to push it under his feet.

It took him about thirty minutes to separate his skin from the carpet without cutting himself but the dried glue was still on his feet. He didn't had time to wash it off because he was already late from his first class.

"That fucking little shit what the f*ck is wrong with him, is he..." Jimin suddenly remembered the boy's words.

"Don't blame me after this."

"So that's what he meant it. That little... AISH!"

Now he was fuming. Was it really because he didn't close that freaking window?

'So it is how we play now? Well I won't blame you if you won't blame me but... THIS SCREAMS WAR!'


Taehyung was flooded with happiness the past two days. He loved his classes, he loved his teachers and most importantly he really liked his roommate. The other was really similar to him in a lot of aspects so they got along incredibly well. He also had to admit that the other was really handsome and totally his type. It was so easy to talk with him. They only met three days ago, but it felt like they've always known each other.

But the other was playing a game that even made the trickmaster Taehyung confused. The boy never said he was into men and he even caught him eyeing some girls sometimes but still he always acted like he was flirting with him. Taehyung wanted to end his vertiginous thoughts about this but he didn't know how to bring up the topic.

He was thinking about how to solve this on his way back to the canteen when he spotted an angry Jimin coming his way.

"Hey Jimin!" he greeted with a wide smile.


"Oh my gosh, don't kill me!" he took a step back after hearing his friend's neurotic voice.

"Ah, Tae, I'm sorry I didn't see it was you." apologized the boy.

"And who's the one you hate so much?"

"Just... my roommate." sighed Jimin. Taehyung remained silent since he was the one at fault for this. "He's an asshole!"

"I didn't hear that word from you since... see? I don't even remember."

"Trust me this one deserves to be called like that."

They both went to the canteen and started to search for some food. After they put everything that seemed tasty on their plates they settled down to a little table at the corner.

Jimin told Taehyung what his not so nice roommate did but the brown couldn't help and laugh at his hyung's misery.

"It's not funny!"

"I know, I know but you have to admit... It is really funny." he laughed then cleared his throat with a suppressed smile. "Apart from the joke, what are you gonna do with him?"

"War." Jimin stated with eyes promising nothing bit trouble.

"Woah, I never seen so much light in your eyes since..." he didn't finish because they both knew the rest. "That's my Chim Chim, make me proud and do something assessable."

This was probably the first time Jimin agreed with him at something like this. The blonde pushed a meat ball into his mouth then swallowed with a frown - because the food was horrible - before he spoke. "Anyway, it seems like you get along really well with your roommate."

"Eh, well..." Taehyung wasn't sure what to say. He can't just brag about how awesome his roommate is when his best friend got such a bad one. "Yeah, we get along pretty well."

"You don't have to lie. I can see it in your eyes even from miles away. Tell me about it."

These were the moments Taehyung always felt thankful for having a friend like Jimin by his side.

"You know, he's really, really awesome." Jimin raised a brow. "We have so much in common. We're really on the same page and he seems to like me too."


"What but?"

"Tae! I know you since we were ten. Do you think I didn't notice that something is bothering you? It kinda hurts." smirked Jimin and Taehyung - of course - couldn't hold it back.

"I just don't understand him." and the whining began. Jimin smiled at his friend's sudden change then urged him to continue. "He keeps doing these confusing things and I don't know what to do? Why does he doing this? What does he want? Is he playing with me? Is he flirting with me? Am I just imagining things again? What should I do? I can't just ask him; hey are you gay? And..." he only stopped because he ran out of air and was about to continue but Jimin cut him off.

"Wai-wai-wait! He's flirting with you? Already? He's really something,"

Taehyung shook his head. "I'm not sure. It seems like he does but... I can't tell if it's just his way of being friendly or if it's something more."

"But you want him to do the latter, aren't you?" the blonde asked with a smirk.

"Maybe?" Taehyung admitted shamelessly.

"Then there's only one thing you can do." began Jimin and the other hoped his friend will say something useful. "Play along. Use your charms. If he's not into it he will show it but if he reacts... then it's all yours."

Taehyung seemed amused. "If I wouldn't know about your hermit life, I would say you really sounded like an expert now."

Jimin released a loud sigh then stood up to throw his left-overs into the bin.


When he woke up the blonde boy was long gone, leaving him all alone in the king sized bed. He took this opportunity and spread like a sea star trying to cover the whole mattress. He kept rolling around like a puppy then buried his face into a pillow.

Something was off with that pillow. It didn't smell like his. It was strange but it was comforting. The scent wasn't too strong but he recognized it immediately. A pure scent of lavender. Namjoon loved that scent. It had been always his favorite but he rarely got to smell it. Now his nose was full with the aroma and he felt like lying there forever.

His mind was against his drunken feelings and he suddenly realized what he was doing. The scent he liked so much obviously belonged to the boy he was forced to live with, the boy who was about to steal his room and the boy that he thought was unbearably annoying and feral like a baby cat.

He threw the pillow away and sat up.

He won't have classes today so he planned to have lazy day. He climbed out of the bed and went to take a shower. In the bathroom he was greeted by that narcotic scent again and he unintentionally closed his eyes inhaling it like it was some kind of drug. He couldn't help it, it was his favorite. Boy or not boy he loved that scent.

After taking his time in the bathroom he searched for his sweatpants and for a lose t-shirt and dressed up.

He laid back onto the bed just staring at the ceiling and he realized he didn't had any plan and all of his friends were in class so he started to hate the idea of having a day off. He looked around the room again and again and his eyes landed on the nightstand. more precisely on a book that wasn't his. He leaned closer to see the title.

Kafka on the shore

"Hmm, not that stupid after all." he wondered with a half smile, half smirk.

He loved that book and he always carried a copy with himself whenever he went somewhere. He found it funny and amusing how this random stranger was reading the same book. He always found coincidences like this entrancing.

After he got bored of doing nothing he decided to do something useful. He didn't pack anything out since first; the other already did and second; he didn't know if he's gonna stay here or not but he was determined to win the room back so he decided it's time to settle in.

He went to the wardrobe and opened it. Bad idea. That freaking lavender scent hit his nose again and he wasn't happy about the effect it had on him. He quickly closed the doors then went to take a look at the office desk instead where he noticed a really fancy looking sunglasses.

"Nice one." he stated then he raised up the item. It was a really expensive RayBan and it looked like it was also a limited edition. "Living well aren't we?"

It was obvious that the boy wasn't lack of money since he bought the most expensive room in the campus. He also wore expensive clothes which Namjoon could tell right away. He must be a son of some rich CEO just like him. He really looked like one,

Namjoon decided to try on the unique accessory and that 's where he screwed it up. As he tried to open the temples to fit it on his head it immediately broke in his fingers.

"Oh no..." he panicked as he stared at the broken RayBan. He tried to put the broken parts back but what was he thinking? It's not gonna stick back unless he puts a spell on it. "Please don't..."

He didn't need that boy going berserk over him for touching and breaking his stuff. Why the heck did he even touched it? Geez, he was in some big trouble. Another reason for the blond one to act that bitchy like he always did.

Namjoon was already thinking about disappearing and leaving without explanation but then no, he won't give up on his precious room. Not when he already suffered so much. He can just put it back and say it wasn't him. There's no proof for it anyway.

No. F*ck. Stupid. Sunglasses don't just break from nothing, the boy might be an idiot but he's surely not dumb. He will see the RayBan, he will be upset, he will know he broke it, he will scream like he did on the first day, his cheeks going to turn into that scary red color and just like a cat his voice will trail off like someone would step on his tail.

Namjoon shuddered from the thought. He doesn't want to see that again.

He tried to come up with a solution.

"I only have to buy a new one and put it back to it's place like nothing happened before he get's back to the room." he smirked like some wicked villain after his brilliant plan was made then rushed to get his car keys and left the room. He had to be as quick as possible before he runs out of time.

But what time? He didn't even know when will the other come back. His brain seemed to be in good condition today because it worked really fast. He already figured out how will he find out about the elder's schedule. For this, he has to know what mayor the boy is in but that wasn't a problem. He was certain that the receptionist will help him.



The woman stared at him with wide eyes. "Um... I mean..." Namjoon cleared his throat and tried to use a nicer tone. "It's really important... for... my friend! Can't you just... you know."

"I'm sorry sir, I can't gave you personal information about another student." answered the receptionist.

"Yeah I know but I'm not anyone. I'm his friend. It's only for his wellbeing."

"If you're friends, why don't you know his schedule anyway, sir?"

Namjoon's lips twitched. "Really, you wanna play Sherlock here?"


"Nothing, nothing." he waved it off. He was running out of lies but then a really lame one appeared in that not so wicked mind of his. "Okay, look. It's about his girlfriend. They are in that 'long distance' thing and I just want to help them. She came all the way here to surprise him but for this she needs to know when will he finish today. We already running out of time. Please..." he looked at the girl's name tag then smiled, "Hyeon-ssi, do you want to be the reason that ruins this wonderful reunion of two young hearts? I'm sure someone as charming as you has a handsome man waiting for her tonight too." he blinked like some teenage girl trying to seduce her prey. He was sure this will work.

"I..." the girl began and Namjoon's plans took a whole new direction when she started crying like a child. "I don't have anyone waiting for me at home... my.... my b-boyfriend broke up with me y-yesterday..."

Namjoon stood there dumbfounded, eyes growing wider and wider as the woman kept crying.


"Oh my... please.. don't cry I'm..." Shit. He made it. How low the chance was for this? What is he gonna do now? He's running out of time. "Um... I'm sure that boy was an asshole for breaking up with such a pretty girl like you." he tried really hard but had no idea what to say. "He must be and idiot. What a brat. Total disaster. He didn't deserve you anyway. He doesn't deserve your tears either. You can find so much better than him." he kept recalling all those silly things he ever heard in those stupid TV shows, hoping for the best but then his already ruined plan took another turn again.

"You... you really think?" asked the crying mess.

"Of course. Else I wouldn't say it."

"And... y-you really think I'm pretty?"

This was the moment he realized he should just run away but those sad eyes made him unable to do else than answering with a smile. "Yeah, of course."

The woman wiped away her tears then started to search for something in her computer. "I'll help you. What's his name?"

'Woah? That was effective.' Namjoon rejoiced but then... name.

Yeah he didn't know it of course. Smart as fuck but he had an idea how to avoid the question.

"He's in room 104."

The woman gave him a questioning stare but did the favor anyway. She printed the schedule then gave it to Namjoon.

"I won't tell you anything about him but here you can see when will he finish his last class."

"That's more than enough, thank you so much! You just saved my life. I mean... a reunion of two young lovers." he tittered awkwardly and was about to leave but the woman stopped him.

"Mr. Kim!" he turned back with a weird look after the sudden use of the name. "Ah, I'm sorry I just... It's not because I know who you are but... you seem to be a really nice guy and... is there a possibility... for us... can we..." there it is. That was the moment Namjoon realized the woman was actually around his age. He should've known this was coming. Of course she knew who he was. He was the richest kid in the university, everyone who worked here knew it and he also knew what the girl wanted.

Namjoon wanted to say no so bad but he wasn't that heartless. It's not like the girl wasn't pretty or he didn't like dating but he just really didn't plan to do anything like that. He was a real player once but nowadays he got really tired of the whole thing. Brainless girls that were only there for his money. One night stands that brought nothing new to him. Relationships in which he was the only one paying attention to the other. He got tried of those and he wanted more. More than just being a silly couple with heated nights without real conversations and no quality time.

"We can go out... to eat something if you want?" he answered and I swear he tried his best to seem interested.

The woman's eyes were sparkling and she nodded immediately. "I would love to."

"Then... I will come by." he said as he turned around.

"Have a nice day, Mr. Kim!"

"Namjoon. Just call me Namjoon."

He hated when people called him Mr. Kim. In his world that was his father's name and fitted only to him.

He walked to his car or more like run because he wasted too much time already, he hopped in and read the paper. The names of the classes were deleted but the female forgot to blur out the owner's name on the top of the timetable.

'At least she tried.' he thought as he read the name.

Kim Seokjin.

"Hmm... Kim, huh?"

It seemed like this day was full of those little coincidences he loved so much.

Kim? Well it is a really current name but it was still funny that this mysterious stranger not only read the same book as him, but also had the same family name. He didn't had too much time to think about it though because the paper said this Seokjin will finish in less then three hours.

He started the engine and headed to the city center.


"Yah!" he heard a loud, angry voice as he was about to step into his room. He turned to where it came from to see his tiny roommate coming his way with furious steps. It was really a fun y sight.

"Hi shortie."

"Don't!" snapped the boy. "My feet are still tacky from your little present from this morning!" Jungkook didn't even tried to hold back his laughter. He was really proud. "Are you that proud of that? Please..."

'Is he a mentalist?'

"Where did you come from? Kinder garden?" derisively the other continued making Jungkook's smile turn into a frown. "If you think that was a nice one, you probably didn't even play this game right before."

"Sounds like you're an expert."

Jimin snickered. "You know what's the best in this one?" Jungkook tilted his head to question him. "That there are no rules in it." he really sounded like some cool gang member from a crime movie but if this was that kind of movie, Jungkook was the gang leader.

"Oh please. You're too nice for this. I'm gonna win this game without even trying." confidence was really overflowing in him.

"Good luck with that." the boy stated then stepped into the room.

'Is he serious? That little, innocent looking fluff ball? Bet he never even hurt a bug.'

Jungkook followed the other into the room then they both prepared for sleep, Jungkook secretly eyeing the other that seemed disconcertingly calm and happy.

They both fell asleep without saying anything else.


Jungkook woke up feeling awfully tired. He glanced over the other's bed but it was already empty. Thank god.

After getting up and making his bed he went to brush his teeth. His eyes half closed he opened the toothpaste and pushed some on his toothbrush. He started the process while blinking in the mirror but after a few seconds his vision started to clear up and he noticed that something was off. He blinked trying to clear his sigh and when it did his toothbrush fell out from his mouth. He quickly washed his face, his mouth and looked into to mirror again. His sleepy expression turn into a red, wrathful one in a flash.