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Chapter 7: Heat of the moment


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text




Jungkook stomped through the hallways like some wild animal. He pressed his lips tightly together and was silently raving. He never in his wildest dreams would thought about that his innocent looking roommate could do something like this. He underestimated that little brat and now he was only thinking about his next move. He needs a pay back.

Lost in thought he noticed he was going to the wrong direction and was about to turn around but then a well known voice called after him. He would recognize it from miles away.


"Jungkook! You look fretful as usual." he didn't answer because for that he should have opened his mouth. "What? Cat got your tail?" teased the elder and he stared at him shooting fires then slowly parted his lips... or more like snarled to show off his teeth. "Holy Popcorn! Did you know that you're... oh my, your..."

"NO HYUNG I DIDN'T RECOGNIZED THAT MY TEETH ARE FREAKING BLUE!!!!" snapped Jungkook and Namjoon glanced to the side then back to him.

"Easy tiger. I bet you don't want the whole school to know about it."

Jungkook shut his mouth and pulled on his hood.

"So... you bought the wrong toothpaste in the..."

"Of course not! Did I look like an idiot? That freaking roommate of mine did it!"

"I told you to be nice Kook." Namjoon whined. He didn't answer. He wasn't nice of course. "Well... See the good side of it. You wouldn't talk to anyone anyway, so no loss." Jungkook stared at his friend with disbelief. This hyung never took anything serious.

He just left the blonde behind and walked away.

"See you later Kook. And be careful with smiling today."

After leaving the not so helpful friend behind, a really brilliant idea came into his mind.

'That's it. I'm gonna make that little kitten run away with his tail between his legs.'


After laughing at his friend's misery, he continued daydreaming like some teen in love. At least that's how it looked like from the outside. He was just still thinking about what happened yesterday. He got to see a whole new side of his roommate. He was someone boastful and short tempered in his eyes but maybe he was wrong. He kept recalling the other's face as he saw it yesterday; trying to hold back his laughter when Namjoon told him what he did with his sunglasses.


He was driving the car so fast he almost didn't notice the red lights. Well he was sure he's gonna get some fines the next days.

Thankfully he succeed to buy the same sunglasses. Thanks to his reputation the seller got him one of those limited edition pieces. It was really expensive but who cares, not for him anyway. The only thing he wanted was to get out of this trouble he was in. He drove back to the campus then rushed up to his room. He put the sunglasses to where it suppose to be then released a relieved sigh.

He made it.

He took the broken one to hide it in his bag and just then, he noticed that something was written on the temples of the RayBan.

"Shit. What the..?" he raised the item so he could see the tiny letters.

Always the greatest in our hearts

That freaking RayBan was not only a limited one but someone even engraved this phrase into it. He was lost. He fucked up. There's no way he can go back and make an engraving like this in just thirty minutes. Why didn't he noticed it before?

'I'm gonna be so dead.' he panicked and right after this, the door opened and the elder blonde walked into the room.

Namjoon turned around and hid the sunglasses behind his back. He looked so terrified that it made the other raised a brow.

"Yeah?" Jin began, "You look like you just killed someone and now you're about to ask me to help hide the body."

Now Namjoon was the one who raised his brows. "I didn't."

"I'm happy to hear that, I have no strength for that." Jin stepped closer to him trying to go to his side of the bed but Namjoon was in his way. "Um? Can you move?" No he couldn't, he was more scared then he should've been. "What are you hiding?" the boy asked when he saw that his hands were hidden behind his back.

'No. Please no.'

Namjoon was frozen like a creepy doll, waiting for a miracle to save him. "Okay look, I don't really have the mood for this." Jin sighed then reached behind the stone-like boy and pulled the RayBan out of his hands. He looked at the broken item with an unreadable expression.

"I'm so sorry!" Namjoon snapped with a rather high voice. "I didn't mean it! I was just really bored and then I saw this on the table and... it just looked so good I wanted to try it on, I don't know why, I didn't wanted to brake it, it's not like some revenge or something, I'm just good at destroying this that's all, I tried to buy a new one and put it back like nothing happened but I didn't know if you were coming back here during the day or no so I went to the receptionist and tried to get your timetable but the woman didn't wanted to give it to me, anyway I got it in the end and I went to the city center to buy a new one and of course it wasn't easy because it was a freaking limited edition but I got it and then I tried to get rid of the broken one and I saw that there was a freaking engraving in it and then... then you came in." he finished with a deep sigh because he didn't even breath for once and he didn't even why the hell he spit out everything.

He felt so awkward and lame. He wanted the ground to open up and swallow him alive.

While he silently suffered the owner of those broken glasses stood motionless, staring at the freaked out boy. When he finished his monologue and looked at him he was showing him a struggling expression. He was struggling to hold back his laugh. Just as it got quiet in the room he laughed out like he just heard the most funniest thing on earth.

Namjoon stood there, eyes wide, listening to the other's voice. It seemed like he's never going to stop it but then, "I'm sorry but..." he sniffled, "Did you do all these just because of this RayBan?" Namjoon didn't answer. "I thought you hate me!" smiled the boy whose cheeks became red and his eyes were literally sparkling from the laughing so hard.

"I do but... I didn't want to see you going berserk over me like you do all the time." Namjoon then aswered but was still careful, he didn't really understand the situation.

"Am I that creepy?"

He just realized that this was the first time he saw the other smiling.

"Kinda." he admitted. He liked that sight. The blonde one looked so much better with his lips curled upwards. He really looked harmless and huggable. "You're not even angry? Not a tiny little bit?"

Jimin sucked in a breath. "No matter how much I would love to say; I am... No I'm not. I really can't be. I hated this RayBan." and with the last word he threw the acessory into the trash.

Namjoon was numb. "What? Then. Why? You even engraved in it!"

"It wasn't me."

"Then it was a gift! One more reason to cherish it." the boy didn't understood why was Namjoon so worked up with this but if he would've gone through the day he had to... he would be the same. "Geez. I even promised a date for this?"

"You what?"

"Aish... All this for nothing."

"Do you want me to scold you for breaking it?" offered the boy.

"No! Oh god, no!" cried out Namjoon.

Jin released a chuckle then went to get ready for the night.They didn't speak much. Namjoon was happy and disappointed at the same time. The other must think he's a total idiot. They both laid down beside each other then he turned off the lights.

"I know you don't care but still... I'm sorry Jin."

Hearing his name the elder raised to his elbows and stared at Namjoon. "How do you know my name?"

"Aish. Calm down. I saw it on your timetable. I didn't ask for it."

Jin laid down again. "Well it's kinda unfair to keep this information without giving me one in exchange."

"I hate watermelons."

"You know what I meant." sighed Jin.

"Just call me Namjoon, but it's better if you just don't."

"Same goes for you."

They both turned around, showing their back to each other.

Jin was almost asleep when Namjoon spoke up again, quietly. "Jin?"

"Already breaking the rules?" scolded the sleepy voice.

"Who was that RayBan from?" he couldn't help but be curious. Why would the boy hate such an expensive and personal gift?

"From someone who left me long time ago."

Namjoon found the sentence a bit heavy because of the tone the other used.

It was obvious that it was a really personal and painful memory. He didn't wanted to ask more so he remained silent.



Jimin wore a satisfied smile the whole day. He really wasn't an evil person but when it came to things like this, he didn't hesitate to fight back. He was walking around in the park before going to the dance studios. It was around five and the garden was full of students but he immediately noticed his friend walking in a fast pace towards the dorms.

"Tae!" he shouted after him but when the other turned around looking all confused and startled his smile faided into a curious frown.

It seemed like Taehyung was about to run away but Jimin was faster and he took a hold of his wrist. "Tae! What happened? Is something wrong?" he helplessly search for some sign on the other's face.

"No. Jimin... can you just... I really need to go." Taehyung gabbled trying to not look at the silver haired but Jimin saw that something was not right and just when he was about to question him another voice interrupted them.

"Tae!" Jimin looked at the boy that was running towards his friend. It was that dancer he met the other day. He was holding a folder in his hand. It was Taehyung's. The fashion designer stored all his drawings, photos and plans in that.

The boy awkwardly came closer then looked at Jimin. "Huh? You know each other?" he asked confused.

"His my best friend." Jimin answered.

The guy looked surprised but he just shook his head and turn to Taehyung. "I'm... I...you left this in the lockers." he said and handed the item to Taehyung. The still struggling boy took his stuff but avoided eye contact. The tension was palpable between the two and Jimin only had to look at his friend to see that this boy was the reason behind his weird behavior. He tried to figure out the situation but he had no idea what could've happened.

"Um... Can I... can we speak for a moment?" the dancer asked carefully but Taehyung shook his head.

"I have to go. I'm late for class." the boy tried to pull is hand out of Jimin's hold helplessly and the latter noticed that his friend was only moments away from tearing up like a baby. If they were alone he wouldn't let go of him until he tells everything but because Hoseok was there too he decided to do it. He didn't want his best friend to feel humiliated. He released the skinny wrist and let the other walk away then disappear into the crowd.

The two dancers stood there in silence for a while but then Hoseok spoke up. "I... have to go now. I'll see you around later."

"Wait!" Jimin stopped him. "What did you want from Tae?"

"Nothing. It can wait. I just wanted to ask him... something. But I can ask him later in the dorm." the boy's answer didn't sound sincere at all.

"You know where his room is?"

"We're roommates." asnwered the boy and Jimin suddenly felt the light turning on inside his head.

He was the boy Taehyung talked about. His friend must've listened to him and tried to talk to the dancer which probably went wrong. He didn't know what happened exactly but it didn't even matter. No matter what, Taehyung is his best friend.

"I don't know what are you doing but I hope you'll fix it tonight. I'm just as nice as I seem but I won't go easy on you of you hurt my friend."

Hoseok seemed a bit concerened but then nodded and ran away into the same direction that Taehyung did.



Taehyung was determined with his plan. He was only suffering since four days but for him it seemed like months. He knew that in five minutes Hoseok will finish his last dance lesson and he will be at the locker room so he went right there and searched for the boy.

"Tae? What are you doing here?" the dancer asked with surprise.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something."

"I'm all ears."

All the courage Taehyung had suddenly flew away when he finally had the chance to do the real talk.

"So... what is it that you wanted to ask? Hoseok asked when the younger didn't continue.

"I just..." Taehyung was biting his lips nervously and it made the other anoxious too. "I just wanted to ask you about if... you... I mean I really like you, as a friend of course but I have this feeling that you..." he didn't prepared enough. He didn't know what to say. He didn't even know his own name at this moment. "Never mind. It's just... I... I have to go." he turned around but he didn't get far. Long fingers wrapped around his wrist and turn him back so now he was only inches away from Hoseok. He held his breath then tried to get away but those fingers just held him tighter. They just stared at each other and Taehyung's heart was slowly going insane. He felt strange and he didn't know how to escape.

For his luck or miss fortune he didn't even had to know because the other moved first. Hoseok pulled the now tiny looking boy closer to himself then his eyes wandered down to his trembling lips. Taehyung was almost certain what was going to come next and he didn't know if he wanted it or not. A part of him was really curious about how those lips would taste but he wasn't an expert in things like this and it made him really nervous. However the other seemed he was really sure about it.

It happened too slow for Taehyung to not freak out but too fast for running away. Hoseok leaned closer and placed his lips on his.

Taehyung didn't even close his eyes he became numb. It wasn't his first kiss but it was his first kiss in such a long time and he was just too confused to do anything. Not like he didn't liked it, not like he didn't want it to happen sooner or later but it was just too soon. Before he would even realize it he slowly started kissing the boy back.

It was frightening how perfectly their lips fit together and they found themselves melting into each other's touch. Things got heated up too quickly and both started panting from the lack of air. They only pulled away for a second but Hoseok's fingers immediately wrapped around Taehyung's nape and pulled him closer. The younger's thoughts were long gone by then and in the heat of the moment he didn't even care anymore. It felt too good for stopping. He just met this boy and they were already making out in the public locker room. He wanted to feel shameful and he knew he seemed as an easy going person but the other was just as faulty as him.

His hands were resting on the other's chest but slowly he started to move them lower. He didn't went to far but It must've been to much for the elder because he pulled away pushing a bit on Taehyung.

"I'm sorry." Hoseok spoke with rapid and heavy breats. "I didn't meant to... I... it was a bad move. I shouldn't have kissed you, I'm sorry. Please can we just forget about this?"

Taehyung just stood there frozen. It felt like the worst rejection of his life. He's been literally pushed away and then told to forget about everything.

Was this boy serious? He started the whole thing in the first place. How could he just... No. It was his own fault. He should've stopped when it started. He was the weak one here. For the other it may have been nothing but he was too fragile for this. He was too emotional for one-time things. Now he felt tears burning his eyes and he fought not to let them fall. He turned around and ran away before he would burst out crying.

"Tae!" he heard the boy calling after him but he didn't stop.

All he wanted was to get lost his room and cry but for his 'luck' he shared that room with the boy he was running from.


He was drinking coffee with Namjoon at the halls when he noticed a nervous looking boy searching for someone. The boy seemed familiar but he didn't know him so he just kept sipping from his cup.

"Hoseok!" Namjoon screamed up suddenly making him almost drop his precious drink.


"Sorry hyung." simpered Namjoon then waved to the boy to come closer.

"Namjoon.nie." greeted the brown one.

"What are you looking for that desperate?"

The boy's eyes were still searching but he sat down with a sight. "Nothing." he then looked up and noticed the unknown boy sitting in front of him. "Oh, it's you!" he stated pointing towards Yoongi.

"Yeah. I am me."

"You know each other?" asked Namjoon as he pushed his cup towards his friend, offering him to drink from it.

"No. He just scared the shit out of me yesterday."

"Ah, the 'to easy to scare' guy."

'So that's why he was so familiar.' thought Yoongi

"I'm not. But you came out of nowhere and looked like some kind of ghost. Are you a vampire or what?"

Something about this guy really irritated him. He seemed to be the one that never stops talking and gets into everyone's business. Well at least half of these statements were true.

"Oh yeah I was walking on the hallways. So unexpected." Yoongi scoffed sarcastically

"Less work for me then." spoke again Namjoon. "This is Hoseok, my very old and very annoying friend. Hoseok this is Yoongi. You know the guy I told you about."

"Yeah you were always referring to him as 'the pale one'." pointed out Hoseok.

"Thank you very much." Yoongi thanked Namjoon.

"I have to give him right this once. You really look like a ghost sometimes... in your worse days." the blonde joked but they both knew it was true.

"Nice to meet you by the way." Hoseok offered a hand but Yoongi remained motionless. "Okay then." it seemed, no matter what was the topic this boy would wear a smile on his face just like he did the last time they met. Yoongi hated when people tried to act all happy and cute for no reason. He loved to believe that he saw through people from the very first meeting.

"I'm just telling; You can't shake him off with this attitude." Yoongi looked at Namjoon with question marks in his eyes. The younger shrugged. He knew that Yoongi wasn't a man of words and this was his way of keeping people away. "He's like a sunflower, where there's sunshine there's Hoseok."

"Thank god I only have darkness around me." smirked Yoongi.

Namjoon laughed at the spicy attitude then looked at the brown haired male with a smile. "But he is really nice if you got to know him."

"Don't worry I was about to go anyway." Hoseok said and rose to his feet. "See you later Joon and..." he looked at the still expressionless boy, "Yeah..." he didn't know what to say so he just left.

Namjoon grimaced. "Hey! I know you don't like befriending with people but his my best friend. Try to at least act like you don't hate him."

"I don't! I don't even know him." said Yoongi defensively.


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