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Chapter 9: Trouble never sleeps

Chapter Text



It was the first that he and his annoying roommate woke up at the same time so they couldn't avoid each other. Jungkook sat on his bed with his eyes half open and while Jimin rubbed his face. They kept looking at each other as they slowly started to wake themselves up and get used to the light. When their eyes finally opened to the proper size they were still staring at each other.

"You look ugly in the mornings. Pleasure to be able to see it," stated Jungkook with a hoarse voice.

"Only and just for you baby boy."

Jungkook hissed at the nickname, first because it was obviously a mocking one referring to his inferiority and second, he would've actually like it if it was his partner who calls him by that name.

They were like this since days. Conversations like this became a usual habit. After Jungkook dyed his roommate's hair pink and the other cut out all of his pants in revenge they played as rough as they could. There were days when they were to tired to do anything so they just mocked each other as usual but when the time came they didn't hold themselves back.

"I told you don't call me like that."

"And that's exactly why I'm doing it." Jimin slowly stood up from his bed and went to wash his face.

Jungkook still found it hard to get up. When the other came back he knew it was his time to go but he just sat there watching as the other got dressed. The scene reminded him of the first time he saw the boy in this room. Jimin only pulled off his hoodie, revealing a tank top that showed his masculine arms but that was enough to let everyone know, this little one was in a really good shape. Jungkook already had this idea in mind that he should prank the other in one of those public showers.

"I was thinking," he said.

"Oh gosh. I thought you don't do that."

"I was thinking that our 'relationship' got to the point were it's not just a one night stand anymore."

Jimin looked at him then changed his movements and voice into a girly one. "Oh dear! So are you gonna take me to a proper date now?"

"I would cut my hands off first," frowned Jungkook but in the inside he was laughing at the other's acting.

"What do you want?" Jimin was using his original voice now but it was still higher then Jungkook's.

"Your name."

Hearing this the pink one became a little puzzled. "Why do you want to know it?"

"So next time when I have a wet dream about you I'll know what to scream," he said it like it was the most natural thing to say but the other couldn't hide his embarrassment. "Geez. You're so easy to fool.," he rolled his eyes. "Just to know who to curse next time. I'm Jungkook."

"Jimin," said the shorter.

Jungkook stood up and grabbed his towel. They both stood there facing each other, with a towel on their shoulder. They were thinking about the same thing. Jungkook ran to the door but was pulled back by Jimin. The pink let the other fall to the ground then ran towards the closest shower.

"Aish... It's time to get back in the game," Jungkook smirked then he ran after the boy.


Jimin thought he was already safe but the other stormed into the showers. He quickly turned around then ran to one of the cabins. He grabbed the shower head and pointed at Jungkook.

"What are you doing?" asked the younger.

"I don't know," answered Jimin with round eyes.

"Then what are we doing?" They just stood there in silence. A smirk appeared on Jungkook's face and he was about to move but Jimin opened the water. He closed his eyes and hissed as the cold water covered him. Jimin took the opportunity and quickly jumped behind the boy, grabbed Jungkook's and his towel from the ground and ran back to his room. He kept glancing back to see if Jungkook was after him or not so he didn't see the man coming his way and bumped into him.

"Jimin? What the— Where are you running?" asked the one that helped him on his feet.

"Hyung!" Jimin wore a wide smile as he looked into Yoongi's eyes.


He couldn't even remember when did he last see his friend smiling like that. He was so taken aback that he looked at Jimin as if he was seeing a ghost. The other kept looking back like he was waiting for someone to follow him then gave a quick hug to Yoongi.

"Thanks." With that smile still on his face Jimin grabbed the towels and continued running.

"What's with him?" wondered Yoongi.

Jimin looked like a kid on the playground. He had this side in him but Yoongi didn't see it for years. He couldn't put a finger on it. He curled his lips into a gentle smile. What ever was the reason behind his friend's joy, he loved that reason.


His first year at University was going just as he planned it. He loved his teachers, his teachers loved him. He had his best friends close to him and he had the most amazing roommate ever. They were in this strange 'friendship, roommates, maybe more but still not a couple' thing and he loved it. He never felt this free with anyone before. He felt like he can say whatever he wants, he can do whatever he wants and the other will understand him and don't judge. Taehyung was the weirdest person he ever met.

- Jung Hoseok

A ball of sunshine. Literally. But be careful with upsetting this cutie, becouse this 23 years old little flower has the creepiest evil frown in the nation. God saves you, when his not in the right mood.

Thankfully he is, most of the times. None other lives as carelessly as he does. Dancing through life while making as many friendships he can. That's his only purpose.

Studies: Hip Hop Dance

Hobbies: decorating his dorm, dancing girl group dances

Likes: going out, making friends, screaming randomly

Dislikes: spiders, bugs, snakes, roller coasters, high places, dark places... okay scary things... o.o

On his way back to the studios Namjoon caugh him off guard. "Hobi!!!" he seemed way too happy.

"Yah! What's that smile for?"

"What? Can't I be happy when I see my buddy?"

"What do you want Namjoon?" Hoseok smiled because he knew his friend only acted this way when he wanted something.

"I bet you don't have anything to do now. Am I right?"

He knew it would've been better if he lies but he still choose to be the nice guy. "Just say it."

"I just have a tiny, little, favor to ask."

Hoseok sighted. "If it contains things such as breaking up with your girlfriend then I'm out."

"What are you thinking, that's the past I'm looking for my future wife nowadays." Namjoon spoke like he was playing a role in the age of Shakespeare.

"It's hard to believe."

"Then don't," scolded the elder. "So the favor. I have this friend that asked me to bring this pretty box to him." He raised a black box.


"But I have to be at class in..." he looked at his watch. "minus five."

Hoseok rolled his eyes but took the box anyway. "And where should I take it?"

"You're the best Hoseokie! It's right down the stairs, then turn left, then right, then left again and you will see a black door. I think it's the second or the third from the left. Good luck. I own you one," gabbled Namjoon then disappeared before Hoseok could blink.

What? Which door? How many turns? Great. He thought about leaving the box behind. It's not his business anywa. But someone was waiting for that stuff and it might be important. He tried to collect the information Namjoon had given him then went down the stairs.

"Turn left... then right... Then... right again? No left... no! Aish!" He somehow managed to find a hallway with doors but, "Every freaking door is black!" he cursed Namjoon like hell. He went to the third door on the left and prayed that that was the good one. He knocked but there was no answer. He knocked again but still nothing. He slowly opened the door and stepped into the room. It was really dark and kinda cold. It was a little music studio, just enough for one person to work in. He never been in this part of the university but he saw a lot of stuff like these because Namjoon had the same kind of studio back at his house. It was just way bigger of course. He closed the door behind and went closer to the cough. He was about to place the box into the chair when someone opened the door.

"What are you doing here?" asked the familiar voice.

Hoseok turned around and it was that pale boy Namjoon introduced him a week ago. Yoonji, Moongi, what was his name?

"Wait, what are you doing here?" asked the boy again when he recognized Hoseok.

"It's not like I want to be here. Namjoon asked me to bring this box."

The elder looked at the box then back to him. "Mission accomplished, you can go now."

He was a bit too rude for Hoseok's liking. "Not a single thank you? For bringing this box all the way here for a stranger?"

"Thank You!" Yoongi made himself comfortable in the office chair. "Are you satisfied?"

"Not really," frowned Hoseok.

The pale one laid back in his chair and crossed his arms. "Then what should I do to make you leave?"

"You could be a little... nicer." Nothing better came to Hoseok's mind.

"And why would I do that?"

He just blinked at the shorter one. "I don't know... so people will... like you more?"

"I don't need them to like me."

Was he really serious? In Hoseok's world it was first priority. People were his source of energy. He would go insane if he had to live without social activities. He only liked being alone when he was dancing. Then he felt like a different person. He didn't want anyone to be there, just him and the music.

"Don't worry, with this attitude they surely won't," he grunted.

"Then I'm doing good."

Hoseok turned to leave but before he grabbed the knob he turned back again. "Do you have some kind of trauma behind this?"

Yoongi stared at him with a shocked and amused smile. "Are you kidding? Why the heck do you even care?"

"It's just my nature," smiled proudly the dancer. "I'm good at making people feel good."

Yoongi raised a brow. "I hope you know, that sounded quite ambiguous?"

It did sounded like that but it was also his nature to say silly things like this. "Well it doesn't change the facts."

"Well I'm sure that magic of yours won't work on me... in any kind of way," mocked the elder.

"What was it? A childhood friend? A brother? A Lover?" asked Hoseok moving closer to Yoongi like an exited child.

"What the fuck? None of these happened. I am the way I am because I feel better this way."

Hoseok raised his index finger. "A one sided love. That's it."

"Nope." Yoongi realized he can't do anything to make him leave and it will be faster if he just plays along.




Yoongi raised a brow. "Nope."

Hoseok looked puzzled for a moment and Yoongi almost believed he gave up. "Aaaah... You don't even know the answer 'cuz you didn't even realize that this is the problem." He really looked like a psycho shrink now.

"Really? This is your conclusion. How many TV Shows you watched?"

"Just a few but I found your problem!" rejoced Hoseok.

"You will find my foot in your face if you don't leave me alone." retorted Yoongi.

Hoseok showed an offended frown then turned around. "No-one wants to be alone," he said.

"Then I am no-one," answered Yoongi.

Hosek left the room and closed the door. He couldn't understand the male. He wanted to believe he was just playing with him but still he sounded serious. Did he really didn't need people in his life? This sounded stupid.


After he was left behind with his clothes wet and without his towel, Jungkook was raving. He tried to dry himself up with one of the hairdryers but it was useless. After the water stopped rolling off him in tiny rivers he shuffled back to his room. He looked like some kind of swamp monster and people stared at him with knitted brows but he didn't even glance at them. His thoughts were all about Jimin and how could he humiliate him.

<> o <> o <>

Jungkook was sitting in the canteen with one of his classmates that followed him against his will. The boy called Yugyeom was speaking to him non-stop but he only answered with growls like 'uhum' and 'yeah'.

He was on a hunt. He was lurking like a hungry lion on the safaris and his prey was none other that a pink gazelle.

"Jungkook?" called him Yugyeom for the third time.

"Hah?" hhe answered but he didn't look at the other. Yugyeom tried to figure out what he was looking at but there were so many students he didn't recognized the target.

Jimin was sitting few tables away. He was pushing his food with his folk from side to side. He was with an other boy, probably his friend and smiled sweetly. After ten or fifteen minutes the unknown boy stood up and left the canteen. Jimin stayed there, still pushing the food for another five minutes then got up and went to the bins. He was getting closer to Jungkook's table and the other knew it was now or never. He stood up so he was only few steps away from Jimin and threw his plate full of spaghetti on the other's head.

Jimin dropped his tray and froze in his spot. The hall fell into pregnant silence. Everyone was waiting for the shorter's reaction. Jimin simply wiped the food off his eyes then turned around with an angelic smile to look into his roommate's eyes. Hethen took someone's plate from a table beside him and threw it away. It landed on Jungkook's chest.

He looked at Jimin with his mouth open and his eyes furrowed. They both took an other plate then threw them away.

As they say, stupidity is contagious. Every one in the hall started to threw food into each other's face and it turn into a mess of war. Jimin and Jungkook only focused on each other trying to get away from the flying items until a loud voice echoed trough the hall.

"Jeon Jungkook, please come to the principal's office now." Everyone stopped and tried to act like they have done nothing. Jimin smirked evilly but then the speaker spoke again. "Park Jimin, please come to the principal's office too."It was Jungkook's time to smirk but they were in huge trouble right so they just left the hall with food on their clothes.

<> o <> o <>

"Boys!" They were sitting in front of the principal with their heads down. "I don't know what got into you but I won't stand anything like this in my University."

"He started it," said Jimin, hoping that he can save himself from the penalty.

"It's obvious that you two have problems with each other so I don't care who started it. You better shake hands or just stay away from each other if you don't get along." Both of them hissed. It's not like they could of avoiding each other, they were roommates. "However I still have to send you to detention."

"What?" cried out Jimin.

"Three hours at the park. You can do it tomorrow afternoon. Ask the janitor, he will tell you what to do," waved the principal.

As soon as they left the office Jimin turned to Jungkook with detest. "It's all your fault! Look what you did! Now I have to spend more time with that annoying face of yours!"

"Well I'm not happy about that either but seeing you covered with food makes me...delighted," scoffed Jungkook. "You've never been this fashionable before. You should thank me."

"You're really unbelievable," growled Jimin.

"I'm trying," smiled Jungkook and the other shook his head.


Jin was on his way back to the campus. In his final despair he decided to go back to his grandparents. They couldn't help him since they didn't had much money so they just tried to cheer him up. He still didn't know what to do but he couldn't miss more of his classes so he came back.

With that tiny suitcase of his he walked around the dorms, searching for a place wher he could sleep. Thankfully there were a lot of couches so he found one far from everyone and settled down onto it. It was already dark outside so he decided to take a shower. His plan was to stay unnoticed until he can find a better solution but to be honest he doesn't really had anything in his mind. He knew that no one will mind if he uses the shower or sleeps in the couch. He could even eat for free since there's so many students no one will notice him.

He never felt this humiliated in his life. Not even when his own parents locked him out of their house and send him away with that tiny suitcase he had.

After he took a shower he went for a walk. He had to clear his head and the cold weather was perfect for this. He was thinking about so many things and nothing at the same time. He sat down on a bench and let the cold breeze carress his face.

"Seokjin?" He turned his head only to see the person he wanted to avoid the most. "I wondered if I would see you again," smiled Namjoon.

"Well I'm here."

"So did you find a room?"

"Yeah, yeah. It's on the other side of the building."

"That's great."

It was a bit awkward between them. They didn't know what to say so Jin decided to leave. "It was nice to see you, but I have to go now. My roommate will be angry if I wake him up." He lied so easily today.

"Ah, right! Roommates!" chuckled Namjoon.

"So... bye," said Jin then walked away, back to his... well... couch.

He wanted to read to avert his thoughts but it didn't help much. He had to find a way out of this no matter what. Of course he could go and work somewhere but it wouldn't be enough and he didn't had time for a full time job. He even started to think about things that he never ever wanted to do. He was thinking about going back to his parents and beg for their help. That would be the most horrible thing though and he thought being a homeless in the campus was still better than that.

He shook these thoughts out of his head and tried to concentrait on his book.


He didn't know why but he was kind of happy to see his ex-roommate again even though the other wasn't in a good mood. Who could've blame him? Just the thought of sharing a room with someone freaked Namjoon out.

He had a really long day and he messed up one of his songs so he had to stay in the studios longer. It was already eleven when he finished his work. He was walking back to his room when he saw a tiny light coming from one of the dorm's living rooms. It was surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows so he could see in clearly from the outside. As he walked closer he recognized the male sitting under the light. It was Jin, probably reading something. He could've just walk to his room but his curiosity lead him closer to the boy. Why was he sitting there at this time? Everyone is already sleeping. Was his roommate that bad?

He was kind of lurking on him and he felt really lame. He almost turned around but his eyes spotted that tiny suitcase beside the reading boy.

Okay, that was weird. He might be overthinking it but why would someone read in the living room with his suitcase by his side. He can't be that paranoid. Namjoon wasn't dumb he knew something was fishy. Still he choose to turn around and walk away. It wasn't his business.

He went back to his room but his mind was filled with thoughts of Jin.