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Chapter 10: Iced coffee and muffin


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text




He was waiting for Jimin to arrive to the place where they should start their work. He was standing in the park in a field full of flowers. They task was to water the plants so Jungkook thought it's not that bad. However the fifteen minutes of waiting made him angry.

"I can't believe you arrived Princess. Thanks for dignifying us with your presence."

"My class ended later," said Jimin, pulling on some gloves. "So what are we doing?"

Jungkook threw the hose at the boy's chest. "Take this." Jimin hissed at the punch. "I'll do this area, you can go there. The further the better," stated Jungkook, then walked away. "Those flowers match your hair more anyway."

"Just shut up when I'm like this because of you."

"You could've just dyed it," pointed out Jungkook..

Jimin looked so dumb. He could've done that easily. He just really didn't think about it. "I didn't had time to buy hair dye." What a liar.

"Just admit that you like it," teased Jungkook. "You always wanted to dye your hair pink, you just didn't had the courage to do it. You're welcome!"

"Yeah Jungkook, it was my deepest desire." Rolling his eyes, Jimin went to the pink flowers and started watering them. They managed to do their job in peace for more than five minutes which was a new record.

"Yah! Don't steal my flowers! Stay on your side," scolded the younger.

Jimin grunted. "Seriously?"

Then an other five minutes went by without any interaction. They almost broke another record but then Jimin raised his hand to rub his eyes and with this motion the hose raised too and some drops of water splashed on Jungkook's hand.

"Yah! Look what you're doing moron."

"Sorry! I didn't meant to something just— got into my eyes." Jimin kept rubbing his eyes but this time he used his other hand.

"Oh, can I see it? Maybe I can help," offered Jungkook, kindly. Ehem... kindly?

It was really foolish of Jimin to trust him but he was so busy with his eyes he didn't thought about it. He let the other closer and Jungkook looked into his eyes.

"It's just a little dirt, I can get it out." He moved Jimin's tiny fingers from his eyes and acted like he was really helping but then he raised his hose and spattered the water into the pink one's face.

"Yah! You brat!" cried Jimin.

Jungkook laughed so hard he almost fell. "You really thought I would help you?"

Jimin was furious. He raised his own hose and pointed it at the laughing boy. Jungkook got wet in a second.

"Sh*t. Don't mess with me!" He cursed, running from the water that Jimin mercilessly kept puring on him. "Aish! Fuck it!"

Jimin stopped. With a satisfied smile he stated, "You started it."

Jungkook growled and raised his hose again. No matter who started, it turned into a water battle. Jungkook couldn't help but laugh and Jimin did the same while he tried to hide behind a bush.

"That's not fair. I don't have a bush," whined Jungkook.

"That's your problem," smirked the elder and he aimed the water at Jungkook.


He was not so far from the place where Jimin and the unknown guy kept sprinkling each other with water. He stood there with a pocker face. He was trying to adjust to the view. From the outside it looked like two kids were playing happily on a hot summer day — although it wasn't summer and they weren't kids. For who knows how long he just watched them. He felt something weird inside but he couldn'T specify the feeling. His friend looked so happy it made him think about the boy next to him.

Who is he and why Jimin didn't tell him about this new friend? He knew really well that the pink didn't had friends other than him and Taehyung and he wasn't even the befriending type. Yoongi couldn't' tell exactly why did it bothered him but it did a little. He felt bad for feeling this way. He should've been happy that his best friend opens up again.

His head was full of these confusing thoughts as he walked back to the campus to drink a cup of coffee— It would be his third one that day. He sat down to a small table with two chairs, he ordered an Americano then took out his notebook and started writing. It was peaceful and he really appreciated the silence, but moments like this always has to be ruined by something, aren't they?

Someone came to his table and sat down on the chair in front of him. He looked up and it was 'that smile' again. He just blinked in slow motion, face showing boredom, and waited for the other to say something. The boy started looking at the menu like he wasn't even there. Since the newcomer didn't do it Yoongi decided to spoke.

"What are you doing?"

The other looked up to him with innocent eyes. "Drinking coffee?"

"I'm not sure if your eyes are working well, but this table is taken."

The boy pouted, drawing Yoongi's attention to his lips. They were pretty.

"I'm sorry. This chair seemed empty, all by itself. I kinda felt bad for it. I do have lenses by the way."

Yoongi almost snarled. "Who cares, get lost."

"I didn't even order," complained the boy, then waved to the waitress. "An iced coffee please, and... a muffin." Yoongi just stared at him, getting more and more annoyed with each second. "So how are you?" continued the brunette. He was elbowing on the table, his head rested on his hands.

"I was totally fine until... two minutes ago, thanks."

"You're welcome! That sounds boring anyway." Hoseok took the toothpicks and started to make simple shapes with them.

Yoongi just stared at him with disbelief. "Are you gonna tell me what you want or are you waiting for me to beg, cause that's not gonna happen."

Hoseok looked up from his masterpiece. "I don't want anything. I just wanted to drink a cafe and eat a muffin. It's really delicious here, you should try it."

"And those other lonely tables weren't good enough for you? Have you wondered how they feel now." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"You're right, next time we should sit somewhere else."

"There's no such thing as 'we' and don't even—"


Hearing the soft voice, Yoongi turned his head so fast he almost sprained his neck. "Hi Jimin!" The boy's hair was still wet.

"Um... Jimin? You know each other?" interrupted Hoseok.

"Yeah, he's my friend," answered Jimin.

Yoongi felt kind of hurt by the low rank, but he was more curious about why Hoseok knew his friend. It seemed like he was left out from everything.

"A really good one actually," added Jimin. "and from long ago."

'That's more like it.'

"You know everyone around here?" asked Hoseok.

Jimin chuckled. "No, but it seems like you got to meet with the only two I know."

Yoongi raised a brow at Hoseok. "You know Taehyung?"

"We're roommates," cheered the brunette. "So you three are friends or what?"

"Yeah, we're best friends," corrected Jimin.

"That's funny. Seems like everyone knows everyone."

"Won't you sit down?" Yoongi didn't even bother with Hoseok anymore. As soon as Jimin entered the cafe he had only eyes for him.

"Nah, I have to go. I just saw you and I wanted to say hi."

"Okay then." The elder hoped the other would stay and save him from this idiot. These days he didn't even get to spend time with Jimin.

After the pink haired left he turned back to Hoseok who stared at him with a weird, guirky look. "What?"

"So you do have friends after all."

"I never said I don't have," pointed out the elder.

"Still you prefer to be alone? I bet you wouldn't mind Jimin's company all a day."

For the first time, Yoongi looked puzzled. "What do you mean? Of course I wouldn't. He's my only friend and his a good company not like others."

"What about Tae?" Hoseok asked, and Yoongi thought they must be really good friends by now if Hoseok calls him by his nickname. Not surprising at all. He could imagine them having sweet talks about silly and stupid things all day.

"He's different."

"Well I can't argue with that. He is different," smiled Hoseok.

Yoongi didn't miss to see the devotion is his eyes as he spoke about Taehyung.

"I'll be going." Hoseok stood up. "By the way, I already figured out your problem."

Yoongi sighed. "Really? Genius."

"It's the fourth one," stated Hoseok then walked out of the cafeteria.

"What? What fourth?" Yoongi cried after the boy but that disappeared in the crowd.

The waitress came and placed a glass of coffee and a muffin on the table. "The iced coffee sir."

"What? I— Aish!" He cursed at the boy then paid for his order. "That little..."


'It's so obvious even the blind can see it.' thought Hoseok.

As soon as Jimin came, Yoongi's whole aura changed. It was really fascinating. He thought the boy was all emotionless but just as he thought, even he has a weakness.

That was probably Jimin.

Hoseok had two hours of hip-hop training then one hour of strength training so he was hella tried when he got back to his room. When he entered, Taehyung was pinning magazine covers onto his wall.

"Hi Lagerfeld! How you doing'?" Taehyung turned back with a wide smile.

"Hobi! I was waiting for you. I need your help."

"Mine? In..." He pointed towards the wall full of covers and fashion designs. " this kind of stuff?"

"Yes! I need an the opinion of a non expert," explained Taehyung.

"Well then that's me."

"Which one do you prefer? The right side with the red ones or the left with the yellow concept."

Hoseok tried to look like he totally got this but Taehyung saw he was suffering- He found it cute.

"Um... hard question... well maybe... the black one."

Taehyung looked at the wall with confused eyes. "There wasn't even a black one."

Hoseok pursed his lips, then pointed to a random pic. "Then that one."

"Ah, thank god! I liked that one too," cooed the younger.

Hoseok looked for his towel. "I'm gonna take a shower. Want to come?"

"I would love to but I have to finish this first."

"Ahhhh, pleeeease... Taeee..." Hoseok whined like a child.

"That's not gonna work." The boy didn't even look at Hoseok, just kept arranging his stuff.

"It worked last time tho." Hoseok moved closer to the boy, pushed his chest against his back and placed his chin on his shoulder.



Taehyung sighed. "Do you want me to get bad grades."

"I just want you to take a shower with me." He was almost whispering, right into the younger's ear.

"If you say it like that it's really hard to say no."

"Then don't."

Taehyung turned around with an annoyed expression. "But we'll be quick."

Hoseok smirked. "You're standing in front of a real life Flash."

"It's The Flash," corrected him Taehyung then took his towel and went to open the door. In the hallway he found himself staring at Jimin who just walked out of his room with his own towel.

The boy greeted with smile. "Are you going to the showers too, Tae Tae?"

"Jimin? You live in that room?" asked Hoseok.


Jungkook appeared behind Jimin with a towel as well.

"Hi Kook," Hoseok waved.

"You know him?" asked Jimin confused.

"He's my best friend," answered Hoseok.

"Wait. You know him?" Jungkook asked Jimin, pointing at his hyung.

Jimin shrugged. "We met few times."

Taehyung joined in. "Wait, your best friend's rooming with Jiminnie?"

"You know him too?" Jungkook exclaimed, now his fingers pointed at Taehyung.

"His my best friend," spoke Jimin.

The four boys stood there, staring at each other with roud eyes. At the end of the corridor a door opened and another boy stepped out to the hallway.

"What is this congregation? Did I miss the dorm meeting or what? I want less screaming and more blankets by the way."

"Hi Yoongi! Long time no see," greeted Hoseok, his smile bright as always.

Yoongi frowned at him. "Not long enough. You own me a coffee and a muffin, you brat."

"You know him too?" Jungkook asked, now totally confused.

"No, he doesn't," grunted Yoongi.

"He's my friend tho," pointed out Taehyung.

"Mine too," added Jimin.

"So everyone knows everyone. That's super exiting, but could you move so I can enter my room." Namjoon's deep voice came from behind.

"Hyung? You're rooming here too?" cried out Jungkook.

"Don't tell me you know him too," whined Jimin.

Namjoon clicked his tongue, a little impatient. "Well it seems like everyone knows everyone so let's just move on. 104 is mine."

"I don't know you by the way." Jungkook said, looking at Yoongi.

"You don't even have to," hissed the pale.

"Okay, so... everyone knows everyone. That's cool, isn't it?" Everyone looked at Taehyung. Then they shared a quick glance with each other.

They were all thinking about the same thing. Taehyung told Hoseok that he messed up his application with his friend just like he did. If Jimin was Taehyung's friend and Jungkook was his then it only meant one thing.

"We're doomed!"

"We're saved!" they chorused.


Namjoon's day was a quite dull. He was literally dying, he was so bored. First he went to his room to watch some tv but he got bored of it after ten minutes. He went to the park to read but he couldn't focus for more then five minutes. He went to find Hoseok around lunch time but the boy was nowhere to be seen. He went to find Yoongi but he didn't find him either. He even thought about spending time with Jungkook but the other shook him off with some lame reasons. He walked around the dorms like some ghost, then when it was already dark he felt relieved that he could finally go and take a shower.

Freshly showered and being more unmotivated than ever he laid down on his bed and waited. Waited for the sandman to finally punch him into sleep but he wasn't tired enough. After rolling from side to side he stood up, put on his coat and went down to the studios. It was one of the best things at this university that anyone could use the studios at anytime. He often had trouble sleeping so he liked working at late nights. However this time it wasn't so effective. He was to tired to do it but he wasn't tired enough to sleep. Gosh, he never felt this useless before.

After hitting some random buttons on the MIDI controller for more than thirty minutes he decided to go back and force himself into a sleep even if he had to use a baseball bat for that.

On his way back he saw Jin again. He just walked out one of the public showers and even from this distance he could smell the strong lavender scent.

The elder's ears were plugged in so he didn't hear Namjoon's steps. After more than two minutes Namjoon realized he was actually following the male. It must be that freaking lavender scent that hypnotized him. He was about to turn back but then he remembered what he saw yesterday and that made his curiosity grow again. He had nothing better to do and please, lurking on Jin was more interesting that squirming on a bed like a dog.

He went into a total 'James Bond' mode and started following the other from corner to corner. It was quite easy since the blond didn't hear anything.

Jin guided him back to the place he saw the elder yesterday. The same couch, with his suitcase still there. He stopped for a moment, squinting his eyes. It was clear that something was off.

Humming a song, Jin settled down on the couch, then opened his book.

Nothing made sence and Namjoon had many questions but one thing was obvious; Jin was sleeping here, on this very couch for two days if not more.

'Maybe... his roommate is that bad.' It was the only thing Namjoon could think about. He went to the boy and sat beside him.

Jin jolted. "What the— Namjoon? What are you doing here?"

"I was about to ask the same. Is this couch that comfy?" He saw a light pink blush appearing on Jin's fair skin.

"I just— like reading here. The view is quite good."

True. But it wasn't enough for Namjoon. He saw the suitcase lying there but he decided not to mention it. "Trouble with your roommate?" he asked. "Do you want me to talk to him? I can be pretty scary if I want."

Jin cracked a smile. Imagining Namjoon being scary was really funny after all.

"No. It's not like that. I just really like reading here. I'll go back now anyway, I'm really tired."

Namjoon nodded, "As you wish." then stood up and began to walk away.

He was almost in his room when he looked to his right to check if Jin was really saying the truth. He wasn't surprised to see the male, reading that book again in the living room.

It was a U shaped building with floor-to-ceiling windows and the living room that belong to Namjoon's room was on the opposite side, right in front of Jin's current one.

'That little liar.'

Namjoon didn't even know why he cared but he was really annoyed; a little uptight?

The realization hit Namjoon out of the blue. Jin didn't have a room! There's no better explanation. He surely didn't have one. There was something more behind this and it made Namjoon confused and furious at the same time. He didn't even understood himself he just turn around and started to walk back with heavy steps. He went to the male and took the book out of his hands. Jin couldn't even protest he just started at him with doe-eyes.

Namjoon grabbed his wrist, pulled him up and started walking back to his own room.

"Yah! What are you doing? Let me go?" cried out Jin. The younger's hold was too strong so he couldn't do anything but stumble after the boy.

Namjoon reach his room, he opened the door and pushed the male inside.

"What the heck are you doing? You can't just drag me here like a hostage." Jin had this habit of saying silly things. He was massaging his wrist as he tried to leave the room. Namjoon stood in his way grabbed his wrists again and pushed him gently towards the bed. "I won't ask you why you don't have money."

Jin's eyes grew wide.

"You can sleep here for tonight." Namjoon pushed the numb boy into the bed.

Jin looked like a scared kitty with his hands in front of his chest, still in the position Namjoon had hold them. He didn't move at all.

Namjoon took off his coat and laid down beside him. He showed his back to the male and he didn't say anything. He just turned off the lights and pretended to be asleep.

Jin was silent, like he wasn't even breathing. Few seconds later Namjoon heard the bed cracking which was a sign of Jin moving. After the elder found the best position everything went quiet.