Chapter 1



"Kendall!! Get the hell down here!!" Keith yelled at his younger sister near the stairs that leads up to her room with pop songs booming out of the radio. I'll say it. It was annoying, having creepy songs in this house. The Wilson's household

The younger sibling rolled her eyes, old. She thought, she would say 'old and wise' but that thought counts for The Kung Fu Panda. "I'm coming!!" She yelled back, the thought that counts, counts for a special occasion

She stops the radio then out of her room. She sighed, headache... she thought, then head downstairs where the smell of meatloaf, coffee, and the rest lingers around the room.

She moaned in delight "Is Keith cooking again??" She asks her younger brother. Kenneth, a fifth grader. Who was holding a pencil to his thoughts, didn't do his homework again yesterday. Punishments are amazing isn't it??

She looked at the three seats that were unoccupied. Kieth cooking, I'm standing here... where's Katherine? She's probably still at her room

"Kate's awake or asleep?" She asked Kenneth again, but he just grunted in response.

Kendall just rolled her eyes "I guess so.." then just sat down on the seat next to Ken.

He groaned, "would you mind!?" He yelled at her, then sighed "I-I'm sorry. And Kate's upstairs still mad at Keith and wouldn't go down." He said "Just let me finish this damn thing!!"

Keith grunted at the kitchen then laughed "If you didn't 'walked around town' you would've finished that damn thing!!" He marks his words but Ken just groaned

Wow, Kendall thought. Then she hears foot stomping on thin wood then turns around. Seeing Katherine while she's tying her hair. With earphones stuck on her ears, short shorts, and a shirt that practically shows some skin.

"Kath... wha— what are you wearing?!" Kendall asks, pointing at Kate's shorts.

"Oh, I'm going for a run" Kath sighs in relief with her hands on her waist, her face with a look that says I'm-gonna-take-over-the-world look. And that look isn't good

"Don't you have classes??" Keith asks, obviously?? Doesn't she??. He thought.

"I don't, first period's cancelled. Mr. Denver is stuck in Asia. Around where weird foods are not exotic?? Whatever that place is. He and his new wife, is stuck there.. looking for his passport or something" she explains

Keith looks outside and sees the school bus then says "bus's here" then Kendall quickly grabbed two handful of meatloaf and packs it in plastic and takes her bottle with orange juice in it and takes Ken with her while he's still packing his stuff.

"Have fun!" Keith says, but Kate denies then adds "In hell!!" Then starts laughing annoyingly.

Keith starts getting all mad and starts to ignore Kate

"Wow, cold shoulder. Good thing I'm..." she pauses then licks her index, then touches her shoulder. Making sizzling sounds as she touched it "hot" she emphasises the last word


Kendall took the spare seats and made sure Ken was sitting nearest to the window. So he wouldn't get bullied more

"How's life without parents, Wilson!?" Kendall heard behind her then looked. She hoped it'd be just one of those lowlife addicts in school but it was the jock in their football team, he has brown hair with the usual jersey almost every movie jock has ever been. She just scoffed then went back to eating her meatloaf

"Stop that Jake" someone with a husky voice said behind her back then she turned around her head then just saw another jock who took the football out of the jock then sits near Kendall

"Sorry 'bout Jake there. I'm Wade. How're you?" He held his hand out for her to shake but she just stared at him and went back to her meatloaf, she felt like she was melting, his blue eyes were on her, it was almost controlling her a little, she felt goosebumps on her arms

Yeah, he looks hot, but. Is he hot?? Like, his personality too?

He sighed, defeated then was about to walk away until she told him to wait at the slightest hint. A hand, he stared at it then sat back down. Then in seconds. Her hand held his wrist. Softly

"I don't talk to people who are in any way interested or related with the people who bullies my brother" she says, tightening her grip with every word she just said

He froze, he couldn't get a single word out of himself, he was still in stance, like her face was an illusion that was hard to crack. He gets back into reality as soon as Kendall released her grip then takes her tumbler then takes a sip

He stays on his seat for the whole ride, frozen, thinking of probably about himself and how he was raised. Which wasn't a great time of his childhood

As soon as the bus stops in front of the school they started leaving the bus one by one or two by two, Kendall saw two of her friends waiting for her, one of them was busy with their phones while the other was waiting, sitting patiently, then suddenly gets herself poured with flash happiness when Kendall got out of the bus

"Oh my god, Kendall!! How long has it been? I think its a week. Has it been a week Odette?? I think its been a year—" she's like that, every single time. Maybe not all the time but.. she's like that

"Detty, has she been drinking again?" Kendall asks then Odette, sighs, bored or even lazy to answer

"She's drugged. Again, by one of the jocks there. That dude with the brown hair with the jersey on" she points towards the jock who teased her awhile ago at the bus

She felt anger wash through her then suddenly she found her feet walking towards the jock with her hands on fists, nails digging on her palm, with her teeth and her jaw starting to clench

"Kenny!!" She heard Detty yell behind her but she didn't listen, everyone started to stare at her while she was almost near him.

Then started to punch him, over and over again, once she stopped, she took a breath

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Jake yelled at her, she replied with punches each word "You. Drugged. My. God. Damn. Friend. Then. Took the ease. To tease. Me. At. The. Bus!!" She punched him real hard at the last word his nose broke

Someone walked up to them, she thought it was the principal so she released him the second she heard it, staring at him like she was going to strangle him then cut him with a rusty knife

"Stop that!" She saw the boy with blue eyes again, using both his hands to mark stop at the both of them

Kendall stared at him angrily, trying to stop drooling over him, which she probably failed "What the hell are you doing!?" She scold him "We are in a fight right now and you're gonna get hurt if you don't stop right now" she threatened him then looked at the boy she just beaten up "And you will look way worse than him" she pointed at Jake

"Then you will get expelled sweets" he told her, crossing his arms

"What do you mean?" She asked, hoping the principal isn't behind her

"Because I share 20% of this school's foundation, I could get you expelled either way" either way, it was almost the same trouble, only more dangerous. Wow, Heather High is quarterly owned by this man. Plus points.. she thought

She writes points of the men she thinks is attractive, at the end of this year, the points will be finalised and that's the man she will date the following year.

"Fine. I'll stop. This time" she said then walked away, well. Towards Detty and Vanessa

Detty, being the serious or mommy-like she is. She was too worried, concern even "Kenny, what— why the hell did you do that?! You almost got yourself in trouble... again!" She practically yelled at her. Still, mother-like

"Just leave it Det, just leave it" for now, she thought. Covering her thoughts with Vessa starting to drink from an unknown flask that was at the bench

They grabbed her quickly then removed the flask "You're going home!!" And by home, they mean the hidden basement of the school the engineer told the students. That was filled with hidden wifi, computers, alcoholic drinks and soundproof walls and ceilings


Fast forward till the end of the school day, they either do their homework or party like there's no tomorrow but for Kendall, with her homework reaching up the peak of Mt. Everest, she had no plans of catching up with the party people of school.

When she reached home, Keith was there with his girlfriend, a senior in high school, her high school. One of the most popular girls around campus. Mariah Cooper

Mariah rolled her eyes the second Kendall stepped into the house, with Keith smiling at her

Kendall started the conversation "So, which college graduate will you be in bed with tomorrow Riah??" She chuckled, and felt a bit of weight lift off of her.

"Well, at least I'm not the one who had the hots for Wade Black anyways" Kendall rolled her eyes then chuckled. Mother of god, this girl was worse than any villain she could even imagine

"You had a crush on one of the Blacks?? Kendall.... you know what happened between our parents with them.." Keith tried to explain with Riah growing iwth curiosity

Riah held Keith's hand while her heel stroked up and down on Keith's leg "What happened with your parents anyway?? You never tell me that Keithee poo" she cooed, and it was ugly

"Sorry Mariah, but its family only" Keith said, then Mariah grunted, scoffed, pouted, and everything in two seconds

"What's for dinner?" Kenny tries to change the subject

Keith looks back into the kitchen, while he was there, Mariah rolled her eyes then adjusted her breasts to enlarge each. When Kendall noticed, she tried to remove contact of it, but it was already plastered in her mind, playing over and over again

"Ratatouille. Mom's specialty" Riah raised a brow, she doesn't know what the food was, she never watched films. Her family is against it. They only watch documentaries which include how she would handle their family's business, Food Raine

Kendall stared at Riah for a few seconds until she would imagine herself strangling the girl who's temporarily names as her brother's girlfriend

Then, people entered the house, Katherine. On her phone, with Ken, who has a brand new black eye. Which shocked Kenny

"What happened to you!?" She dropped her bag quickly then looked into he black eye, while Riah hides her laughter inside, but the hiding wasn't enough that Katherine noticed it.

She tried to make a joke out of it "Keith!! When are you going to put this in the dumpster!! She's practically garbage anyways!" She screamed into Keith

Kendall snickered, then in a swift move, Riah grabbed quickly onto Kath's hair and pulled it. Of course, she screamed in pain, and in laughter. Riah was too sensitive and bad for her brother, well, that was what she thought.

Th second Keith hears it, he rushes to see his brother already with a black eye plus, his girlfriend pulling his sister's hair. And its called, a mess

He mutters something to himself then pushes his girlfriend and his sister away from each other, then makes his way to his brother while whisking him to the kitchen to get some ice for his eye

"He's like a real life superhero" Kendall thought, all of what he did was always fast and it makes you feel like superman's there