Chapter 2



The next day went by and things were going on all according to whatever Keith's plan was, normal. But its obvious nothing normal will happen to them anymore

Everything was happening smoothly, Katherine finally going to school, Kendall trying to sleep after school and Ken still hoping to not be caught leaving the house. But normality always changes. Especially today

There was a knock on the door, Keith called out Ken, who again was trying to leave the house "Open the door Ken!" He yelled through the Kitchen, he was once cooking again.

Ken grunted in disappointment, of course, who wouldn't know when Ken would leave? Even succeed in leaving? Probably when he's twenty-one. The second Ken opened the door, he gasped then shut the door "Keith!! Its mom and dad's lawyer." He said in sadness and once more disappointment, it means.. they get to hear about their parents again.

Keith frowned, she shouldn't be here, we've discussed everything months ago he thought, of course, he was wrong.

He sighed "Let her in Ken" with Ken being a brat, he muttered something to himself then let her in.

"Hello there Ken, last time I saw you, you were sad, why're you angry?" She asked, she was always nice to the Wilson's kids. Because they were special

Ken started eating his cheek from the inside. "Of course Ms. Rofouge, I'm just mad that uhm. Hailo tried to kill Ipiweraboi again but didn't succeed. Lemonaid healed him again" Ken said, using Beyonce songs as the characters, it was obvious that Ms. Rofouge wouldn't hear her songs because she was some weird old lady. Well, she looks like a witchy old lady to Ken. But she was young. And she knew those songs

Keith wipes his hands dry then grabs some cups "Would you like some coffee Ms, Rofouge?" Olivia, or Ms. Rofouge didn't really like being called like that by men her age. So she would correct him. Often

"Again Keith, I am Olivia, not Ms. Rofouge. I'm not that old" she sighs "and yes I would like some coffee, brown with some sugar on it" Keith gets a refresh of calling her a Ms again. He chuckles in reply then brews the coffee.

With Keith brewing coffee, Olivia starts checking on her messages, and the doorbell rang then someone with a squeaky, annoying tone sang "Open the door Keithee poo!!" Olivia was disturbed, inside and outside. She thought Keith was nice, and caring but she just thought wrong.

Ken sighed and licked his lips with disgrace, grabbing his cup of orange juice, telling Olivia "Hide" she nods and just follows, hiding on the closet, he opens the door standing on a stool with his juice behind his back

Riah smirks then chuckles "Awe, hello you.. you" she pauses, closing her eyes to hold the hatred she has on the family. Hence the opportunity for Ken to pour the juice on her. He did. Then she screamed like hell

"OH MY GOD!! Keith!! Your brother just poured this... this.. orange thing on my head!! Eewww" then starts screaming like someone who just saw a ghost.

Keith runs towards her while Ken runs away to the back of the house forgetting he could run away from this abnormality he would say


Meanwhile before everything there happened. Katherine, being Katherine, decided to go with Kendall to the cafe just a few blocks from the house

She was laying down on her back, playing with a small ball thinking, she was bored, sleepy, but she wanted to be alive. So hence the thought of going to the cafe herself

She stood up then walked towards her drawers, picked up the wallet on the top of it, then looked inside. If it were a movie or a cartoon flies would be flying away for freedom and spiderwebs will be built and left by spiders

Yes, she was. Broke, then again, she went out her door, walking and walking to Kendall's room where probably Kendall's savings were then she knocked, waiting for a few seconds then knocked again "Kendall!!" She yelled "I'm bored!!" She heard footsteps, yet again, stomping getting louder then louder, growing nearer and nearer each step, then stopped.

Locks clicking were heard then the door opened, seeing Kendall in her pyjamas with a look soo destructive, it could set a rocket ship to more than one system in the Milky Way Galaxy

"Kendall" Katherine sighed in relief "Get ready, and grab your wallet with you. I have a surprise" she said with a huge amount of delight, Kenny rolled her eyes at Kathy then shut the door.

A few minutes rolled in and out came a more fresher look of Kendall, someone with just a little tiny bit amount of makeup and still is looking gorgeous.

Her hair was tied in a messy bun with a loose shirt and jeans on her. Shoes still the same as last year. Boots, her feet stays he same size for almost about two years and still stays on the boot

"Looking Gorge. Let's go" she grabbed onto her arm then ran downstairs till outside. Kendall tries to stop her a few times but always didn't succeed though


They entered Lucas' Cafe then came Lucas, a dropout of Heather High who started pursuing his dream to become a world class entrepreneur but is still staying in one cafe. The bright side is that his coffee is really good.

Kendall bit her lip then turned to Katherine "Do we really have to go here? There's a Starbucks just a few more blocks" she says with sadness in her tone. Its obvious Katherine didn't think clearly again.

They were exes now so they used to date. And it was just recent. Just a few months ago. And she still has a little tiny bit of feelings for him. But she already knows he had no more feelings for her.

She breathed deeply "Lucas" the smell of cake lingers out of her mouth as Lucas tries not to smile "Hey" he pauses, then adds "Kendall.. H-how are you?" He asked, of course he knew she still likes him. Or he still likes her.

"I-I'm fine. Still uh, still working on the.. the list" she emphasises, her face looks red and her blue-green eyes were glistening against his grey ones.

The thought of Kendall and Lucas still together stays stuck in Katy's head. She used to joke around having Lucas over for dinner. Plus, he's the only person Kendall's family liked, including her parents.

"I-I'm sorry to hear about your parents" then Kendall's head explode.. uh oh

Kendall and Lucas broke up a week after the plane crash. And he wasn't even there to be with Kendall to be at least her shoulder to cry on. He was 'busy'

"Katherine" she held onto Katy's arm. Tightly, really tightly "Can we go somewhere else. I do not want to be a burden to this magnificent sacred place. He prays to!" She tried to shut up but her tone says otherwise.

He just stared at her with disgust. But inside, of course he was hurt. To think of her thinking he made a shrine to his cafe. But he didn't. That was the difference. "You have to go. Before I regret doing something I would never do to you" Kendall felt eyes stare at her but there was some stares she stared at. Including Wade Black's

She remembered his threat, so she breathed in and out. Then nodded, walked out of the cafe. And started walking away, leaving a lot of people out of breath. But Wade

He caught up with her, called out her name but it took a few more than one time to make her still at her tracks. She turned around, looking red as a tomato. He walked up to her, grabbing his handkerchief then wiped her sweat off. Putting it back on his pocket

"Thank you" she said shyly, he stared at her while she looked down, playing with her hands. "I think you're the one who's going to say Your Welcome while I say Thank You. Its in the movies" her chin rose to stare at his eyes "C—Cause its. In the movies" then she just chuckled. "It's real life Wade, were not living in a movie. And if we were, I would already have been kissed and probably is already having s— by now" he chuckled in disbelief but she stared at him in seriousness

"Seriously?!" She nodded, his face is now totally red. His eyes widened, whole body frozen with just the thought of it.

Then footsteps approached them as Lucas came with a Strawberry Frappe. With a sorry on the container

He handed it to Kendall and she just smiled back at him as an acceptance of the apology. Wade on the other hand, put his hands on his pockets then walked away quietly like a Prius. And no one noticed, except for Lucas, Who's grinning already like he won a prize. With Kendall, frowning as he left.

He says his goodbyes as Katherine catches up on her then says "Then she has two" Kendall took a sip from her drink then chuckles, disagreeing "Isn't it supposed to be "Then There Were Two"" but Kathy just shook her head

"You have TWO men at your feet, bowing for your attention" she clears up, Kendall was one little innocent girl. She doesn't know when the person is flirting or not. She is and still will be the someone of someone who's cute, shy and innocent. Like a flirting Virgin. Again, that's on Katherine's thoughts. Not Kendall's

Kendall begs to differ then Kathy, being that person who doesn't want to be silenced for truth. She says "Don't you get it!? Wade Black is talking to you!! And Lucas Griffin is being all sweet and kind after everything that he's done to you.."

Although, maybe she's right. Wade has never even talked to other girls than her. And Lucas has been more sweet than ever. Kendall starts thinking it through but.. her heart was set for nothing at the moment.


Lucas entered the cafe to get back to work but once he reached the door, he was pushed to the wall.

Lucas coughed "What the hell is wrong with you man!?" He yelled at him, but he was still mad at Lucas.

He said "Stay away from her, you hear that? Stay away. I mean it, or something will happen to you like what happened to your sister. Want that? Spread the word to all the men in school. Or you're dead" but Lucas chuckled

"She's my ex-girlfriend!! What do you expect?! Me to just leave her alone when she's suffering!!?" He yelled back at him but he just laughed then pressed his arm to the top of Lucas' neck, choking him

"I don't give a f—k! You had your chance months ago. Now leave her alone. Got that bas—rd!?" He snapped, then released him then left while Lucas was coughing.

Things just die hard.

He entered his cafe then saw a bunch of his customers smushed in the other side of the room. He looked at the wall he was pushed into. It had a crack..

"Shows over guys. I'll get that fixed up next week" he says with really great pain.

Not noticing his neck is bruised and his back is probably wounded

Over a week later, a rumor's been spread that Kendall Wilson was taken or perhaps, reserved. And you might know why.

When Kendall reached the school bus, some of them whispered, murmured, looked at her with a frown, or a smile. The second she sat down, the jock, Jake. Laughed so hard he was the only one making noise

And that, my friends. Annoyed Kendall.. soo much

She stood up and held onto a seat then slapped him. Really hard, and I mean it.


Katherine took her time and pleasure to tease one of her classmates, again. Florence Black, yes, younger brother of Wade Black. 'Well some idiot brought those kids here' Kathy thought, she wouldn't tell them to her friends cause.. she had so much friends, literally, soo much she couldn't count them. It was endless, and most of them were just trying to be a friend of her because they. Only wanted to get closer to something.

Kathy said "Why aren't you moody like your brother?? He looks cool enough, if you were like him. You'd be cool too" she would say in a girly voice with some sass. That's what gets the boys going. Last year, she did it to Gomeo Gregorio and he, became much more comfortable with the others

"Cause I don't want to be like him. I'll take over the family business if I'm like him" he said and that took Kathy on a break to think.

And that's something worth thinking again, "So, your brother takes over the business while you just sit here and rot??" Florence shook his head, and laughed a bit, a bit.

He said "No, I have my mother's business to take over, a much more better business than my father's. Nothing bad ever happens to my mother's business. But my father. Its... nothing, never mind" he stops then takes his bag then walks out, until Katherine stops him by the shoulder

"Hey, its alright" she said with a warming voice "I get it, you don't want to do anything bad. I— I actually get it" she smiled at him while he just nods at her and leaves, making her regret ever saying that to him.