Chapter 5



Keith's at his job, again, CEO of the Wilson Co. the best computer engineering company of the world. Pineapple, AnnaSang and YesMia's competition. He missed being at home, cooking, that's his favourite thing to do. His parents promised him he would be one famous chef. Just taking care of the company while Kendall's in college. Enough time to make him change his mind and stop his dreaming of being a chef.

Kendall's almost at college. Just another year at high school and its time to go to Yale! Or Harvard. Probably

Their family came from the wallflower. They were rich since the ice age. Beauty companies here, jewellery there. Its like they came out from a dreamland obviously

Back to reality, "Mr. Wilson, there's a girl here..."

"I'm not just a girl!! I'm his girlfriend you idiot!!"

"Uhm, your girlfriend is just outside. Would you let her in??" Keith sighed, when will this be over? He thought. It will obviously just be a cycle

"Let her in" he breathed deep

When Riah got inside, she looked at Keith with longing eyes and boredom of course. Who wouldn't suspect her

She looked at him with a pout "Keithee-poo, what's going on. Why're you like that??" So she noticed, Keith has an angry look over her. And she knew it was time, say goodbye

"You know" now this is where she gets feisty "I really like you in that suit, makes you look" she moans "Hot" as she sat down Keith's lap until Keith pushed her away

He stood up "Mariah, get the f-c- out of my office. We're done" then Riah looked at him, disgustingly

"What!?!" She screamed

"Yes, you heard me freakin' right. We're fu—i— over Riah. We're done" he said and walked up to the door and opened it

"Get out" he said then Riah just walked up to him then slapped him right across the face

"You're a fu—i— idiot you know that right!?" She yelled as Keith looked over her then...

"Security!! Grab this girl and let her out of the company. You're banished from this company and you know it!!" He yelled as she was taken away

She screamed and tugged at the men but they were too strong. Riah yelled "You and your family will pay for this!! You know it!!!" Then her voice starts fading along the way

When Riah was taken away, Olivia started running down the halls up towards Keith. Where he stood there, face all sweaty and panting already. Like he just saw a ghost

Olivia looked behind to check and turned back her attention to him "Keith, Why's your girlfriend screaming outside and practically fighting those bodyguards you hired months ago?" She thought to herself that she was feeling a bit desperate. Maybe too much, but Keith was gritting his teeth that he didn't notice

Keith then averted his attention to Olivia just after a few seconds "Uhmm. I broke up with her I guess. So that probably makes me single for now. Hopefully" then Liv laughed at this for a bit.

"Now, Let's not make it look like you're 80 and still doesn't have children or a wife" she pat his shoulder then quickly removed it. As if touching a hot kettle

And now, Keith noticed it. "Well, Uhm. What brings you here Liv?" He called her by her nickname!! He called her by her nickname!! Alert! Alert! Fainting happens in 20 seconds

"Wha— what?? Did you call me?" She asked then Keith rose a brow, saying "Liv?" Then she fainted

Flashback (compilation) -Olivia's POV-

Olivia was with a man, her fiancé to be exact. And they're planning on their very wedding day on a beach in the Maldives

"I think this place will be quite the venue won't it, Liv?" He said


Then it went on their first date. Olivia and her secret man "I like that name. Olivia, might as well call you Liv huh? Cause you make me feel alive"

And it made Olivia just as happy as receiving her first application letter to Harvard.


It was nighttime then. Olivia was hurt seeing him with another woman. It was heartbreaking "Liv!! Wait up!!" Then a sound of tires screeching and a man screaming was heard


He looked at her, held her cheek like it was the last time. Smiled at her longingly he said "I love you Liv, I'm so sorry about what happened. You'll find another man Liv. I know that. And you'll make them just as happy as I was. I'll miss you"

"No, no. No, this won't be happening. Please! Come back, come back to me" she held his hand tightly, the sound of a flat tone was heard. Death was there next to him.

"Doctor!! Please! Come and help me!!" She screamed as a doctor came running to her


Olivia woke up in cold sweat as her hands supported her lift. She saw a girl in a silk pink flowery jacket, a light blue crop top, high-waisted pant, messy bun and glasses that look like harry potter's and a book gave it away.

She breathed "Kendall. Whe— why am I in the hospital??! What happened!? Where's—" she almost said his name.

Kendall closed her book and marked it. Running up to her, she helped lay down pillows to support her. She said "You fainted. For three years. I'm almost done with college and.. I'm near to taking over the company" she said with such an enthusiastic tone. With snickering on the back

"What!? Oh my god.." then Kendall started laughing her eyes were crying.

"Oh my god Olive. I was just joking. You've just been out for a couple of days. Three to be exact" she shrugged her shoulders. Holding onto Olivia's arm.

Olivia looked at her hands. Nothing, but it felt painful. Really, painful. Kendall noticed, looking over at her. "Yes, needles were needed to put inside your skin. It was painful to see. Seriously. Just seeing you scream with your eyes closed there. Laughable yet good to make one break a tear" she laughed and wiped a tear falling down from her face.

"Plus.. Who's—" she almost panicked when Kendall was about to say who... and she knows who. Until Keith came in with soup, water and a diet coke.

She sighed in relief. Good, I'm still alright she thought "Oh, Olivia. You're alright, awake and alive. Good, I thought I'll have my first dead or alive person right now" Keith seemed to be in a good mood. He almost looked like a child got his/her favorite toy that lasts for only a week.

Olivia just smiled at him "Yeah, feels like it" she said

"So, the doctor mentioned you had the Flashback Romance Syndrome?? Wow, didn't know there was a syndrome for exes"

Shoot, da—i-, f-c- you Keith Wilson. "Uhm, life's just probably full of surprises I guess" she's trying not to let him ask about her ex. She wouldn't even want that

He breathed in and out. "Well, who's the—" then a phone rang. An iPhone to be exact. Then Kendall rummaged to her bag then took out her phone. Forehead creasing as she looked at the screen.

She answered "Uhm. Hey" then she looked at Keith and Olivia then held up her hand as she left. Keith chuckled "Well, that was a kill. So..." here it goes "Who do you think she's calling?? Or whoever called her??" He said, adding "I mean, being a girl. Who do you think it might be?"

She grinned, he was asking for advice for girls from a girl. Let me rephrase that. From Olivia "Well, According from her face, and the way she looked at you. She already had to take this outside. Might be a man I might say" she smirked at him, waiting for his anger

In his head, he has one word replaying over and over


"It's Wade, f—k—g idi—"

"Wade's trying to catch Kendall, fu—"

"I will k—l that f—ki— Black, even if it means putting the family company I will do that. He could never touch or even date her"

Then he snapped back to reality, hearing Olivia say "Keith!! Keith!! Earth to Keith!! Keith to Earth!!" She said. Laughing little wee bit

He shook his head as Kendall entered the room once again. Staring into Keith and Olivia as they also stared into her. Like they've seen a ghost. She said "What is it?" meant it as asked.

Keith cleared his throat "Who was that?" Sh—

"It's.." she prolonged her s "just a friend"

And they knew it already wasn't

I mean, it was obvious

*a few minutes ago*

Kendall went out the hospital room, saying "Hey" in the process

"Are you Kendall?"

"Yes. Uhm. Wade?? Are you Wade?"

"No uhm. I'm his sister, Ernaline"

"Nice to meet you Ernaline"

"No more time for meeting Kendall. I need your help"

"Why?" She felt like she was being rude

"I need you to avoid Lucas at all cost. Wade's being a child talking about him after dinner"

"Oh" was all she could say. She was speechless

"He's firing guns, shooting arrows and getting ace all the time. I really need you to avoid him"

"Why, why should I avoid him?"

"Isn't it obvious?"


"He likes you" and she felt a little blush creep up her cheeks

"No, he doesn't"

"Does he talk to you? And does he feel like he's protective a little teensy bit?"

"Yeah, but. Add the rudeness there"


"First time we met. He threatened me to get myself kicked out of school. Expelled even"

Ernaline chuckled "wow. Alright"

"He found me. I'll talk to you later"


Then ended the call.