Chapter 6



Kendall stayed, laying down on her bed. She took the liberty to say 'ok' to Wade's sister, Ernaline a few days ago. Now she has to avoid Lucas for Ernaline's sake at least. Now you might think it's unfair. It isn't

Now, Kendall could move on, finally. She'd wait for Lucas a long time now and it was time to move on. She just found out she left him waiting at the Yellow cliff. That'll be one of the reasons she should avoid him then.

She closed her eyes and breathed heavily in relief "Kendall! There's someone for you!!" Katherine called out, Kendall quickly stood up and walked down. She saw Wade. Or what looks like Wade. He has an eye patch

"Well, hello there Kendall" he smirked at her, hand in pocket, he looks devilish.

"Wade" she breathed out

"I'll leave you two together" Kendall said and took off.

"Now I know why he likes you very much. You look very much like her" he said.

"What??" She asked, it wasn't Wade, she is sure of that

"I am his brother... Uhmm" he rubbed his chin "What name should I disguise in again??" He was what?!

"Disguising?? Why would you disguise yourself??" She asked, confusion filled the air

He shrugged "Cause that's what Zhalch did" he just said it like it was normal. What was up with that dude?


"My, why didn't he tell you??"

"Tell me what??"

"That he's hiding"


"He's scared"

"Scared of what?"

"Our parents.. why do you ask? Didn't he again tell you? Not at least once??" He sounded soo. Familiarly unfamiliar

"No, aren't your parents out of town?"

"Hmm. Yes, they certainly are"

"But why is he hiding?" She asked

"Sorry little one. But father needs your blood, and I can't risk you telling these rumors" he fled, but that's what she thought. He was on her neck, sniffing.

"Sweet, sensible blood. Great for desire and power. The Porrum and the very first Fiargod's blood running in this human being. A powerful one I'd say. That's why he likes you.. huh??" Then he sucked her blood. Sipping blood and the memory of him telling her is blurring

"It porious hiarikle" and stun

Five seconds, just time he needs to retreat

Kendall was left, she fell down on the floor, hand held on the ground. The other held on the pain that she didn't know of..

It hurts but there was nothing that made that agony that was on her shoulder. There was no blood, no mark. What had happened?

She walked up to the bathroom, opened a cabinet and took an aspirin, drinking it. It lessened the pain but it was still there. She knew she had to go get some help. "Katherine!!" She screamed as Kath came running downstairs

"I think I have an aching feeling here. It feels bad.. but nothing looked like it had happened" she said as Katherine took a look at the shoulder. She replied with a "How about when you met up with Wade. Here?"

She thought again. "Oh, maybe some muscle just pulled, I don't know, after Wade left, it took a pull" she explained by all the evidence that was there, nothing. Plain old nothing.

Katherine was worried, she didn't think, she couldn't think. The pulled muscle's only answer was either exercise or some ice. And she took the ice. She walked towards the kitchen, grabbed a handkerchief and a couple of ice cubes. Then ran up to Kendall, taking the cubes on her shoulder

Kendall chuckled "Wow, ice. I didn't think of that. I actually thought of exercising more.." then Kath just rolled her eyes as she massaged it on Kendall


Meanwhile, Keith was with Ken playing Uno in his office till Ken screamed "UNO" really loud people outside of Keith's office looked at the CEO but Keith says otherwise "You know you can't beat me brother" then pulls out a +4

Ken smirks "but I do" then adds a +4 to the the stack

"Da— you brother" he then cleaned up the place. Then says "Want another round? Some game we could bet on?"

But Ken lays down on the couch and whines "Noooo! I wanna do something else.." Then he pops his head up "Titanic?" He asks


"Why??" He whines more

"Someone could enter this room and I could be embarrassed"

"He— no. You're doing this whether you like it or not. My laptop is already ready with a movie. Grab someone to make some popcorn and take some drinks along the way too" Ken says

"The Notebook" Keith says out of thin air

"Oh god no. You've never even cried once" Ken said

"Have I?" He rose a brow at Ken

Ken soon realized then got a pack of tissues on his hands quickly. Keith used to go to the bathroom more than once, more than twice in the movie itself. But he just thought Keith had a small bladder. Now he knew why.

The CEO and owner of the company took liberty and walked silently like a Prius towards the door. And casually, he opened the door. That's what a door is used for right?

Then Kieth called out an employee that was just passing by then caught his attention "Hey, grab me some popcorn and a couple of soft drinks. Thanks" he pat his back then closed the door. Not wanting to go ahead and talk more. The boy was young, he looked like an intern so it's probably his lucky day

While Ken was setting up the movie, his brother took a little liberty and started to do some work. Without shame

"Wait. Wait. Wait, what're you doing?!" He reacted to Keith's actions. Working, certainly forbidden in movie traditions.

Keith took a look at him and back to his computer "Working" then Ken rolled his eyes with his arms crossed

"Ohhh. Yeah, I gotcha. The popcorn" he stood up, making the chair roll to the wall but he didn't notice. Instead, he walked up to the door and Ken caught up with him

"Its not about that" he said, making Keith confused "I mean about the work! Isn't work forbidden by God, and Katherine for all?" He added

"Uhmm" he hesitated, he even gulped. Ken's more mad than ever before. It was like his brother didn't like him at all "Yeah, I just had to do this. It was urgent" he added

But that didn't stop Ken from hating on his own brother. In fact, he probably hates the way money just revolves around the Wilson family. Or their original family.. The Porrum's.

Since one of the generations of Porrum was all girls. One girl decided to marry a Wilson, the REAL love of her life. Then the name went on for eternity. Some were still Porrum but. The Wilson lived up to its pride. And it still lives on today.

He liked the Wilson name but... why become rich when you could just be average?

A question for the young, the old and he wise.


Jhalck stepped inside the Froste mansion, seeing Zhalch just walk down the steps. They stopped and just stared at each other. The voices are strong but silent. Then Zhalch rushed down to grab his brother's neck but Ernaline arrived in time just to stop them

She came back with shopping bags and dropped them once she found out the commotion happening

"What the hell did you do to her!?" Zhalch growled at Jhalck, Ernaline being the barrier between them.

"I gave her a little pain and gave it to our father" Jhalck wiped his bottom lip. As if to say that blood was still there. Giving Ernaline and Zhalch in great shock

Then Jhalck added "I do say, she does taste good. Sweet and bitter perhaps. Do you think she's Aphrodite don't you? She looks so much like her brother. I just wonder how she lives on with such beauty and taste without being taken to great handle. Saving her for dessert? Oh brother! Don't!" He chuckled, hands in his pockets

Ernaline took great pleasure and took a great scratch. Now his suit got a scratch. And his eyepatch was cut open

"Ernaline!?" Zhalch and Ernaline covered their eyes. Jhalck took out another eyepatch and covered his eye

He was humiliated, like someone's reputation and pride was hit by an arrow. Its force so strong it actually broke a part of it off "I'm good" he was a heartless man. But he didn't want his siblings or any of his loved ones to be turned away and leave him behind

Ernaline licked her lips. "Sorry, there was an opportunity" she said sarcastically, she enjoyed the action she just made. And felt no guilt now. Maybe later she will. But it felt so good that She wanted to repeat it over and over again

Jhalck rolled his eyes and scoffed "You liked it obviously, you owe me $5k. And around 100k in total" he estimates his sister's rage. Well, to the prices that cost him to buy those things he bought for himself and just have her wreck it

The other twin. The better one "That's f—k—g Gucci Erny!! Don't you think ME picking that outfit just cost me a few dollars!? I worked hard to earn those!!" Zhalch turned into furious anger. Really, FrosteCorp didn't need a type of young girl to destroy them to pieces. But that was inside Ernaline's head at least

"At least I gave you the opportunity to NOT rip the clothes you bought for him by me doing it right away! I want to take care of Kendall just as much as you! But we can't unless father won't stop!!" She stormed out, leaving the twins to themselves

"You know this does just cost us practically just a few dollars right?" Jhalck chuckled

"Don't, she can hear us."

"But seriously, That Kendall girl's blood really is good. Tastes like Aph—"

"Stop" he took off