Somewhere, Trapped In Time: Preparation For The Gala

Marivella let the tears flooded her eyes once she entered the bedroom. She has decided, and it does not include Carlisle in it.

"Marivella? What happen?" Carlene asked worriedly. She heard when a door closes and heard faint sobs, Marivella is crying. What's going on?

"Carlene…" she turned around and continued crying.

Madison jumps off the bed and joins her side. "What's going on?"

"I ended everything between us." She confessed between her sobs.

Marivella understood. This is also related to her father, Carlisle. He must be here already and to observe Marivella, they broke up and according to her; it is final.

For now, because in a few years, they will meet again and everything will begin from there. But by now, she needs a shoulder to cry on and so; she hugs her tight.

"It is for the best, right?" she comforted her. "Don't worry. Cried all you want, it will help you lighten the weight in your chest."