Somewhere, Trapped In Time: THE GALA One

An evening of the Gala...

The grand hall now crowded with middle-class socialites and higher class aristocrats. In this era, French fashion for women is wearing long and layers of skirts and a high hairdo with a hat on top of their heads.

On the grand staircase is where the greeter positioned and announced the name of the guests now arrived.

Everyone anticipates the appearance of the Chen family as they heard the rumor about Marivella kept in prison for hurting the mayor's granddaughter. As now, gossip rising on this gathering and one person doesn't like it at all.

In one table is that said, a higher class of the aristocrats seated. Carlisle stood from the chair, but his mother halts him.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked Duchess Genevieve, she who glaring at her son.