Pregnancy is a bitch

The first thing that Xiao Wai noticed was that something was wrong with her body, she couldn't move, she couldn't see or even smell. All she could hear was a steady bu-bump bu-bump all around her. She felt like she was floating in space, but wasn't space cold? This place was warm, like one of those sense deprivation pods, exactly her body temperature. And except for that constant bu-bumping, there wasn't any other sound.

Xiao Wai tried to squirm a bit, finally she figured out how to move her arm and it hit something next to her. After waving both hands a bit she found them locking with someone else's hands.

'Good LORD! There's another person here!'

Xiao Wai tied to call out to this person, but her voice wouldn't come out, so she tried something else. She released one of her hands and started move it around. The other person didn't seem to like that, their hand started to wave around as well, seemingly to try and catch Xiao Wai's hand again.

'Ugh fine, you clingy person. I'll give you back my hand.'

Even as she grumbled in her mind our heroine still relented and gave her hand back. However, those movements seemed to have exhausted her, causing her consciousness to drift away for some time.


Shi Du gave a relieved sigh as the bumping around in her stomach came to an end. Sweat dotted her forehead as she leaned her head against the canopy of her bed. Lou Zhang and her handmaiden hovered anxiously. With a reassuring smile Shi Du reach out for her husband, who clasped her hand.

"All is well my husband. The child was just being mischievous. I fear that if this child should be a girl, she might very well be a tomgirl. Always climbing trees and not paying her teachers any mind. I can only pray to the Gods and Deities that this child shall be male."

Lou Zhang gravely looked at her.

"I care not if this child be male or female, wife. But how Hua Long's evil chi might affect the child, and you. Even now you wake at night from the clashes. I also know that your vitality is waning, each clash takes you so much energy to ward off"

Shi Du's smile faded as she turned her focus inward. She felt the bloody chi writhing within the grasp of her own icy energy, and shuddered. Hua Long had truly been too strong, just a step away from God Realm. Even now she almost thought she could hear the merciless laughter of her former mistress.

"Truly, we were lucky to have survived. If it were not for the fact you were almost to God Realm and I at Immortal King level, we would surely have met our ends that day."

She looked at her handmaiden, "Little Li, has Elder Nan mentioned when he could be here?"

"In reply to Mistress, Elder Nan has stated that he would be here as soon as possible."

Little Li nibbled her lips in worry before daring to raise a question.

"Mistress, would you like this one to go see is he is near?"

"No, if Elder Nan says he shall be coming when he can, then it means he shall. Go to see if Elder Xi is still too busy."

Little Li curtsied before rushing out the door, almost tripping over the doors bottom. Lou Zhang sat beside his wife, releasing one of his hands so that he could circle her shoulders. He tried not to show his deep concern as he felt how boney her shoulders were. He looked carefully at her face.

Normally her face was full and lean. However, as she used more and more energy, her face became even leaner. What little flesh that was originally on her elegant face had been eaten away. Shadows and bags were growing under her crimson eyes. Lou Zhang surreptitiously scanned her body before stopping at her extended stomach.

When they both discovered that Shi Du was pregnant immense joy had originally flooded both. But it became obvious after the 8th week of pregnancy that something disastrous was happening. Shi Du started to experience nightmares and gradually both began to feel Hua Long's evil chi flare at certain times from within her body.

Elder Nan, who specialized in medicines, and Elder Xi, who specialized in cultivation, both examined Shi Du and both came to an alarming conclusion. Even after death, Hua Long still sought revenge. Not only on Shi Du but also against her child. Each flash of chi sought to invade the little body of the fetus, seeking to envelop the cultivation root and swallow it, effectively blocking any way for the child to cultivate without causing the child's death. As the enemy chi grew by swallowing up the existing chi inside the fetus it had been growing stronger as the child was forming. Only once the child's own heart began to beat and it started to draw on the mother's chi to grow its own did this problem become evident.

The only way to combat this was for the mother's chi to protect the fetus and cage the foreign chi. Any external attempt, be it from medicine or cultivation, would has an adverse effect. Any that would weaken chi, could weaken the mother's to the point she could no longer cage the evil chi, and in the few minutes where it was released, it could devour and kill the infant. Similarly, an aids which could strengthen chi could go to the infant which would go to the evil chi and cause it to break free from its bonds.

Shi Du had to persevere through her own efforts. With bi-weekly check ups from both elders to determine how well mother and child were doing. At first all seemed to be well, as a cultivator at Peak Immortal King level, her chi amount was pure and deep. But now, as they reached the 20th week, it was clear that a heavy toil had been exacted.

Shi Du was growing weaker in body, chi, and mind. As she expended more and more energy toward keeping their child safe, her body was starting to eat itself. Even when she tried to eat more, something that she had not needed to do since reaching Heaven Immortal level, the energy she could get from it barely reached what she could get if she cultivated or took pills. The nightly assaults from the chi was also starting to deteriorate her control. Even sleeping during the day did not aid her as it once did.

Lou Zhong swallowed back fear, he could not lose his wife now. They had just finished routing the remaining big demonic Sects. If it should be known that Shi Du had died from the left-over chi of Hua Long the spirits of his allies would be shaken. It did not truly matter if the child died, Lou Zhong coldly thought, but Shi Du was determined to give him this child. He could not disrespect her wishes. With such thoughts Lou Zhong gazed at his wife's extended belly. It was rather grotesque, the sight of a woman who looked like a stick with such a round protrusion.

"Elder Nan arrives!" once of the servants called out.

"Master!" Elder Nan puffed as he hurried in, "Forgive this old man for his delay. How is the Mistress?"

Lou Zhong gazed at the elder before rising, "See for yourself. She-"he glanced at Shi Du, "we are worried. Very worried. How is the child?"

Elder Nan replaced Lou Zhong on the bed and asked Shi Du for her hand. After her nod, he placed his hands on her wrist to take her pulse and scanned her with his eyes. After that he pressed down on her skin, frowning at the slow rather the skin reformed and the pale color.

Elder Nan rose and bowed to his master.

"Master, the Mistress is the same as before. Little rest, little nutrition, and as such it too affects the child. I can give no other reply than that I've given before. Perhaps when Elder Xi arrives he might give other news?"

Lou Zhong's eyes started to chill as he felt fury gather in his heart.

"Husband." Shi Du's quiet voice snapped him out of his growing emotion, "It is not the elder's fault. You know as I do that this is to be expected."

Lou Zhong hmphed before sitting at the bedroom table, he poured himself a cup of warm water and drank it before turning back to the elder.

"Forgive my reaction, Honorable Elder. I know that it is not what you wanted either. Please, sit with me as we wait for Elder Xi."

Elder Nan smiled a bit, though inside he imagined himself giving his heart a pat, before taking another chair. They did not need to wait overly long before a servant called out the arrival of Elder Xi. A puffing Little Li and Elder Xi arrived in the doorway.

"Hong Fang Xi greets Master, Mistress." Elder Xi bowed.

"Please Elder Xi, take a look at the Mistress." Lou Zhong nodded in reply and gestured to his wife.

As Elder Nan had done before him, Elder Xi placed his fingers against Shi Du's wrist. But rather than checking for a pulse, Elder Xi sent a small bit of his chi into her body. It was so small that the foreign chi inside her body didn't realize it was there, even when it brushed up against the cage it was in. Elder Nan nodded his head in approval before sending the chi to check on the child. With a loud exclamation, Elder Nan retracted his chi and let go of Shi Du's wrist.

"What is it?!"

"Elder Xi?!"

Twin cries came from Lou Zhong and Elder Nan as both stood up and fell into defensive positions. Shi Du looked up in worry. Elder Xi quickly bowed before giving his news.

"Forgive this old man for alarming you all. Please sit down before I give you my prognosis."

Lou Zhong frowned as he sat down, Elder Nan a second behind him.

"Mistress," here Elder Xi turned to Shi Du, "Your chi is only a little weakened since your last checkup, it still holds the demonic chi at bay. I believe that part of this can be attributed to my second bit of news."

Elder Xi looked from Shi Du to Lou Zhong.

"I congratulate Master, your son's chi is strong and filled with Yang Energy. Its strength is adding to the shield Mistress placed around him and his sister."

"A boy?!" Lou Zhong stood, "Twins?!"

With an eager nod Elder Xi beamed before continuing.

"I believe that the reason it was taking so long for the Young Master's chi to counteract Hua Long's chi is due to the fact he is surrounded by Yin chi, not just from the Mistress but also from his sister. Because of this he had to grow a bit stronger before his chi could act as a natural barrier."

"Can you tell yet what attribute his soul root shall take?" Shi Du asked eagerly, as she placed a hand on her stomach in wonder.

Lou Zhong was in a slight daze. While he had not cared for the existence of the child before, it was due to the fact he had suspected it was a girl. After all, it did not take a genius to realize that yin versus yin energy was based on whose was stronger, since there was no added strength from the fetus, it should only have yin energy. Since the child was likely to be a girl, it was less important than his helpmate. But a boy. An heir. That changed everything.

Elder Xi shook his head ruefully.

"Unfortunately, not even I can tell what that is until the young master is born. He needs to be exposed to natural chi before we can determine which is his attribute. The human produced chi goes against Heaven's Mandate, it is not as pure nor natural."

"And what of the Young Mistress? Is she well?" Elder Nan asked tactfully. He understood well how important an heir was, but he also knew how precious girl children were. They were useful as alliance builders.

"Of course, forgive me, the Young Mistress has started to gain back some strength as well. She has done well as the Young Master's shield. Most of the chi eaten was hers as it is yin to yin chi."

Shi Du lovingly stroked her stomach.

"A noble and filial daughter indeed to protect her brother so. And a strong boy, to be able to wield such power already. They shall bring glory and honor to our clan."

"You have done well, wife." Lou Zhong went to Shi Du and also placed his hand on her stomach, the first time since they realized Hua Long's chi had tainted her.

"We must think of appropriate names." Shi Du beamed at Lou Zhong.

"I leave the girl's name to you, I have no knowledge of female names." Lou Zhong smiled absentmindedly, "But for my heir. It has been the costume of the Hong Clan to name the heir with the name of Long, for our symbol in the red dragon. To be so strong so young. He is a small dragon. His name shall be Hong Syao Long."

The elders and Little Li quickly bowed.

"Praise be to Young Master Syao Long."

Lou Zhong glanced at them.

"Spread the news to all our allies. It is known that I have a son. May it raise the spirits of our troops. We shall eradicate the demonic sects for sure!"

"Yes, Master."

The elders left to spread the news. Soon all those in the Righteous Sects knew that one of their leaders had a future heir. But just as their spirits rose, this news also reached the ears of those left from the eradicated Demonic Sects. Plots grew that night as well.