End of Prologue Chapters

While Shi Du's body was not longer cannibalizing itself, it was obvious to all that, unless she secluded herself to cultivate, her cultivation was severely weakened. With the added fact that her children had yet to be born, Lou Zhong was reluctant to allow her anywhere near the upcoming battles. However, Shi Du's intelligence had not waned. Her skills as a master strategist was necessary. But how could Shi Du be safe guarded?

Lou Zhong paced in his tent as Shi Du calmly poured some tea. Elder Xi and Elder Dong each nursed their own tea cups as they watched their master pace like a nervous cat. After a meaningful look came from Shi Du, Elder Dong cleared his throat.

"Master, this old one believes that this is the perfect time to ask our allies to send us their daughters who have at least reached Human Immortal level. They can act as guards and companions to the Mistress."

"You have mentioned this multiple times, Elder Dong. Since Shi Du's pregnancy began in fact. And my answer is the same. To ask for their daughters is the same thing the former Main Family did during the last Great Demonic Extermination. My allies must not have even the slightest suspicion that I would use their kin as hostages!" Lou Zhong's forehead furrowed as he turned to face those seated.

"I believe that if we coach the request as a way to honor our allies, they should not have such doubts. After all they are protecting our Mistress and Heir. How could we let those we are suspicious of possibly come within even 50 meters of either?"

"Not only that," Elder Xi piped up, as he stroked his white beard, "But we have not kept it a secret that the Mistress has been ravaged by Hua Long's splintered chi. While we have not trumpeted this, any of our allies who have seen her knows that she is weakened."

"That is also another point!" Lou Zhong cut in, "Those who secretly plot against us also know that Shi Du is weakened. If we tell everyone, then won't our position as one of the Ten Great Clans be shaken?"

"If you would allow us to continue, husband." Shi Du's voice was still calm. "The Four Elders and I discussed this a while back. When it was clear that Hua Long's chi was started to severely weaken me. Both Elder Xi and Elder Nan have pronounced that my body shall no longer be able to give you children."

Lou Zhong froze when he heard this. Slowly he turned to look at them, his face dark.

"Bai. Shi. Du!" He carefully enounced each word, "You dare to keep this fact from me? You, better than anyone knows what this means."

"Yes. I better than anyone do. It means that I can only grant you these two children. I have given you an Heir, which I thank the Deities for. But back then, we did not know if I would be able to survive to give birth or even if any of us would survive the birthing process. If it was not for your son's strong Yang energy, I am positive that you would be burying me in ten more weeks. But Hua Long's vicious chi has killed any remaining chance I have to produce healthy children, especially should any be female. It is better for us not to risk me getting pregnant ever again. Let me lock our enemy's chi inside my body for the rest of my life. It is only proper."

"Shi Du. I-" Lou Zhong staggered before sitting at the only chair remaining.

Shi Du smiled softly, the glow from the spirit crystals illuminating her face, softening it. Ten weeks had passed since they had been blessed with the news that she carried an heir under her heart. Due to the Yang chi Syao Long was producing she now only needed to focus on caging the evil chi. Her beloved children were growing safely inside her. In just a few more weeks the last of the renegade demonic cultivators would be eradicated or forced into deep hiding. She could give birth and raise them in a safer world. The only thing that pained her heart was the one she must broach.

"It is not wise to only have two children, you know this. Even though we are bringing them into a safer world, we aren't able to eradicate all of the threats. Not only that, but once our war is finished, our less scrupulous allies shall begin plotting against us. The Hong Clan of past made too many enemies. Your rise has not dealt with all of them either. You must have a woman who can give you more children. If not to act as replacements for Long'er, then to booster our fighting prowess when we next have the Ten Clan Tournament."

Shi Du laid her hand over her husband's and squeezed before saying the words that hurt her most.

"You must take in a concubine. And her level must be high enough that she can give you strong male children."

Lou Zhong flipped his hand and squeezed her hand back. He waved his other, his white and silver trimmed sleeve gracefully arcing in the air.

"Leave us. We must speak privately."

The two elders looked at each other before rising and exiting.

"May you have a pleasant night. Master, Mistress."

Lou Zhong heard their tent entrance flap close before shutting his eyes and sighing deeply.

"Here now, Zhong Gongxi," Shi Du teased, shaking their joined hands slightly, "what is all this fuss? Most men would be over the moon to hear that they are allowed to take in a second woman."

"Don't joke." Lou Zhong turned to face his wife. His cheekbones pulled sharply as he grimaced. Shi Du was struck by just how handsome her husband was. Sword like eyebrows. Piercing phoenix eyes. And a firm mouth. His black hair was as the night, only a few silvery strands scattered through it from the stress he felt as a child. The silver breast plate with its white fur trim shimmered in the light of the spirit crystals, making him seem an immortal from the moon. Her heart pounded and her face softened even more as she reached out and lightly stroked his forehead, pushing against the wrinkles formed there.

"My love," Shi Du's voice softened, filling the tent with its soft lilting tone, "You know this must be done."

"I do not wish to become my father. In love and blinded by a concubine. Cold and distant to his heir. Going against the hierarchy of family and disposing the proper wife for the concubine. Following blindly the rules of an unjust system because it benefited him, even as it harmed others. What if by taking a concubine I turn into him?" Lou Zhong starred at their clasped hands, lightly stroking her hand with his thumb.

"Look at me." Shi Du sighed slightly as Lou Zhong stubbornly kept looking down. Sometimes she forgot how very young her husband was. She had already reached 150 years of age, he was just brushing 120. She smiled as she remembered their tentative courtship. At that time, he had called her the rabbit from the moon, in reference to her white hair and red eyes. Now he no longer called her that, it no longer fit. But he called her wife. And so, she happily aided him.

Removing her hand from her grasp, she placed them under his face and lifted it herself.

"You do not need to take in a concubine yet. There is still time. Perhaps, perhaps, I might be able to give you more children. But, dear heart, I dear not risk it. If I should try again, and the next should be only a girl, then we would surely die. And I know you have your desires. It would not be fair to you to ask you to be celibate."

Lou Zhong's eyes searched her own. He saw her conviction, her loyalty, and her love. With a deep breath Lou Zhong nodded.

"And you would never let me become lazy or debauched in any case?" he curled his hands into fists as uncertainty reflected in his eyes.

"Never." Shi Du laid her forehead against his and nuzzled him. Lou Zhong smiled crookedly before closing his eyes and nuzzling back.

"I shall agree then. The other Ten Clans shall know that not only am I seeking their aid in guarding you, but that those they send shall potentially be my concubine."

He hesitated a bit before apologizing, "I am sorry that this has happened, wife."

"Shhh. It is all because of Hua Long, curse her. But with this, our Hong Clan can only grow stronger. I shall help pick out those who I feel can be of use. Afterwards, it is up to you to pick my little sister."

With hearts united, the couple went to bed. In the morning many clans would begin to scheme, sending out cunning spies in the form of daughters. But for now, let us end this chapter with the lovely silhouette of a loving couple going to bed and slowly dimming the lights so they may communicate their joint desire for the other.