The years that follow.

Following the story, years of intense training would begin, Xim would take part in three different Force and weapon training lessons as well as lessons on the state of the galaxy and the factions that hold the power. His first lesson period will be dedicated to learning the form that used both light and darkness to cause the destruction of one's enemies, Juyo (which was practised with a training blade found in the ruins).

The second lesson was the teachings of the light side and the basics of the Jedi code while the final combat lesson was how to safely channel the dark side and how to use his emotions as a weapon. The other lessons were designed to teach him about the galaxy, the species that lived within it and their factions and governments.

He would learn about the Sith Empire, the Jedi Order, the Republic, the Hutt cartels and the Mandalorian forces. Alongside these lessons he would be told about the basics of life, this included what a boy was as well as more serious matters. The entire process was meant to teach him what a person was, is and as well as will be.

The first couple of months of training were really hard for the young Xim to attend, he missed his time playing and felt he was wasting time training. Master Vandar however had noticed his skill with practice blade was developing greatly while his force training was lacklustre at best. The reason for his struggles with force training was down to the fact he couldn't balance the dark and light side force within his body.

Due to the location, he grew up and the composition of his body, he had a much larger affinity with the dark side in comparison to the light side meaning it was near impossible for him to attune with the light side of the force and keep it pure for a long period of time. Master Vandar saw this as an issue but one that could be resolved with larger amounts of exposure to the light side and its teachings.

He believed that this time he will successfully help a young padawan understand the path of light and darkness, he hoped the Juyo form would help the young boy to understand how both sides of the force can be used simultaneously to achieve the greatest success.

3 years passed, the progress that Xim had made in these three years was exceptional. He could wield the training blade as if it was a real lightsaber, his movement was as quick as the Jedi master himself, his reflexes on par with him as well. The only thing that could be found lacking with his progress was with the light side of the force. This was highlighted in an incident that occurred to him while training with it in the ruins.

He was practising his movement skills and anticipation when he slipped and fell into some rubble that broke his arm. He began to use the light side of the force to cure his wound under the instructions of Master Vandar until the pain caused him to channel his rage instead, lashing out and smacking the floor with his broken arm, ignoring the fact he had used his broken arm at all. Master Vandar just shook his head sideways and gave the Xim a disappointed look.

He remarked," Xim I know you want to know why you struggle so hard with the light side of the force and this will be explained in due time but you need to keep at it."

Xim nodded his head and calmed down and kept at it for hours, it gradually healing. Xim felt relieved that he was no longer injured and even better than his control of the light side had increased a little bit.

In heavy contrast to the struggles he had with the light side of the force, his natural prowess in the dark side was quite overwhelming. He had mastered the basic stages of both force choke and force lightning, 1 year into his training and he had solid control overall his emotions except rage and pain. His overall force mastery has also increased substantially, he could now sense all life on his continent as well as the flow of the force around him.

All he had to do now was fight his genetics and his surroundings to attempt to force his growth in the light side of the force. His other lessons were going well, he had a lot of knowledge about all the major factions in the galaxy as well as how he could infiltrate them to learn their secrets. His lessons in how to live and grow as a person were also an amazing success, he now had a basic understanding of what he should be doing in order to live a happy life.

As he was considering his plans, a shuttle came down and landed near the ancient ruins, it was a beige coloured with white stripes on the fin of the shuttle. As it landed with a loud clunk, Xim quickly moved towards the temple and tried to hide his presence by covering his traces with the dark side of the force.

Four robed people walked into the temple, two were carrying lightsabers while the two others had blasters and training blades. As they approached the place Xim was hiding,Master Vander told Xim to not approach.

He remarked "Xim you are a Sith pureblood, that is why it is so hard for you to master the light side of the force, they are also not on good terms with the Jedi, who those people are. I suggest you sneak onto the shuttle while they are in the ruins." Xim just nodded and moved through the shadows into the cargo hold of the shuttle.

Xim said" What should I do when we get to Tython? I can't hide forever."

Master Vander just nodded his head and smiled " Have you forgotten who's Holocron you stole? I will tell you phrases that will let the council know you were my hidden padawan".