
Xim quickly got bored of waiting in the cargo hold of the shuttle and so he went to lie down on the ramp leading to the entrance of the shuttle much to the annoyance of Master Vandar. He began to meditate and train his connection to the light side of the force while waiting for the Jedi and their padawans to return.

He trained for nearly three hours with no sign of the Jedis return, his connection to the light side grew a little bit during this time, he knew if wanted to make major progress he would need to get to Tython as soon as possible. Instead of wasting more time on the light side of the force, he began to start training the advanced forms of Juyo as well as trying to put his own spin on it.

He imagined himself fighting relentlessly, not easing up at all then suddenly turning off his blade to bypass the opponent's guard before turning it back on and striking his opponent with a killing blow, he did this for the remaining 4 hours the Jedi were away, trying to make the moves muscle memory and as natural as possible. He also tried to make sure that the new moves fit in properly with the Juyo form.

As Xim was stuck in his own world, a cold voice awoke him from his training shouting " You by the ship, identify yourself as well as your intent with our ship."

Xim placed a handmade mask over his face and approached the Jedi with lightning speed standing in front of one of the knights with his Vibroblade pressed up against his throat. He snarled at the Jedi "Use that cold tone with me once more, I beg you."

His blade slowly creeping closer to the Jedi's neck, he sneered "Is this the legendary Jedi hospitality and kindness my master taught me about? It's a joke, just like your code and way of life. I'm heading to Tython to train in the light side of the force and you are going to be the ones to take me there, understood?".

The knight with the blade up against his throat began to panic and pushed Xim pack with a strong force push. When he landed on the ground he coldly shouted "We Jedi do not take orders from anyone but the council, who are you and who is your master? You get one chance before conflict will be inevitable."

Xim just laughed and began to force choke the Jedi knight saying "My master was one of the strongest Jedi ever, his name does not need to be heard by the dogs of the council".

He then points to the other knight who was drawing her lightsaber and said with a calm smile" He misunderstood my sarcasm and has been punished for it, I will not kill him unless you retaliate more, just take me to Tython and we can move past this mess your friend's arrogance has caused."

He then let the suffocating knight fall onto his arse and walked towards the shuttle waiting for them to open it. The Jedi lingered behind and began to discuss what had just occurred.

As he stood there waiting master Vander began ranting at him in his head" WHAT WAS THAT? Why did you almost choke him to death? He is a Jedi knight of my order, you are MY padawan. Explain yourself".

Xim just smiled and said out loud "The Jedi acted with hubris because he thought I was weaker than him, I proved him wrong and now he will know that there is always someone stronger than you out there."

Master Vandar just shook his head and said" I understand that his arrogance annoyed you but you fell to your rage quite quickly and scared him stiff. I fear things like this will undo all of our hard work and training"

This time it was Xims turn to shake his head and he stated" I used my rage as a fuel for the force choke, I didn't lose control otherwise that Knight would be dead now. I understand why you are annoyed but the Jedi order is weak and it's near destruction and nothing recently has done anything to wake it from its slumber. I have a feeling that the Sith empires call for peace is a hoax in order for them to prepare for something large scale, the Jedi will not be anywhere near strong enough to keep the balance but it's none of my business at this moment in time."

The 2 Jedi knights made awkward eye contact with Xim as they passed him to open the main shuttle door, the padawans flinched as they scurried away from Xim towards the back end of the shuttle. The interior of the shuttle was bare except for 2 benches which could seat 4 people on each and a room with 6 bunks installed and the cockpit in the front of the shuttle which shone will light of varying sizes and shapes.

Xim moved to one of the benches while one of the Knights sat opposite him while the other one piloted the shuttle.

"How does it feel to be a part of a failed order?" Xim asked with an inquisitive look on his face.

"Failed order? What do you mean? The Jedi Order is still strong and rebuilding on the planet of Tython our ancestral homeworld."

Xim just smiled at her answer and looked back out of the window wondering what the planet Tython would look like compared to the planet he had spent all of his young life on.

Days passed on the shuttle with very little conversation happening between Xim and the other crew members, the only event of note that occurred was when the Jedi knight who was humiliated by Xim kept trying subtle ways to get his revenge and this cost him a finger.

As Xim was sleeping he made sure to keep some awareness in order to be on guard against the Jedi when the Knight sneaked towards him and tried to remove his mask. In response to this, Xim's body went into auto-pilot grabbed the Jedi by the throat and slammed him against the wall, he then fully awoke and snarled at him.

"Getting force choked by me wasn't enough no? Going to need something more drastic to teach you to leave those who are stronger than you alone huh?".

The Jedi began to shake in fear and a little bit of pee streaked down his leg as he stuttered out"P-p-please d-d-on't kill me, I'm sorry for all thiss trouble."

Xim just smiled as he lifted his Vibroblade and sliced his little finger off. His screams woke everyone else on the ship up while Xim just ignored them all including the raging Master Xander and went back to sleep.

A few weeks later the ship began its descent onto the planet of Tython, the shuttle landed in the staging area for new padawans and the Jedi Knights reported the presence of Xim to the guards who then passed the message onto the Jedi council, little did they know that Satele Shan had already sensed Xim and was on her way to the landing area at an extremely rapid pace.

Satele had noticed a disturbance in the force at the same time that the shuttle landed. It was the same feeling that her great grandmother had often described when she met Revan, it was the feeling of the light and dark side of the force clashing within one being. However when she arrived at the spaceport this time it was slightly different as there was also another state in between the clashing forces of light and dark as this was a small grey line was expanding every time the two forces clashed together.

As Satele moved closer to the shuttle the Knight 'friend that Xim had made, made his way towards her.

"Greetings Grandmaster Satele" the young Knight said," This mysterious person is called Xim, he is a violent savage who force choked me as well as cutting off my finger."

The look on Satele's face dramatically changed from a joyous one to one of confusion then questioning. As she stared coldly at Xim and asked"Who are you, who is your master and how dare you attack one of us then have the gall to come here."

Xim just laughed and said "I'm called Xim Taa and my master taught your great grandfather the way of the light side of the force. You noticed how the force composition of my body is unique and you know who I'm talking about. I have the gall, yes but you also have the gall to allow the members of the Jedi order to act arrogant and pretentious even though you are in the weakest state the order has ever been in."

He then walked up to Satele and whispered in her ear "My master is Vandar Tokare, I'm a pure-blooded Sith."