Agreements, First blood.

The words that left Xim's mouth stunned Satele and she began to walk backwards her hands on her lightsabers handle. Xim closed the distance between the two before knocking away her hand and taking off his mask. His hood was still raised, only allowing Satele to have a clean look at his true face.

She was taken aback by how young the man in front of her was as she exclaimed "How young are you? Master Vandar died nearly a century and a half ago. Why are you really here? Who are you?" Xim sighed and put his mask back on.

He took three steps back and whispered "I was abandoned on the planet known as Lehon, you may know it better as Rakata prime but that's all I will say in the presence of people like him".

Xim shot a little force lightning into the Jedi knight, making him kneel at his feet."I suggest we go to the Jedi council chambers and discuss my plans there, if not I will go into seclusion on this planet."

Satele helped the Jedi knight up and glared at Xim before agreeing to his suggestion. As they walked the short distance to the Jedi council chamber Xim stood out like a sore thumb, due to his mask hanging over his face and the pressure he released as he walked. One padawan moved towards him and Satele and asked" Grandmaster is he your new apprentice, how old is he and will he be training with us?"

Satele looked unable to respond initially when she had finally thought of an adequate answer and went to speak Xim immediately interrupted her saying "I will not be joining the Jedi order, my master was a Jedi, I'm here to pay respects to the order he served as well as expand my control and understanding of the light side of the force."

Satele and the padawan were shocked by his response though for different reasons. Satele wondered where the arrogant and infuriating Sith went while the padawan was wondering why someone taught by one of the Jedi masters would refuse to join the order himself. Xim noticing their expressions sighed and said: "Grandmaster should we not carry on towards the council chambers? I want to be able to get some meditation in today, you padawan what is your name?"

The padawan was brought out of her own world and answered " I'm Kira Carsen, who are you?".

Xim just smiled at her question and responded" My name isn't important, be careful there is a small speck of the dark side within you. Do not let it grow while you are in order. If you struggle to contain it come find me, I can share my master's teachings with you for a cost. Grandmaster, we should move along now."

Satele just sighed and nodded her head and they moved into the council chambers. Satele walked into the council chambers and sat in her seat in the centre. She told Xim to wait at the entrance to the inner chamber while she gave her introduction on why the meeting was occurring "Jedi Masters I have summoned this council session due to the arrival of a pure-blooded Sith who wishes to pay his respects to the Jedi order his master once called home. He has however committed a few offences since his arrival and a verdict on whether punishment is needed before we carry on, Xim please enter the chamber."

Xim entered the chamber as if it were a room in any old building and removed his mask and the hood from atop his face.

" I'm a pure-blooded Sith called Xim Taa, My master told me to come here to practice the light side of the force. Little did I know that I would find an order hanging by a thread, waiting for the empire to cut it, full of overconfident, pompous idiots. I'm 16 years old and have attained the level of mastery of the dark side only Sith lords can have, I have mastered the basics and advanced version of the Juyo form as well as the basic principles and understandings of the light side of the force."

Xim moves to where one of the hologram projections of a master is sitting and sits in the same seat. Orgus Din was about to scold Xim when Xim continued his speech "I care not for the Jedi order but my master cared for it a lot and due to his instance that I need the order to understand the light side of the force I appear before you to ask for a Holocron that will help me understand it as well as a private cave for me to meditate in. In return, I will tell you about the dark side presences around this academy that not even you guys could detect."

Xim just sat there after his speech and waited for someone else to pick up the conversation. The Jedi masters were stunned by this display, a pure-blooded Sith had just entered the innermost room of the Jedi temple and gave them a piece of his mind.

"We will give you the Holocron as long as you tell us who you are really and who your master really is as well as those potential threats that you have sensed. If you refuse to join the order you will have to sort out your own accommodation on Tython".

Xim began to chuckle at the decision of the council as he remarked "My real master is Jedi master Vandar Tokare, I'm called Xim Taa, my name was given to me by my master when I was thirteen years old. I know nothing about my origins other than what Master has told me. He gave me a little bit of knowledge about Revan to prove my authenticity, he said any good Shan family member would know it. He mentioned his son Vaner and how he went on to become a key player in the rebuilding after the Jedi civil war. I know its hard to believe but its the truth, Master Vandar has taught me for the last three years. I will take the Holocron now and I will leave to gain an independent home on this planet. The darkness you need to keep an eye on resides within a padawan called Kira Carsen as well as a hidden Holocron that has a large amount of the dark side seeping out of it."

The masters just nodded their heads and looked towards Satele Shan, she nodded her head and said "My grandfather was indeed called Vaner, I will take a chance on you and give you the Holocron. You must return it yearly so it can be inspected. You must not interact with any Jedi without our consent when you are on our planet."

Xim just started chuckling and said "You should ask your young knight what happens when people threaten me however we have made a beneficial trade for both of us. As long as your Jedi stay out of my way and don't come anywhere near my cave I will not interact with them. Any trespassers will be dealt with by my rules, not yours. I will also be using the lightsaber forge you guys keep hidden behind the ruins as soon as my understanding of the light side reaches the same level as one of your knights. If you have nothing else to say, give me the Holocron so I can leave".

Satele just sighed and gave the Holocron he asked for and before she could say anything he had left the council chambers and was moving rapidly towards the mountains. She turned around and began to talk about a contingency plan in case the young Sith brought trouble to the Jedi academy.

Xim had sensed their worries and had thought about making a show of strength but he was still below them in both force abilities and combat experience. He aimed to rectify that as soon as possible, the cave he had selected through his force senses was on the other side of the beautiful mountain pass. There were nearly 300 Flesh Raiders in between him and his new home, he drew his vibrosword and began to get to work.

His form from someone standing far away who didn't understand the simplistic complexity of the Juyo form would look sloppy at best however the actual sight was pretty sickening. Parts of Flesh Raiders went flying in every direction as his fast, ferocious and unpredictable attacks tore through them like a hot knife through butter.

As he arrived at the cave he selected he picked five sticks and stuck five heads of the fallen Flesh Raiders and placed them on the five sticks as a warning to the other Flesh Raiders. He also wrote 'This is the territory of the order of the Grey, any unauthorised persons or creatures found here will be at the orders mercy'. The message was written in Flesh Raider blood on the wall outside the cave. Xim then moved to the centre of the cave and said "Holocron display my status". His chest began to sting and a hologram version of himself appeared in front of him.

Name: Xim Taa

Race: Pure Sith

Level 0: 75exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 22 Agility: 25 Charisma: 10 Intelligence: 20 Willpower: 50

Skills: Juyo Form: 35 All other forms: 10 Force Mastery: 20 Dark side mastery: 30

Light side mastery: 15 ??? side mastery: 5

Abilities: Force choke: 20 Force lighting: 20 Mind Trick fear: 10 Mind Trick (Light); 10 Cure/heal: 10

{Attribute levels are base 10 for Padawans and then double from there. For example, Jedi knights will have base 20 stats and masters 40 however this is a fluid rule and there will be Jedi knights stronger than the 20s while there will be some like Xims friend who is weaker. This is just a base guideline so you the reader have some sort of Idea of Xims strength in comparison to other people.)

After Xim checked if he was ok after the combat he opened the light side Holocron and learned a new way to practice light side meditation, he had to close off all his emotions and feel the connection between him and the force. After closing the Holocron he entered a deep state of meditation.