
After completing 2 months of pure meditation in the light side of the force, Xim felt like he had a lot more control over it than he had previously. During Xim's closed off meditation, a few Jedi padawans began to make a name for themselves. One was a famous Jedi Consular who had a much better connection to the light side of the force while the other was an upcoming Jedi Knight whose marshal skill could rival anyone at the Knight stage of training as well as a few weaker masters.

Tensions between the Jedi academy and the refugee Twi'lek's camp has risen dramatically as the Jedi refused the Twi'lek's request of aid to deal with the Flesh Raiders that attack and raid their camp. This refusal led a force-sensitive Twi'lek known as Nalen, into using a Jedi order Holocron he found to teach him the ways of the dark side in an attempt to gain the power to protect his village and eventually to make Tython the homeworld of his people, removing the Jedi stain on the planet.

As Xim was preparing to leave his home and shelter he felt a strange power welling up inside of him. Master Vander after spending the last 2 months calming down after Xim's treatment of the Jedi order became alarmed when he also felt the new and unique power seeping out of Xim's body. He appeared in front of Xim and muttered"It seems you have awakened a new side to the force than the ones both the Sith and Jedi know. It seems to stem from your ability to control both the light and dark sides of the force while giving in to neither. If I were to guess what this new 'neutral' power could do, I would guess that it would give you the power to temporarily sever one's connection to the force, leaving them in a weaker state. I assume it will only work on those with the same level of force mastery or less than you. Other than this ability I suggest you attempt to meditate purely using this new power to help it grow and allow you to try and learn as much about it as possible."

Xim nodded and said "If this new power can be used to keep the other forces in check then I'm all for it, If I can develop it into a series of powers unique to me and my apprentices then it should give us a unique advantage in combat with the other orders. I would also like your input on developing the Juyo form into something completely unique that can be called its own form.

Master Vandar nodded his head and said "All of this is to come, go and meditate on your new power, we will discuss this more when you awake again." Xim nodded his head and placed himself back down in meditation.

While Xim re-entered his state of meditation, more alarming news arrived at the Jedi academy, a Jedi that survived the destruction of the temple on Coruscant, Bengel Morr had turned to the dark side of the force. Believing that the sacking and destruction occurred because the Jedi had grown weak, he travelled to Tython with the rest of the Order, accumulating the planet's native inhabitants, the Flesh Raiders, to help him in his quest to destroy the Jedi and recreate them in his own image. Flesh raider attacks began to occur on a much larger basis for both the Jedi and the refugees which forced Nalen to go further and further towards the dark side in an attempt to gain power quickly. For now, the Jedi academy was safe however this was due to the young Knight and young Consular thwarting both dark side users at every chance they had.

While Xim was meditating he had a vision of him using his new power to make buildings and people disappear from the galaxy, this would also cause major backlash to Xim however. He also saw himself fighting someone of the dark side of the force and the battle ending in a draw with both of them and one of Xim's apprentices freezing in time. He made a note of the dark side master who was old but extremely well versed in the dark side of the force and he appeared to control everything around him. He had a demeanour of a conqueror and the presence of an emperor, just his appearance made Xim want to kneel and swear fealty to him.

A month into his meditation Xim was forcefully awakened by the destruction of the land around his cave. He awoke and felt the strength of the 'Neutral' power had grown significantly. He asked Master Vandar what he should call this power in front of others and Vandar responded" Say it as it is, this is the grey side of the force in action, you are the first of the new order, it's master. It's time for you to grow yourself as well as any potential apprentices you see fit to carry on your mantel, It has been good teaching you Xim but it is time for me to rest now. I will appear again before you if you ever desperately need me, have faith in yourself my padawan, this is your era to take control. You are the balanced one, it is your destiny to keep the forces of the light and dark in check. My last gift to you my padawan is the location of the Taa's legacy vault which holds your families legacy as well as their ancestral gifts for you. After you finish your business on Tython, you must travel to Hutta under one of the huts clan building's is the vault your family left for you."

Xim got one knee in front of the feet of Master Vandar and said "Master I thank you for taking me as a padawan three years ago, without you I would still be on a small island catching fish with a stick, not knowing anything about the universe and how it works. I swear to you, my order will keep the balance between all factions for as long as possible and if balance is destroyed we will work tirelessly to restore it." Master Vandar just nodded before disappearing back into the Holocron.

Three months had passed since the day Master Vandar had disappeared and since then Xim's control over all three of the sides of the force grew quite a bit. He also began work on a new form of combat called the "Balanced form" which had the offensive presence and power of the Juyo form as well as the defensive power of Soresu. The form required ridiculous amounts of concentration and willpower to use correctly however if used correctly the user would become unbeatable in lightsaber combat. Xim also spent one month of his time negotiating with the Jedi Order to gain parts to make his own lightsaber.

As well as working on his personal combat ability he also began to look out for potential apprentices. His first thought was about the Young padawan he had met on his first visit to the council however she and recently been assigned to a master. So he changed his thinking and thought about trying to recruit one of the dark side users on Tython. After much thought and deference, he planned to approach Nalen Raloch about becoming his apprentice whenever the opportunity would present itself.

Xim's next plan of action was to fight his way out of home and head to the Lightsaber forge to craft his first lightsaber. He began to test his new abilities on the unsuspecting Flesh Raiders. He walked up to the first Flesh Raider and made a throwing motion will his hand directing it at the Flesh Raiders chest and it pierced his still-beating heart causing it to explode within his body. He then moved towards another Flesh Raider and swiped his hand right throwing the Raider into the wall of his hut turning him into a meat paste.

Satisfied with his growth Xim moved towards the forge at a rapid pace appearing there just after a confrontation between the young Jedi Consular and Nalen Raloch had finished. The Consular had reported Nalen's defeat and was about to turn him into the council when he was force pushed away from Nalan.

Xim approached the two before saying to the Consular "Let Nalen make a choice about where he will go, to join your order or mine. Just in case you try anything I'm going to temporarily cancel your access to the light side of the force."

The Consular began to run at Xim when he heard those words but before he could make contact with him. Xim began to slowly raise both arms up and then threw them outwards in the direction of the Consular. Before the Consular could even react he felt his connection to the light side was gone. He looked confused and shocked. He shouted" Who are you? That man is wanted for crimes against the order, we will take him in and turn him to the light side of the force."

Xim just chuckled at this and said" I'm the master of a new order, one that will stop both the light and dark sides of the force if needed. I will talk to this Twi'lek and let him decide his fate. Try and stop me if you can but I still believe your connection to the force is severed, no?"

The Consular rose and began to charge at Xim with his lightsaber drawn, Xim elegantly evaded the attack before force pushing the Consular into the wall of the forge, knocking him unconscious.

Xim moved next to Nalen and whispered in his ear "Listen to me, I will give you the chance to become my first apprentice. I will help you with protecting the Twi'lek settlement but in return, you will give your life to me and my order. You will need to swear on our code and failure to listen to orders will result in your death as well as the settlements. The choice is yours."

Nalen asked, "What do you plan to do with the settlement if I agree?" Xim chuckled and said" When our order gains a headquarters your settlement can move into it and work as servants with pay in it. This will give them peace, a place to belong in as well as the freedom they desire." Nalen nodded his head and said" I hereby swear on my life to serve my master and his order to my death. If I waver me the force break my being as well as those I care about."

Xim nodded his head and said" Nalen you are the first apprentice ever of the Order of the Grey. It is our duty to keep balance in the galaxy and restore it if it breaks. You will learn my own unique lightsaber form and how to utilise a new side of the force as well as both the light and dark sides of the force. The journey may kill you but I welcome you to the order. All that is left for you to do is repeat our code back to me. Repeat, We are the calmest light, the darkest blade, In peace and chaos we show the way, In the brightest night and darkest day,we keep the balance, we are grey."

Name: Xim Taa

Race: Pure Sith

Level 3: 800 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 30 Agility: 45 Charisma: 25 Intelligence: 40 Willpower: 52

Skills: Juyo Form: 65 Balanced form: 45 All other forms: 30 Force Mastery: 50 Dark side mastery: 45 Light side mastery: 35 Grey Side mastery: 35

Abilities: Force choke: 20 Force lighting: 20 Mind Trick fear: 10 Mind Trick (Light); 10 Cure/heal: 10 Force push: 20 Force Pierce: 20 Force sever: 30