As they were about to leave the settlement, Xim had a brainwave and asked Nalen if there was anyone in the settlement he was particularly close to. Nalen just gave Xim an odd look and proceeded to shyly point to a female Twi'lek. Xim nodded his head moved towards the female at a quick pace and whispered in her ear" Nalen identified you as someone close to him" this caused the female Twi'lek to blush and Xim to smile, he continued "I need to help with his training, what I will do to you will be extremely painful but please remember that I would never kill you. I need to do this to teach Nalen how to keep his rage in check. If you agree with this nod your head twice."
She nodded her head twice and began to walk towards Nalen with her head down assuming she was not meant to tell Nalen what Xim had told her. Xim smiled as he approached the two and brought them towards his new ship in the spaceport.
Xim muttered" Which one was it again, 3b or 3c, all of these docking platforms look the same, the numbers are barely visible and the old black coloured walls could use a repaint. Ah I assume the one heavily guarded by the Jedi Knights is ours. Have you guys noticed how all of the Jedi order except the ones christened in battle wear the same overbearing robes as me?"
The two Twi'leks were not sure how to answer the question and looked at the Jedi knights. Some did as Xim pointed outwear an elaborate brown robe while others guarding the port 3c were wearing black and gold battle armour and looked poised to face an army.
The Twi'leks just nodded at Xim which caused him to smile, he then moved in front of the nearest Jedi at a rapid pace and asked" Is this the docking bay that has my ship in it? I need to leave for Hutta as soon as possible."
The Knight just glared and Xim and snarled" This is the docking bay for an unruly Sith who brings dishonour to our order as well as his master"
Xim just smiled and said" WOULD you like to repeat that? I care not for your order but my master is a taboo topic. Nalan get out your training blade, Knight duel with my apprentice and if you win then I will duel you."
As Xim said this he got out his spare training blade and threw it at the feet of the Jedi Knight causing the dirt on the floor to fly onto his armour. The Knight grimaced at this and picked up the blade, he said under gritted teeth" First I will beat your apprentice then I will beat you."
Xim just ignored him and closed the distance between him and Nalen and said to him" Nalen I expect you to lose this duel quite badly however it is a rare chance to give you actual combat experience, you will lose regardless but I want to see what you have for a basis before you learn my ways."
Nalen bowed towards his master and moved six paces in front of the Knight who laughed at the skinny Twi'lek in front of him. In less than five minutes Nalen was on the floor unable to continue with the fight. The Knight had studied in Makashi which required the user to attack with precise strikes rather than those using strength or power, this allowed the Jedi Knight to attack the holes in Nalen's defence with relative ease.
The Knight basking in his glory went to attack Nalen while he was unable to fight which Xim didn't appreciate all too much. So he force pushed the Knight into the wall and went to pick up the beaten Nalen, while carrying him said" You did better than I expected Nalen, you didn't give in to the rage of defeat and also held on much longer than I expected. You remind me of myself before my master found me."
Xim began to heal Nalen using the light side of the force and told him to rest for a while with his 'Friend' as his training was just beginning. Xim went and picked up his beloved training blade and waited for the Knight to get up from the floor. Ever since the first duel began a crowd of the other Jedi Knights, as well as onlookers from the academy, began to swarm towards the action.
After 5 minutes the Knight managed to drag himself off the floor and said" Just like a scheming Sith to sneak attack me with the force as soon as you get the chance"
Xim began to laugh loudly and uncontrollably while he sarcastically said" I'm sorry brave knight, I feared that after beating my apprentice you were going unjustly strike him while he was down. I apologise, but it seemed like you were going too, I was just acting in the best interest of my apprentice I do hope you can forgive me. Let's get this duel started I need to go to Hutta as soon as possible."
The Knight took up the same stance as he had done when fighting Nalen which caused Xim to just smile as he launched himself aggressively towards the knight. He struck from all directions rapidly, quickly forcing the Knight to lose ground. When the Knight thought Xim was going to loosen up he struck towards his blind spot which Xim blocked effortlessly which caused all of the onlookers to be stunned and baffled.
There was no form that offered this aggressive attack style while having a complete defence. Nalen's eyes began to sparkle as he saw his new master's true form in action. Having shown off what he wanted to show, Xim went back to aggressive style from before, the duel ended shortly after that when the knight swung at Xim's left side which he dodged easily and swung at the outstretched right arm of the knight breaking it at the elbow joint.
Xim just retrieved his training blade from the whimpering Knight and brought the two Twi'leks inside of his docking port then his ship. He made last-minute checks before allowing a droid the Jedi had provided to fly the ship towards Hutta. While on route Xim planned to further train Nalen to keep his dark side in check and to do this, he planned to torture Nalen's love.
Xim walked into the centre of the ship where to two were waiting for him and said "Nalen I know you have learned a little bit about the dark side of the force however in order to learn from me you will need to master both light and dark sides of the force as well as the grey side of the force. The style you saw me use to beat the Jedi Knight is my own invention and you need to be able to balance all aspects of the force in order to excel in it. The first thing you must learn is to control your dark side impulses and this begins now."
As Xim finished his sentence he began to force choke the female Twi'lek which caused Nalen to begin to lose himself in his rage. Xim said nonchalantly "The more you give in to your rage the tighter my grip will get, in order for her to be released, seal your rage inside yourself to be used to fuel your power at a later time."
It took Nalen nearly 5 minutes to successfully seal away his anger but upon doing so he felt as if he could control his anger to a much better state as his master said.
As soon as Nalen had control again Xim released the female Twi'lek and began to treat her with the light side of the force. As he was doing this Xim told Nalen "You did well, she never would have died but to be able to control your rage in five minutes is excellent, take this Holocron I stole from the Jedi academy and go study the basics of the light side, you may not leave your room until you can use it to heal minor wounds and create something similar to a force push. If you fail to do so by the time we get to Hutta I will shoot both of you out of the garbage chute."
When he noticed that the female Twi'lek had regained consciousness, he smiled at her and said"You have done well, sorry for the poor hospitality, I hope you and Nalen live happily together, I won't get involved in your relationship unless it hinders his progress. Until we return to Tython to get the rest of your people, you can pick a room on the ship to stay in as your home."
She nodded her head and said," Thank you for doing all of this for Nalen, he has had a lot on his shoulders, giving him this chance as well as helping our people has given him hope in a better future for both him and our people."
Xim just smiled and told her to go and get some rest. He then pondered over what would be waiting for him in his families vault.
Name: Xim Taa
Race: Pure Sith
Level 3: 200 exp needed
Attributes: Strength: 37 Agility: 48 Charisma: 25 Intelligence: 40 Willpower: 52
Skills: Juyo Form: 65 Balanced form: 55 All other forms: 10 Force Mastery: 55 Dark side mastery: 50 Light side mastery: 45 Grey Side mastery: 40
Abilities: Force choke: 30 Force lighting: 30 Mind Trick fear: 10 Mind Trick (Light); 10 Cure/heal: 40 Force push: 30 Force Pierce: 30 Force sever: 30
Name: Nalen Raloch
Race: Twi'lek
Level 0: 100 exp needed
Attributes: Strength: 17 Agility: 22 Charisma: 9 Intelligence: 20 Willpower:30
Skills: All forms: 0 Dark side mastery: 20 Light side mastery: 0 Grey side Mastery: 0