
As both of the Twi'leks were resting, Xim began to explore the rest of the ship. From the plans, he found in the central computer and holo terminal in the centre of the ship he knew the ship had three living spaces, a cargo hold, armoury, maintenance room and a bridge. He began with the bridge of the ship, it had a lot more features than the original shuttle he took to Tython.

There were two black seats where the pilots would be sitting. Currently, it was being occupied by a golden droid that was moving the ship toward Hutta. There was a large window that allowed Xim to see space as the ship moved, the sight was mesmerising to the young Sith and re-affirmed his goal of protecting this beautiful galaxy. He completely forgot about the other areas of the ship as he strolled casually into the centre chamber and began meditating in all sides of the force.

A few days had passed when Nalen came out of his room, he saw his master meditating and silently moved past him towards the female Twi'lek's room. He knocked gently on the room and entered, he saw she was still nursing her wounds caused by Xim's force choke he softly whispered "Tasha, I would like to thank you for everything you have done for me, here let me help with applying the serum".

He slowly bent down and picked up the serum before asking her to lie down on the bed, he gently moved the shoulders of the shirt down, making sure to not hurt her. He then warmed up his hands and gently applied them around her neck, upon seeing the full extent of the damage caused he began to gently cry. He muttered" I promise to grow stronger so you and our people will no longer have to suffer. I promise we will be able to make a family in a safe area like we always planned."

He gently turned Tasha around and softly kissed her lips, moving his hands slowly down her body, he began to awkwardly fumble around her body while trying to not cause her and he slipped causing him to fall off the bed which caused a voice behind them to start laughing. Tasha just blushed and hid her smiling face into her pillow while Xim walked towards Nalen and lifted him off the floor and said "Chill out there Romeo there will be a chance to create your family in the future. You better have done what I asked or it will be the chute for you."

Nalen felt a change in the atmosphere and knelt at Xim's feet before saying "Yes master I have a basic grasp of the light side of the force, I can use it to heal minor wounds as well as create a basic version of force push."

Xim smiled at him and said "You have done well for a few days of training, the droid has informed me that we will be arriving in Hutta in 2 more days, continue to study the light side and try to increase your prowess, I have need for you soon. Maybe lock the door next time you try to create your family okay?".

Nalen stuttered out a response saying"Of course master, I will try to keep it private in the future, I will return to meditation right now."

Nalen hurriedly left Tasha's room while Xim lingered and said " I again apologise for any damage I may have caused you, you seem to be a good influence on him but make sure he keeps this stuff in private."

Xim smiled as Tasha visible squirmed at his words, after enjoying her torment for a while Xim moved back into the centre of the ship to continue his meditation.

The droid entered the central room to inform Xim that they had landed, Xim moved towards Nalen's room and told him to prepare his gear as the two of them were going to get access to a vault and resistance was highly likely.

He told Nalen to inform Tasha that they were leaving and to ease any worries she may have. After Nalen had done as he was told he and Xim left the spaceport and proceed to check out his surroundings, he noticed a natural smog that lingered in the air around him, in the distance he could make out a swampland littered with trees and small amounts of a weird grass.

He silently shook his head and checked out his closer surroundings and found a large marketplace with a mix of legal and illegal vendors. The smell of the place was enough to make one want to hurl straight away, Xim noticed a large number of people walking into a large building nearby and followed them in.

The cantina was vibrant and the music was extremely loud, Xim nodded at Nalen and went towards the bartender and asked for a drink as well as who to go to for information on this planet. The bartender just laughed and pointed at herself saying" I'm the one with the most information on this planet, what information did you need?"

Xim smiled and said," Well cutie, I need information on where the secret vault is under this place as well as who I need to kill to get access to it."

The bartender looked stunned before a flirty smile appeared on her face" You need to buy me a drink then have a talk with my boss, he is the Hutt who runs this town."

Xim smiled and bought the lady a drink and moved towards her lightly stroking her cheek before kissing her and moving towards the heavily guarded door. He looked at the guards before laughing and drawing his lightsaber and then he lifted his right-hand signalling Nalen to join him.

Name: Xim Taa

Race: Pure Sith

Level 4: 1200 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 45 Agility: 48 Charisma: 29 Intelligence: 40 Willpower: 52

Skills: Juyo Form: 65 Balanced form: 55 All other forms: 30 Force Mastery: 60 Dark side mastery: 55 Light side mastery: 50 Grey Side mastery: 50 Constitution of the watcher: 5

Abilities: Force choke: 30 Force lighting: 30 Mind Trick fear: 10 Mind Trick (Light); 10 Cure/heal: 40 Force push: 30 Force Pierce: 30 Force sever: 30

Name: Nalen Raloch

Race: Twi'lek

Level 0: 100 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 17 Agility: 22 Charisma: 9 Intelligence: 20 Willpower:30

Skills: All forms: 0 Dark side mastery: 20 Light side mastery: 15 Grey side Mastery: 1

Abilities:: Force Push: 10 Cure/Heal: 10

Constitution of the watcher: The user's control over all aspects of the force has resulted in a mutation in their genes giving them stronger physiques and longer life.