Xim walked through the crowd in a cantina with relative ease, everyone parted like the red sea giving him room to approach the guards. He smiled when he reached them, the low hum of his lightsaber drawing the guards attention, Xim asked with a slight smile on his face" Can I speak to your boss? This isn't really a question as either way I will be the only difference is whether you are alive before it."
The guards looked at Xim's back up and saw a skinny Twi'lek and began to laugh loudly before sneering "You and him are going to kill us and force your way through? If you back down I will put this act down to youthful bravado and let you still breathe."
Xim took a deep breath and looked all the guards up and down, their armour was a dull black one made of flexible metal, the insignia of their cartel was visible on the top right of their chest while they were equipped with flashy blasters as well as a new vibroswords on their backs. Xim smirked and told Nalen to take the one on the far right while he took the four nearest to him. Before the guards could even react two of them were being force choked by Xim and the other two had their blaster bolts being reflected back at them.
The two that were being force choked fell to the floor dead while Xim closed the distance between him and the guards using the blasters with elegance and ease. He gracefully dodged all incoming blaster fire before arriving in front of the two guards and slicing their blasters in half which caused a small explosion that pushed Xim slightly back giving the guards enough time to draw their vibroswords and enter a defensive stance clearly they were buying time for reinforcements.
Xim glanced over and saw Nalen holding his own with the guard and smiled at the sight, he was happy with how fast his apprentice was growing but he knew Nalen was capable of much more than his current display. He switched his focus back to the two guards while he noticed another group of five approaching down the corridor the other two were defending, Xim had an idea, he wondered if his force pierce ability could travel through people and hit multiple targets if it were aimed in the right places.
He then let the two groups meet each other and enter a formation that favoured his hypothesis and launched a force pierce through one of the guards with his vibrosword drawn and it pierced his chest and carried on travelling. The impact slightly skewered the aim of the pierce but it then pierced the heart of a guard using a blaster. Satisfied with the results Xim used force push to slam all the remaining guards in front of him into the wall creating a vibrant red paint that dripped off of the old black walls. The sight caused many of the cantina patrons to flee in fear of Xim and they ran out towards the spaceport to leave as soon as they could.
Following their death, Xim muttered a slight prayer "We all come form the force and may you return to begin your life anew."
He then strolled over to Nalen who had knocked the guard down and the guard was currently begging for his life. Xim approached Nalen and said"Let him go, we have killed enough today, in order to keep the balance we need to let as many live as we kill. We will inevitably kill more than we save however when there is a chance, preserving life is more important than taking it. I will begin to teach you the ways of the grey as soon as we reach the vault and return to the ship. You will need to study both the light and dark side of the force for one more month until you are able to channel the grey side of the force however I will teach you the principles as well as the starting moves of my form."
Nalen fell to his knees in front of Xim and said" Master I'm unworthy to learn your form, I'm grateful for all the opportunities you have given me and the teachings you pass onto me daily. You have given me life when I was about to fall to the dark side, I swear I will follow to the ends of the galaxy."
Xim just smiled and lifted Nalen up and said "You can thank me when your people are safe and sound until then bow to none, you are a member of the Grey. That is enough of these emotions for now, how about we go and find their boss?".
Nalen just nodded his head while Xim turned to the guard they were going to spare.
He used the Jedi mind trick to gain information about the Hutt in charge of this cantina, the guard muttered" The Hutt in charge of this cantina has a fascination with a ruin that is buried underneath it, however, there is a strange cube-shaped key the Hutt needs to open the last door. He can't seem to open it with anything be it explosives, blasters, the force or lightsabers. It annoys him to no end, that is all I know please spare me."
Xim smiled and said" Thank you for the information as agreed you may leave, I suggest you move quickly to avoid any more fighting. Nalen let's go to talk to this Hutt so I can get to my vault sooner rather than later. I'm sure you want to get back to making your family as soon as possible."
Nalen didn't know how to respond so he just shyly nodded his head at his master's words. They moved down the newly painted corridor towards a room at the back, a Twi'lek receptionist tried to stop them from entering until she noticed Xim was Sith and she sat back down. Xim turned to her and said," Things may not go well inside I suggest you leave the building until I come outside again."
The receptionist looked at Nalen who nodded his head, this conformation caused her to shiver and she retreated outside the building at a rapid pace.
Xim force pushed the doors open ripping them off their hinges and entered the room. Some guards began to ready their weapons before Xim smiled at them and said" All the other guards who attacked us are painting the corridor outside think carefully before you act. I want your slob of a boss to give me the ruins buried under here. He has 1 minute to decide before I take them by force. I noticed the bounty hunter and the agent with the sniper rifle on my way in they have forgotten about this place temporarily and will be unable to help you. 40 seconds left, I really don't mind killing everyone in here but I would prefer not to if given the choice. 20 seconds left."
Xim turned his lightsaber on and got ready to force them to submit when the Hutt ordered his people to stand down and asked"You know the vault is locked right? There is no key, how do you plan to gain access to it?."
Xim smiled and said" I have my ways however that is not important to you as you didn't tell me your decision with time left. Any guards who don't want to die can leave the building now. The 'Sith' standing behind me I suggest you back off too, I'm not against killing none pure-blooded Sith. actually killing any Sith is fine by me."
The Sith bowed and walked back into the shadows, assuming Xim was here on empire business, Xim smiled towards the Hutt who was now standing alone in his room. He edged closer and before anyone could blink the Hutt's giant green head was lying on the floor. his slimy body slumped over, the slime covering the floor and everything nearby except Xim.
Xim noticed a door covered in laser beams which he forcibly broke open and made his way down 3 flights of crumbling marble stairs. When he made it to the bottom he saw a large door, one side painted in a bright white while the other side was painted in a dark black. In the centre of the door was a cube-sized hole, Xim smiled and approached the door...
Name: Xim Taa
Race: Pure Sith
Level 4: 800 exp needed
Attributes: Strength: 49 Agility: 48 Charisma: 29 Intelligence: 40 Willpower: 52
Skills: Juyo Form: 65 Balanced form: 65 All other forms: 10 Force Mastery: 65 Dark side mastery: 60 Light side mastery: 55 Grey Side mastery: 55 Constitution of the watcher: 15
Abilities: Force choke: 45 Force lighting: 30 Mind Trick fear: 10 Mind Trick (Light); 30 Cure/heal: 40 Force push: 30 Force Pierce: 40 Force sever: 30
Name: Nalen Raloch
Race: Twi'lek
Level 1 300 exp needed
Attributes: Strength: 20 Agility: 24 Charisma: 9 Intelligence: 24 Willpower:38
Skills: All forms: 20 Dark side mastery: 20 Light side mastery: 20 Grey side Mastery: 2
Abilities:: Force Push: 10 Cure/Heal: 10