What is Xim Taa?

Xim moved up to the door and felt an excruciating pain cover his body, the pain spread as his heart palpitated, it was as if his entire body was rejecting its own existence. Nalen sprinted over to his master but before he could make it anywhere near Xim a voice shouted:" Only the one bearing the title of Xim Taa can access this vault and its teachings, outsiders must wait outside."

The words shot around within Xim as he had no way to process this information, he has no name only a title? Why did Master Vandar tell him his name was Xim Taa? Xim's mind was filled with confusion and he did not know what he was as well as who he really was. In his moment of weakness, Master Vandar appeared in front of him, just as he was reaching rock bottom. Master Vandar smiled at Xim and said"Young one you need to gain access to this vault to achieve your goals. This vault contains everything you need to make your order as well as the answers you seek about what Xim Taa is. Trust your Master this one last time."

Xim just nodded his head, tears trickling down his face, he looked up and said"Master you have never betrayed me and kept me safe all those years on the island. I will take this last leap of faith for you. Nalen stay where you are. this is just for me to enter, if I don't come out of there within 6 hours, leave me here and go back to your people."

Before Nalen could say anything Xim took another step towards the door and his chest began to bubble and his screams echoed throughout the building, they got progressively worse until Xim made it in front of the door where his chest completely opened up and the Holocron moved out and landed in the hole in the door, unlocking it for Xim. As Xim thrust himself off the floor and moved towards the other side of the door the Holocron re-appeared and thrust itself back into his chest causing Xim large amounts of pain, his screams continued as he walked through the door into a weird sort of reception, two of the walls were painted blue while the other two were painted red while the floor was painted grey.

As Xim walked towards the terminal a hologram appeared in front of him and said "Welcome, you are the current Xim Taa, I know this is a weird experience for you however the title Xim Taa comes from an ancient long-dead civilisation, the name translates to The Watcher. The Holocron selected you to watch over the galaxy and keep it in balance, the fact we are even discussing this is evidence that you are meant to be here. The old you died when you picked up the Holocron, I believe one of us warned you of the consequences when you did. You have been trained by one of the four masters within the Holocron, the next one will awaken when you have established a headquarters for the order. In the rest of the vault, you will find information and items to help you on your journey, We wish you luck Xim Taa and may you bring the required balance."

There were three doors in front of Xim when the hologram vanished, in his dazed state he entered the grey one first. At the back of the room in a glass display case was a lightsaber that drew Xim's attention to it straight away, he felt a compulsion to go and pick it up as he approached he noticed a plaque underneath it that read "The blade of the watcher, Bring Light to Dark and Dark to light, Lust to Chastity, Temperance to Gluttony, Greed to Charity, Sloth to Diligence, Patience to Wrath, Kindness to Envy and Pride to Humility.'

When Xim grabbed the blade he felt his hand beginning to burn, he tried to drop the lightsaber but it began to melt into his skin briefly when it had finished a mark appeared on Xim's hand. The mark was two lightsabers holding up weighing scales, by their blades, this caused Xim to be a little shocked however the terminal in the room lit up and the hologram re-appeared "You have gained the mark of the Xim Taa, that lightsaber can only be used by you, to your left you will notice the robes of the Watcher, the Xim Taa will always hold this position within the order. It is your job to watch over the galaxy and order, to judge when to act and when not to."

Xim nodded his head and approached his new robes, the robes were pure white however there were black highlights running through the robe, the cuffs of the robe were coloured grey. The symbol on his hand appeared on the top right of the robe with the words 'Always Watching' written underneath it. When Xim picked up the robes they began to glow in a bright white light and they then disappeared and reappeared in the correct size for Xim to wear.

When he put the robes on he could feel his connection to the force rise dramatically especially his connection to the grey side of the force. He could feel his abilities grow as well as ideas about new abilities swarm into his head, he understood it would take time to work through the jumbled information now coursing through his brain.

His next plan of action was to collect the lightsaber crystals on the wall next to the location his robes were and proceed out of the grey room. When he left the door to the room disappeared, he then entered the blue room and saw a room with six other robes and lightsabers. The hologram reappeared and stated "The first watcher deemed it necessary to balance his own council with the sides of light and dark. This room represents the good of the order, there are robes here for Patience, Chastity, Temperance, Diligence, Charity, Kindness and Humility. When you have found someone to fill the roles here the robes will appear in front of you. Currently, you are not aware of anyone who can fulfil these roles for the order. I suggest the Watcher moves onto the red room."

Xim left the blue room and entered the red room and saw 7 robes in the room alongside 7 lightsabers. The hologram appeared in front of Xim and said" These 7 represent the evil that must be committed to keep the balance, they are Wrath, Sloth, Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Pride and Envy. The only special case is Wrath, Wrath must be an apprentice to The Watcher and Wrath is responsible for carrying out the actions The Watcher sees fit. There is currently someone suitable to become Wrath, would the Watcher like to make Nalen the Wrath for the current order?"

Xim asked" I get to choose? I thought this would be decided for me."

The hologram said," You need to build a strong order that you can trust of course you will get the final say in who joins the council of the Grey Order."

"In that case make Nalen the Wrath however hold off on giving him the robes, he will need more motivation and skill before he can become a reliable Wrath for the order. Is there a way I can connect with the vault without being physically here?"

The hologram smiled and pointed at Xim's chest and Xim smiled and nodded his head. The hologram said," The holograms here can interact with the physical world, it is possible for us to get the robes of the Wrath to you when you decide Nalen is ready for them, We suggest making the headquarter of the Grey on a planet known as Dantooine, many Jedi and Sith have fought and died on the planet, making it perfect for you to use."

Xim nodded his head before muttering "Dantooine it is then, we will grow and rise there."

Xim walked out of the vault with his new equipment smiling and Nalen saw him and asked:" Master what happened, why are you wearing new robes and how did you get the new lightsaber?"

Xim just smiled and said, "You will understand soon enough Wrath, I mean Nalen, we need to get to Dantooine as soon as possible, that is where will we begin to grow our order and establish ourselves as a force to bring balance."

Nalen just nodded his head and expected that his master would tell him the details when he needed to know them. As they walked out of the Hutt's palace they were surrounded by guards and Sith. One of the Sith walked up to Xim and said "You do not wear the robes of our empire so it is safe to assume you do not align yourself with us, tell us what you found in the vault and hand over whatever it is".

Xim smiled, turned his new lightsaber on, the crystal emitted a blue light with a large tint of red running down the middle and swung at the Sith immediately severing his head from his body. Xim then muttered, "Shit I'm meant to represent an order now, got to give them at least a chance to explain themselves and surrender before I act."

Xim looked at Nalen who then proceeded to draw his vibrosword...

Name: Xim Taa

Race: Pure Sith

Level 5: 4400 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 51 Agility: 51 Charisma: 31 Intelligence: 40 Willpower: 60

Skills: Juyo Form: 65 Balanced form: 65 All other forms: 10 Force Mastery: 75 Dark side mastery: 60 Light side mastery: 55 Grey Side mastery: 65 Constitution of the watcher: 35

Abilities: Force choke: 45 Force lighting: 30 Mind Trick fear: 10 Mind Trick (Light); 30 Cure/heal: 40 Force push: 30 Force Pierce: 60 Force sever: 50

Name: Nalen Raloch

Race: Twi'lek

Level 1: 300 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 20 Agility: 24 Charisma: 9 Intelligence: 24 Willpower:38

Skills: All forms: 20 Dark side mastery: 20 Light side mastery: 20 Grey side Mastery: 2

Abilities:: Force Push: 10 Cure/Heal: 10