
As the shuttle land, the padawan escorted the three out of the landing bay and towards the centre area of the Jedi temple, Xim walked with a casual pace until he saw a padawan boarding a shuttle with her master. He found this weird given the current situation and moved towards them at a rapid pace, startling both Nalen and Lilith who began to follow him, Xim put himself between the ship and the two fleeing Jedi and asked with a curious smile on his face"Interesting for a Jedi master and padawan to run with their tails between their legs while their fellow Jedi are engaged in a life and death battle outside. There is something interesting with this girls connection to the force, it is as if it is trying to gauge my innermost intentions, it is a very useful skill to have."

Xims words stunned both the padawan and Her master who said" Her gift is indeed interesting but it will have no use to a Sith like you, I suggest you get out of my way and leave my padawan alone"

Xim smiled at the Master before turning to Nalen and Lilith and saying "Nalen you go and help the Jedi defending the temple, I know you want to go and help your people but that is exactly why you must not. Lilith head east after you leave the academy and go and help the Jedi at the Twi'lek village, both of you have work to do, I will join you, Lilith, when I'm done here. Nalen my clone will come to assist you shortly, off you guys go."

They both said" As you command master"

Lilith had already left however Nalen hesitated, Xim placed his hand on Nalen's shoulder and said" I know this hurts you but this is for the best, Lilith is your fellow apprentice trust her and trust me, I made a pact to keep your people safe and they will be."

Nalen nodded his head and moved towards the exit, Xim smiled and switched his attention back to the padawan and her master before saying" Hold on, my robes make it hard for people to see through me and my stance on the force, I will allow you to scan me and when you do and find nothing wrong your master can get on his knees and apologise for assuming what I'm like due to my race."

The robes vanished to reveal Xim's bare upper body which was slightly ripped due to his high level of strength, on his back was a large version of the mark on his hand. It looked like to had been seared on using a hot Iron and a template, he smiled at the padawan and said" Take a look at the insignia engraved into my back, it is the mark of my order, the Order of the Grey and you will join us eventually diligence. Ready to begin the scan whenever you are."

The padawan moved in front of Xim and extended her hand to his body allowing herself to get a better connection to him, this action coupled with the smile Xim was giving her caused her to blush slightly, she then jolted her hand back and looked at Xim as if he were an impossibility. Xim smiled at her reaction before saying" I am the light and the darkness, the dark and the light, the balance and I believe your master owes me an apology? I would also like your name padawan if you will allow me the pleasure."

She smiled at Xim and said my name is Jaesa Willsaam and it seems like my master has already left."

Xim smiled and said, "It was lovely meeting you and we will meet again I'm sure of it, until then keep an eye on your master, you are not the only one who can sense things."

Xim moved closer to her and kissed her cheek before moving away towards the exit, he turned around one last time to see Jaesa still frozen in place causing Xim to laugh as he moved towards the battlefield.

Xim summoned his clone as soon as he left the building and handed it his spare lightsaber and sent it towards where Nalen was fighting, Xim began to move towards the Twi'lek village, he missed open chaos and havoc, it reminded him of when he first came to Tython and had to lay claim to a cave in order to survive, he wanted to clash against his foe once more and began to increase his speed.

He arrived at the village to find it completely fine which confused Xim to no end, he approached a Twi'lek and asked" I don't mean to be rude but how are you guys all ok? I would have expected some Flesh Raiders to have made it here, never mind that you guys need to get ready to leave the planet, I have a place for you to settle where you will be welcomed and protected by those with power on the planet"

The people of the village ran from Xim in a state of pure fear, they thought he had come to drag them back to the empire in chains. The commotion made the sickly Matriarch of the village rise out of her bed slowly and go and see what the commotion was about when she saw a Sith staring back at her the rage she felt overwhelmed her. The Matriarch of the village walked in front of Xim and spat at him" The Sith have used our people as slaves for centuries and a pure-blooded dog such as yourself will have to drag our dead bodies back to your empire."

Xim had never been this badly insulted, he felt his rage begin to rise and almost consume him, he began to laugh uncontrollably as he aggressively walked up to the Matriarch and hit her in the stomach with the hilt of his lightsaber causing her to fall onto her knees in front of Xim, when someone came to help her up he began to force choke them however he refused to let them die, Nalen would get all his people out safely, just some more bruised than others. He walked towards the Matriarch and whispered into her ear" Nalen asked me to come here and save you, as my oath to him requires you to be alive when we leave this planet you will be, you are lucky however insult me like that again and your entire village will cease to exist not just you, you will clean the spit off my face and kiss my shoes before I even consider saving you. The reason the Jedi are even defending your pathetic village in the first place is me, yet you have the gall to judge me based on MY RACE? You are not worth saving however Tasha will be heartbroken if I leave you all here to die. Lilith come out from the shadows, I know you are there and escort the filth back to our ship, if anyone gets in your way kill them."

Lilith nodded her head and said" Master I know you are angry but she is seriously ill, kissing your shoes may kill her"

Xim sighed and walked towards Lilith and kissed her ferociously, backing her up against the nearby wall of a hut. As he continually kissed her, he began to grope her over her clothes, his hands lingered over her breasts and lightly moved them in circles before moving down towards her backside and massaging her two cheeks, her cute moan helped him regain his composure and began reigning in his rage.

He let her down and whispered "Thank you for allowing me to vent my emotions, you will be rewarded for your help as soon as we can be alone again, take these people back to the ship before I lose control again, just the sight of her is enough. I will join you after I have vented some rage, heard there was a battlefield near here, seems perfect to me".

Lilith smiled at Xim and nodded her head before helping the Matriarch up off of the floor and helping those who being force choked to breathe. Xim looked at the Matriarch once more with seething anger in his eyes before he disappeared, heading to the front lines.

Xim appeared next to Nalen and said" Your people have been extracted however I nearly killed the matriarch and two of her helpers, you will need to go back to the ship and calm them down before I reappear, I will be here letting out some emotions in a constructive manner, tell Lilith to come here as well, she can learn more about my form."

Nalen was about to speak when Xim interrupted him "They are safe however I may not be willing to have them settle with us if they can't change their view of me, I refuse to put my life on the line for people who view me with disgust, now is not the time for us to speak, go to your people."

Nalen nodded his head but his face showed the number of emotions he was going through right now. As Nalen disappeared back towards the shuttle, Xim turned on his lightsaber and began to get to work, he slaughtered hundreds of Flesh Raiders before they could even react, he mixed his lightsaber form with force pierce and his clone to create the perfect scene of destruction suitable for his to display his rage.

No blood fell onto his robes as they fluttered as he moved from foe to foe with speed and elegance, his clone mimicking his movements to perfection as they moved through the Flesh Raiders, slaying all of them in their way, Xim's lightsaber of The Watcher seemed to respond to his will, like a third arm being controlled by his brain. Xim and his clone smiled as they made their way towards the dark Jedi calling the shots at the back of the Flesh Raider horde.

Name: Xim Taa

Race: Pure Sith

Title: The Watcher

Level 5: 2200 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 55 Agility: 51 Charisma: 31 Intelligence: 40 Willpower: 60

Skills: Juyo Form: 65 Balanced form: 65 All other forms: 40 Force Mastery: 83 Dark side mastery: 80 Light side mastery: 55 Grey Side mastery: 75 Constitution of the watcher: 45

Abilities: Force choke: 45 Force lighting: 30 Mind Trick fear: 10 Mind Trick (Light); 30 Cure/heal: 40 Force push: 30 Force Cloak: 2 Force Pierce: 70 Force sever: 50 Force Clone: 30

Name: Nalen Raloch

Race: Twi'lek

Title: ??

Level 3: 500 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 35 Agility: 28 Charisma: 19 Intelligence: 28 Willpower:38

Skills: Balanced form: 30 All other forms: 20 Dark side mastery: 40 Light side mastery: 35 Grey side Mastery: 13

Abilities:: Force Push: 30 Cure/Heal: 30 Force pierce: 7 Force sever: 6

Name: Lilith

Race: Chiss

Title: ??

Level 3: 200 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 35 Agility: 40 Charisma: 39 Intelligence: 34 Willpower:38

Skills: Juyo form: 60 Dark side mastery: 40 Light side mastery: 30 Grey side Mastery: 10

Abilities:: Force choke: 40 Force lightning : 40 Heal: 30 Force Push: 30