Cleaning up the mess or making it worse?

Xim and his clone moved in tandem as they encircled and cleaned out as many Flesh Raiders as they could. To the Jedi Knights and padawans watching they seemed like a vortex of death, wherever they moved the space would be empty as soon as they blinked, Xim and his clone moving effortlessly through the Flesh Raiders also caught the eye of the Dark Jedi who began to get enraged by the sight of his army dwindling in numbers right in front of him.

He ordered the Flesh Raiders to fall back and focus on the other Jedi and their masters, he thought he alone was strong enough to challenge the mysterious duo who was ripping his hopes to shreds. He approached them looking for a fight, only to find Xim sitting on the floor with a look of boredom on his face while his clone was staring at the clouds in the sky counting them as they went past, they made brief eye contact with each other before Xim burst out in laughter, turned to the Dark Jedi and asked "Can you call the Flesh Raiders back, please? We were working on our synergy in combat and that can't be done when fighting you as we would kill you too quickly. At least the Flesh Raiders had numbers which dragged the battle out, all you have is a poor understanding of the dark side and a mediocre understanding of the Jedi forms."

The words that Xim spoke struck home with the dark Jedi and caused his rage to begin to multiply uncontrollably, he turned on his lightsaber and swung directly at Xim, when the blade was about to make contact with Xim's head it was forced back by a purple lightsaber in a beautiful hand.

Xim smiled and said "About time you came out of the shadows Lilith, how long have you been there staring at my work? Forget Lust, I should make you Sloth instead"

Before the words had even finished coming out of his mouth he was kicked in the stomach by an angry-looking Lilith, her boots had heels on them which doubled the pain that Xim felt. Xim began laughing on the floor before barely managing to squeak out" What it's true, you fight this guy, my clone will observe the battle if you fail all rewards you have earned up until now will be null and void however if you win"

Xim picked himself up off of the floor before embracing her from behind and slowly turning her around, staring into her eyes he softly whispered " We can do whatever you want, remember you have both sides of the force to tap into if you need to and good luck."

He gave her a forceful kiss before turning back to the dark Jedi and saying" My beautiful apprentice here will be your opponent, I have a horde to force back into the hills so I appear to be busy, I better get some sort of medal or statue for saving these idiots."

Xim disappeared and let Lilith take over the confrontation with the Dark Jedi, she took an offensive stance and threw herself at the Jedi not giving him a chance to breathe, she used force push on the ground to launch herself upwards. Once it the air she changed her angle on the dark Jedi and prepared to unleash lightning on him from two different angles creating a lightning vortex that surrounded and engulfed the dark Jedi.

Once the vortex was created she again launched herself into the air with force push before throwing herself into the eye of the storm and attacking the Jedi form above. She used what she saw her master use on his clone and swung her lightsaber with force before turning it off at the last second so it could pass through the dark Jedi's defence and she proceeded to turn it back on and cleave his arm clean off.

She then grabbed his lightsaber and threw him through the force lightning onto the ground outside the vortex, she went to go for the killing blow before the clone interfered stating" Master said to leave him alive, he has a dark side Holocron that master needs."

Lilith just nodded her head and searched the Jedi's body and found the Holocron was not there, she lifted herself to his ear and said"If you don't tell me where the Holocron is hidden, I will make you wish you were dead, I was a former Sith empire spy, I know how to make you talk and trust me, missing an arm is just the beginning."

On the other side of the battlefield Xim began to test his force abilities on the unsuspecting Flesh Raiders, first thing he did was use force pierce to create multiple projectiles and see if he could infuse with force lightning to bring out even more destructive power. To his surprise and everyone around him, the combination has been extremely effective, once the projectile had pierced several bodies or got lodged in one it would then explode causing lightning to fly out and damage more targets for a lot of damage, charring skin, bursting blood vessels and paralysing some.

Satisfied with his experiment, Xim moved back to solely using his lightsaber, in an attempt to perfect the subtle movements that his form required him to have mastered. He began to attack larger groups of Flesh Raiders so he would have to attack and defend himself in a matter of milliseconds to avoid taking any damage, this worked for a long time until Xim got sloppy and caught a force blast to the chin sending him flying back and landing on the floor with a thud.

He started laughing before yelling"My apprentice kicks me harder than that however your sudden ability to use the force is quite interesting, a shame you made me mad, studying you would have been fun."

Xim vanished and reappeared in front of the Flesh Raider that hit him with the force blast, grabbing him by the neck and disappearing again. He flashed around the Jedi grounds using his newly acquired shield to protect him from incoming blows while dealing significant damage to others using a mixture of force lightning and lightsaber techniques.

After his shield had taken a substantial amount of damage for him, Xim crushed its neck with his bare hands before moving on to attack more Flesh Raiders with his force pierce lightning combo. The pure amount of Flesh Raider deaths mixed with the defeat of their leader caused the remaining Flesh raiders to retreat into the mountains, seeing them fleeing Xim did not pursue them but walked towards his clone and Lilith instead.

When he arrived in front of them he walked up to Lilith with a smile on his face as she passed him the Holocron. Xim's smile grew even larger as he scooped her into his arms and princess carried her towards his ship, he had spent more time on Tython than he had wanted too and he still had the Twi'lek mess to deal with, as he was walking towards the Jedi academy most of the Jedi moved out of his way in pure fear of the monster they have seen on the battlefield, Xim smiled at this and thought 'I saved your asses again but all you see is a strong Sith who might turn on you at any time, well they are not wrong, all it takes is one wrong move from their order before they screw up the balance and have to be culled.'

A cruel smile flashed across his face for a brief second however it was caught by a few Jedi whose spines shivered and they backed away quickly. As he entered the academy he was stopped by Satele who said" Can you put her down so we can have a serious discussion? We need to talk about your extremely fast-growing power and how to help you control it."

Xim laughed in her face and said" So a Sith and his apprentices save you from utter defeat and annihilation, you don't say thank you but instead, you ask him if you contain his power because even though he has done little harm to you you see him as a threat. Well, Satele you can stick your containment up your ass and tell me all you know about Jaesa Willsaams then I will leave Tython forever."

Satele glared at him and said"Why would I tell you about her? What do you plan to do with her?"

Xim placed Lilith down and a smile that was not a smile appeared on his face as he sneered and said" If I hadn't shown up just now and defended your order it wouldn't exist tell me so I can leave this shit hole of a planet behind me. You owe me that much, I could be asking for a lot more than what I am, you have 1 minute to decide before I force it from you, on my own I may not be able to stand against you but two of me will be able to contain you quite easily while my apprentices do the rest."

Satele sighed and said" Jaesa Willsaam was born on Alderaan to Gregor and Parvin Willsaam, and spent her early life as a handmaiden to Gesselle Organa of House Organa. Her family was not wealthy, and her parents had hoped to increase their family's lot when it was decided that she would marry an Organa noble. But soon Nomen Karr recognised that Willsaam had a unique Force ability, the ability to see and effortlessly determine the true nature of other sentients. In her, Karr saw an opportunity to root out and dismantle the intelligence network of his longtime Sith rival, Darth Baras. At her master's behest, Willsaam was able to identify some of Baras' operatives on Balmorra and Nar Shaddaa. She has been moved to identify more operatives so we can get an advantage against the Sith."

"Thanks for the information Satele may I never have to set foot on this planet again, every time I have been here I have had to save your order from something or someone. I wish you the best and goodbye"

Xim then picked up Lilith in his arms again and headed back to the shuttle they boarded to get here, one problem down one more to go.

Name: Xim Taa

Race: Pure Sith

Title: The Watcher

Level 7: 6,600 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 60 Agility: 61 Charisma: 41 Intelligence: 44 Willpower: 60

Skills: Juyo Form: 65 Balanced form: 80 All other forms: 40 Force Mastery: 90 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 55 Grey Side mastery: 90 Constitution of the watcher: 60

Abilities: Force choke: 45 Force lightning: 50 Mind Trick fear: 10 Mind Trick (Light); 30 Cure/heal: 40 Force push: 30 Force Cloak: 2 Force Pierce: 70 Force sever: 50 Force Clone: 60

Name: Nalen Raloch

Race: Twi'lek

Title: ??

Level 4: 3400 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 40 Agility: 35 Charisma: 19 Intelligence: 28 Willpower:38

Skills: Balanced form: 30 All other forms: 20 Dark side mastery: 40 Light side mastery: 35 Grey side Mastery: 13

Abilities:: Force Push: 30 Cure/Heal: 30 Force pierce: 7 Force sever: 6

Name: Lilith

Race: Chiss

Title: ??

Level 5: 1200 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 45 Agility: 40 Charisma: 39 Intelligence: 44 Willpower:38

Skills: Juyo form: 70 Dark side mastery: 70 Light side mastery: 50 Grey side Mastery: 10

Abilities:: Force choke: 40 Force lightning: 70 Heal: 30 Force Push: 60