Ascension to the council.

After his interesting talk with Satele, Xim resumed carrying Lilith into the shuttle, once they had boarded, a Jedi padawan flew the shuttle back up to the spaceport Xim's ship was on. As he closed in on his ship, Xim began thinking of how to deal with the Twi'lek situation, in all honesty, he believed it would be better for them to go their separate ways from here on. He knew they would struggle to work with a Sith and he needed loyal people, not ones blinded by their fears, he knew he would lose Nalen as a result of this however he was not too heartbroken over this as he knew that their clashing interests would cause issues later on anyways.

He knew Nalen's heart was set on having a family and protecting his people, this was noble but if Xim's orders ever contradicted that then there would be no discussion at all, this would endanger Xim's ideals and the trust between the two. Xim went into the ship with this mindset and was prepared to leave the Twi'leks in a safe spaceport and move on to his more pressing concerns.

He and Lilith entered the ship at the same time to find the Twi'leks in the central chamber of the ship with both Nalen and Tasha, the Twi'leks moved away from Xim towards one of the rooms which caused Xim to mentally sigh, he moved towards the centre of the room and said:" I will drop you guys off at a safe spaceport and from there you can make your own way forwards, I was planning to settle you guys down on the same planet that I was going to build my order on however the fear you have is going to make living with you difficult, when things go wrong my rage may take over and cause incidents that will damage our relations."

Nalen was about to interrupt when Xim gave him a look that silenced him instantly, "Nalen I believe you should go with your people, your help up until has been great however your mind and heart will all ways be on your people and this will limit your commitment to the cause. I wish you and Tasha the best of luck for the future, that is all, our next stop will be our last meeting, I will wipe your mind of information about the order however I will leave your skills in place so you can defend yourself and your people going forwards".

Nalen and Tasha were shocked by Xim's thought process but before they could argue Xim walked towards the pilot droid and selected the destination for the Twi'lek refugees, Coruscant the capital of the Republic, this was the best idea he had for them. He walked back past the Twi'leks again, scooped up Lilith in his arms and moved into her room, he placed on the bed before saying"There is some serious stuff we need to get out the way, you are ready to learn about the grey side of the force, you must have felt a new type of power flowing through you, especially where the light and dark within you clash, this is the power of my order. I will pass on the meditation stance you will need to use to grow this power, now I will show you how to use this power as well as how to use my form, the basis of the attack side of my form is the Juyo form that you have studied already and the defence you can learn as we go. "

Xim threw a training blade to her and said" We will go over my form first, the key to this is to both attacks aggressively and unpredictably but have a near-impossible defence at the same time. You need to know when to attack and when to defend an incoming blow and switch to the opposite immediately when needed. You already have amazing concentration and agility but you also need willpower to successfully learn this form, now follow my movements and try to make them your own."

Lilith nodded her head and copied the basics movements for both attack and defence, she unlike Nalen was able to copy some of Xim's speed in the movements however her defensive posture needed a bit of work but Xim was very pleased with what he saw for her first attempt at using his form.

He walked up to her and kissed her saying "That was an excellent first attempt, now we move onto what the grey side of the force can be used, there will most likely be other uses but this is all I have learnt so far, currently I can use it to sever peoples connections to the force as well as pierce their bodies. I can also as you know use it to create a clone of myself that is able to fight like a slightly weaker version of me, there is a drawback to using the clone as it weakens your force abilities a little while the clone is in use. I will now show you an example of each."

Xim raised his hands upwards in a fast manner and then pushed them out towards Lilith, who stood there in a confused manner as she looked at Xim as if he was a god, her connection to the force being gone was a weird thing for her to experience but what happened next was also a surprise, Xim made a throwing motion and out of nowhere, she was pinned to the wall by her clothing.

Xim smiled and walked towards the pinned body before saying" That is called force pierce, it can go through certain objects and the force and the damage dealt is decided by me before I use it. You have met the other me, he was happy when you defeated the dark Jedi. We will meditate until we get to Coruscant and when the ship is empty except me and you, I will let you get your rewards from me all night, there is one last thing before we enter meditation."

"Hologram can you pass me the robes of Lust and her lightsaber, I have decided that Lilith will be our representation of Lust"

The hologram did as Xim asked and the robes and lightsaber of Lust appeared in his hands, he walked up to Lilith and said" You are officially being integrated into the Order of the Grey, your robes are here as well as your new lightsaber, the lightsaber may burn the symbol of our order into your skin, the robes will heighten your abilities in the force and attune your body so it can help you reach your potential. Here you go put them on and turn on the lightsaber."

Tears began to fall from Lilith's eyes, this was the first time that some would act for her out of love and it moved her to her core, she ran up to Xim and kissed him passionately before blushing and taking the robes and lightsaber into the bathroom. Lilith put the robes on herself and turned on the lightsaber and as Xim had said the lightsaber burnt the symbol of the order onto the inside of her palm. She felt the force run through her body like never before, she felt everything around her a lot more clearly, the joy on her face was not measurable at this point.

Xim walked in and admired the look of Lilith in her new robes, her robes highlighted all of her features perfectly, it clung tightly to her skin, showing off her perfect butt, the hood was designed to add to her beautiful face not take away from it and the skirt on the bottom half of the robes highlighted her long and slim legs. The feeling of being admired by the one you loved caused Lilith to feel extremely embarrassed and to cover up this fact she moved to Xim quickly and kissed him strongly before whispering to him" I love you, thank you for all of this, accepting who I am without prying into my past and adding me to your future means the world to me. I will follow you to the ends of the galaxy."

Xim just flashed her a satisfied smile before kissing her again.

Name: Xim Taa

Race: Pure Sith

Title: The Watcher.

Level 7: 6,600 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 60 Agility: 61 Charisma: 41 Intelligence: 44 Willpower: 60

Skills: Juyo Form: 65 Balanced form: 80 All other forms: 50 Force Mastery: 90 Dark side mastery: 90 Light side mastery: 55 Grey Side mastery: 90 Constitution of the watcher: 60

Abilities: Force choke: 45 Force lightning: 50 Mind Trick fear: 10 Mind Trick (Light); 30 Cure/heal: 40 Force push: 30 Force Cloak: 2 Force Pierce: 70 Force sever: 50 Force Clone: 60

Name: Nalen Raloch

Race: Twi'lek

Title: ??

Level 4: 3400 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 40 Agility: 35 Charisma: 19 Intelligence: 28 Willpower:38

Skills: Balanced form: 30 All other forms: 20 Dark side mastery: 40 Light side mastery: 35 Grey side Mastery: 13

Abilities:: Force Push: 30 Cure/Heal: 30 Force pierce: 7 Force sever: 6

Name: Lilith

Race: Chiss

Title: Lust

Level 5: 1200 exp needed

Attributes: Strength: 45 Agility: 40 Charisma: 39 Intelligence: 44 Willpower:38

Skills: Juyo form: 70 Balanced form:20 Dark side mastery: 70 Light side mastery: 50 Grey side Mastery: 20

Abilities:: Force choke: 40 Force lightning: 70 Heal: 30 Force Push: 60 Force pierce: 2 Force Clone:5 Force sever:10